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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Hi, Am looking for two solid quality Losmandy clamps for a dual side by side set up...these look very good, does anybody have one so can answer me a few questions.....? Thanks in advance
  2. Perfect, many thanks...so it shows as M8 but I assume they are ok with M6 bolts as my rings used M6..? πŸ˜€
  3. Hello, Looking for one of these handles but can’t find it in the link you posted above....any ideas....or other suppliers you know of..?? Thanks
  4. Well the USB 2 ASI120MC and MM, do NOT work with ekos as it’s no longer supported, there was a firmware fix, but even that did not work, ASI don’t even support that camera anymore, but i realise yours is the newer mini version, but again there are many people that have issues with that one too with ekos...Stellarmate and Astroberry....☹️
  5. Relating to the subs timed out issue, Maybe the issue is with your hardwear and not the software as you have the same issue in different software set ups....just a thought....πŸ€”πŸ€”
  6. Am trying to get hold of some windows XP drivers for my SX MX7 colour camera, ☹️☹️
  7. Hi, is it just me or is the starlight Xpress website not available, I can’t access, I keep getting a β€œforbidden” warning coming up... www.sxccd.com thanks..
  8. I have these, they come with the much better mounts too, but like I say they are angled well down... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bracket-Weather-Protective-Adjustable-Security/dp/B07VDC5KW9/ref=asc_df_B07VDC5KW9/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=372465505664&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3335187366039013857&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9041125&hvtargid=pla-868213462687&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=79390522794&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=372465505664&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3335187366039013857&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9041125&hvtargid=pla-868213462687
  9. The thing is with the blink cameras, is that they are completely wire free, run from batteries up to 2 years and connect to house Wi-Fi...and the cloud storage for files is free too... it if fitted indoors though, then I guess connecting with wires is not so much of an issue....πŸ‘
  10. I have mine inside a light shade case, it stops the dew.... also they are angled well down as fitted 3/4 the way up the house....πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  11. I have four of the blink cameras all around my house...and do last a long time on batteries, but I use two of mine from USB as they are in high traffic areas...
  12. I have also used a Philips SPC900 webcam in the past too, as it’s excellent in low light, that worked pretty well too...and cheap...πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  13. No, not all all, it’s a tiny little red light on the camera, and as the camera is on the house, it’s always pointing at the back end of my scope...πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  14. What is wrong with the ones with IR illumination, I use this kind and it’s superb at night...? Mine is an Amazon Blink outdoor cam...
  15. I was talking to the OP, as he is using PS and asked the question, not you...sorry my mistake... πŸ‘
  16. I have the FSQ85 and no way will you get 44mm image circle, not without the new flattener for the 85 and a full frame sensor... You will get 30mm at best with native FSQ85 scope....πŸ‘
  17. As I stated above, this is all you need for gradient and vignetting removal it’s a sulerb PS pluggin... https://www.prodigitalsoftware.com/AstroFlatPro1_News.html
  18. Yes it is 16 bit, looks like a very nice camera...πŸ‘
  19. +1 for AAA Also there are a couple of other good plugins available too, the one I use a lot is Astro flat pro, it brilliant for removing vignetting and evening out background colour...also gradient Xterminator... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  20. Can I ask why you feel the need to replace the KAF8300, you have produced some excellent images with it, and it an excellent sensor, moving from CCD to CMOS....is a learning curve, and going from 16 bit to 12 or 14. May not be a good idea... Just my twopeneth..πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  21. Transfer to an external SSD hard drive, fairly cheap these days, with USB 3 connection...πŸ‘
  22. Those pads are meant to be fixed in place for the focus tube to slide on...so it will need fitting back properly...in correct position...
  23. Ok so if it’s metal then a magnet on a stick....should get it out....
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