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Status Replies posted by nightfisher

  1. Clear forecast tonight ! Xmas had come early !

  2. Sirius-ly bright!

  3. Loving HA solar observing with my Tal based 100mm PST2 mod.

  4. Darn these clouds.......Just bought a Dob ! ! !

  5. Darn these clouds.......Just bought a Dob ! ! !

    1. nightfisher


      nothing to get excited about, its a 114p skyhawk f500 tube on a heritage dob mount, i only wanted the OTA but the dob mount will be handy for travel

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just joined the mob ;)

  7. Darn these clouds.......Just bought a Dob ! ! !

  8. Solar Saturday, and it's raining, ho hum! Gonna get desperate if it's a third blank weekend in a row! :-o Good luck, solar soldiers!

    1. nightfisher


      I cant remember last time it was clear at a weekend up here

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. Solar filters on order. Hope I have more luck solar viewing and imaging than I do the night sky.

  10. Skylight 4" f13 outside and cooling!

  11. Skylight 4" f13 outside and cooling!

  12. Feel like a change of direction with my astro equipment, but dont know what to change to

    1. nightfisher


      Have to say, im still tempted with the 150 f6 newt

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Feel like a change of direction with my astro equipment, but dont know what to change to

    1. nightfisher


      Phil, yes keeping the TAL, and staying with other gear, this all came about due to wanting, not needing a 150 f6 newt........but come to my senses as i just dont get enough clear nights to warrant more gear

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. In the last 12 nights 11 have been clear. Not winding up anyone, honest :-)

  15. Forecast keeps changing - promised clear skies postponed every hour on the hour :(. Scope looking dejected from lack of use!

  16. Stunning evening. Great skies and great session.

  17. I have just picked up a lesser spotted Quark from the post office!!

  18. finally sorted a newer car!

  19. new scope incoming! Watch the space!!!

  20. Scope's a cooling! Forecast looks fair! Beer's in the fridge, its Friday :) ! love it when a plan comes together

  21. Giving up for tonight - its like orange soup almost all the way up!

  22. Got my negative head on, finding it hard to stay strong with this continual cloud and or mist, i honestly have only used a scope about 5 or 6 nights this year, and people wonder why i want to reduce to just one scope

  23. Stephen Hawking is in Tenerife this week and they're just about to show his talk on prime time TV (translated, of course). Be back in an hour :-)

  24. Back on line! It is late now, so I will write more tomorrow. It's good to be back :-)

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