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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. All systems go for the Peak star party ! Just breaking the gear down and packing it up for the journey.

  2. Climbing roof top after moon session and finder did 35m free fall on concrete. It's now on the desk in 5 individual parts.

  3. Just back from the docs...broken toe :-)

  4. Forecast looks promising - may as well go set-up in optimism :)

  5. Fascinating time around the Moon's Ocean of Storms tonight. Any suggestions of damping down wind vibration of frac on AZ4?

  6. Debating whether any point setting up tonight...forecast pretty poor.

  7. Pheww Clouding over...for a moment I thought I might have to do some observing tonight.... .Narrow escape if you ask me!

  8. First day off since weather got good and it's cloudy

  9. That overwhelming compulsion to peel off my skin and wrap what's left in a morphine soaked band-aid. .......anyone? ...just me? Oh well. :P

  10. That overwhelming compulsion to peel off my skin and wrap what's left in a morphine soaked band-aid. .......anyone? ...just me? Oh well. :P

  11. Think i need a new hobby, one that work and weather wont interfere with it

  12. Think i need a new hobby, one that work and weather wont interfere with it

  13. Think i need a new hobby, one that work and weather wont interfere with it

  14. It's so hot today. 40ºC and climbing. I deliciously melted while viewing the sun today. The tripod was impossible to carrying back indoors without my winter glooves on.

  15. Yay, getting TAL out tonight, bet this will jinx it

  16. new BST, coming tomorrow :D

  17. Telrad incoming, for the newt

  18. Got back this Monday morning from the best dark skies I have ever seen. Ever! Still in a state of shock. The days were fabulous as well, up in the mountains, clear skies, running rivers and forests.

  19. home from work at 19.15, then bed for 20.00 to get up at 0300 and do it all again, who in there right mind wants to be a wagon driver

  20. At last summer is arriving. Cloudless, perfect skies night and day :-)

  21. Great. Now the Skywatcher technician responsible for repairing my mount happened to be off work for weeks...just awesome!!

  22. Is now single.

  23. Reflector or refractor

  24. Refreshed by some glorious views of the moon.

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