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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. I think due to the continuing lousy cloud, i will be selling all my kit and getting a 120ED, makes sense

  2. I think due to the continuing lousy cloud, i will be selling all my kit and getting a 120ED, makes sense

  3. Shedload of clear sky incoming for tonite.

  4. Just fitted dual axis drives to my EQ5, jobs a good un

  5. Saw Mercury for first time in my life!

  6. Not sure if I'll stay up all night, but it's been a cracking evening. 2am, clear skies and still in t-shirt and shorts :-)

  7. First time I've loaded the 200p on to the skytee2.. so far it's at least as good as the eq5, just easier to use.. I'm happy with this set up I think..

  8. Sorry about my absence this week. I will make up for it this weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying the Sun this morning :-)

  9. Scope cooling - waiting for M13 to clear the trees :)

  10. Bloomin weather, been lovely all week while i had to work, now its pants! if only i could give up work lol

  11. Lovely evening: Jupiter, GRS transit, Galaxies, Double and just sitting back and taking it all in.

  12. Think we finally brought a house! Pre contract signed and deposit paid, looking good so far.

  13. Sitting in the sun trying to avoid burning reading a Briane Greene book. Absolutely a LAZY Sunday!

  14. If anyone has clear skies tonight and a little time, could they check out NGC 3190. I swear I saw a star in the line of sight, so it looked like the star was embedded within the galaxy. The strange thing is, I can't find any reference to the star?

  15. Very cool about the one way mission to Mars, heard it on the radio earlier! I'll have to have a good read up about it when I get home from work

  16. Jupiter looking fantastic tonight!

  17. Just for the record, DougM43 has very kindly loaned me his TAL100r to evaluate with the newer 100RS

  18. Wow! It's hot today. Perfect for the beach.

  19. Wow! It's hot today. Perfect for the beach.

    1. nightfisher


      freezing cold wind here, cold enough to freeze a brass monkeys, err fingers

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Lovely day to sit in the yard with a towel over your head!

  21. Yet another Astroboot order....skymax 127 black diamond

  22. More goodies arrived from astroboot....happy days

  23. Happy New Year to all

  24. Looks like the Dome to scpoe sync is sorted finally.

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