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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Hi, So yes 4gb is enough, as both SM and Astroberry are 32 bit, so can only use 4gb of RAM, but for future proof you could get the 8gb version. Yes you will need an SD card, 64gb is good but 32gb will suffice. You won’t get one with RPI unless you buy a kit... You can also run it direct from an SSD drive from the USB 3 ports, but that’s for another day.... As for a case I use a Flirc case, they are metal with special built in heatsinks and keep the RPI nice and cool, these are about £16 As for powering I use a Pegasus UPB so not an issue, you will need a good 3amp 5v supply, so you can get a buck converter 12v to 5v..or you can get the official power supply for them if you ha e a mains socket available at the mount... If you Use Astroberry there are a couple of planetary capture programmes already built in, OACapture, and Firecapture...on SM you would either ha e to load these yourself, or use EKos which I know some people do...but I am just deep Sky... Hope that helps..👍🏼
  2. Hi all, I have a flexible motor couple on my Pegasus Motor focuser on my scope, but I notice now that Pegasus and some other motor focus suppliers are using rigid motor couplers.... My question is why, is there a performance or other reason for the move to rigid couplers...? Thanks Stuart 👍🏼
  3. I have had loads and loads of items from Aliexpress, and never once had any charges, and now the VAT is paid with the item, and had three items in the last two weeks and no extra charges...👍🏼
  4. Hi Peter, As a user is SM for a few years, I can say it’s superb. And you are correct about the ASIair it will only work with ASI cameras.. Now you have a few options here.. 1. Buy the full SM unit you are mentioning... 2. Jusy buy the raspberry PI4 and then you can just buy the SM OS for $49 and you have the same thing...as SM unit...easy to set up, and am here to help... 3. Buy a raspberry PI and then use the superb free Astroberry, which is pretty much identical to SM and it’s Free..!, this is what I now use...also very easy to set up and agin here to help... HTH 👍🏼 Stuart
  5. I use a shop on there called Astroshop...always been excellent and approx 14 day delivery....here is a link to all the ZWO stuff on there.... https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Astro-Camera-Accessory/1371081_271033720.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.42e453d1Nl8PVU
  6. Just an FYI before you go too far, the mesu does not work on INdI...the driver is incomplete and there is nobody working on it as there is an issue with the mount software that needs to be sorted beforehand....apparently it’s going to take a lot of work to get this to ever happen..... ☹️
  7. No problem... Yes most were flashing, but I did find a few that had different settings on the red light, and one setting was on all the time.... But your idea is probably better, although being able to spin the hat around and use the white light if needed, could also be useful for packing up....👍🏼
  8. Just received two adapter and a set of M48 spacers from Ali, all excellent, both the adapters were for my Tak scope M52 x 0.75mm to M48 and M56 to M48, as the Tak versions are around. £55 each, I paid £8 each plus £3.50 delivery😮😮 Could not be happier....👍🏼
  9. Are you having to send the 150 back too...? I have had well over 2.5k of Pegasus kit over the years and was always very good, and still use some....not sure what has happened with them, but the back up service, and some of the latest products, have not been so good, over the last 12 months...maybe lockdown has had some effect....
  10. Look on Amazon, there loads on there.....👍🏼
  11. Yes, they are available with white on the front and red in the back, used by cyclists, just wear them backwards and use red light....works very well...👍🏼
  12. Ok, it’s been a long time since I have used it as I hate windows, and am strictly Linux now...so obviously much better than it was...👍🏼
  13. Yes, it’s good, but I dont like the way that if you have a disconnection, it opens another instance and desktop when you reconnect, rather than re starting the same one, so you have to start everything al over again...
  14. I find RealVNC better than teamviewer...after having tried both...👍🏼
  15. Hi, I only had the 120 version, but don’t think the 150 is really any better...it’s certainly no where near on par with the one you have, but I agree being able to control with software was a bonus, but one I can quite easily live without...as I don’t tend to do my flats with scope on the mount anyway, I do them once I have brought scope indoors for the night...different I guess if you have an obsy and need it all automated... 👍🏼
  16. Also available here... https://www.astroshop.eu/flatfield-masks/geoptik-210mm-flat-field-generator/p,22810
  17. Hi, I had one a month or so ago, and TBH it was rubbish....no,where near bright enough for NB, and barely bright enough for LRGB, I tried to contact Pegasus, and they never even replied....so sent it back...and bought the Geoptik version and it’s great....and much cheaper... it’s not available here anymore, but it’s this one, and they do bigger sizes up to around 300mm https://www.amazon.co.uk/Geoptik-30B304-Flatfield-adapter-imaging/dp/B0184BQSB6
  18. The OP actually made a point of saying how nice the presenters are, as he had met them, so maybe your rant is unfounded....🤔🤔
  19. Wow, I guess the question was more silly than I thought.... 😮😀
  20. Hi All, This may be a stupid question, but it’s been on my mind. When imaging I use a Baader clicklock to fix my camera to my scope, Tak FSQ85, it I have noticed that many imagers on here always seem to have there cameras screwed onto the scope, using M48 or M42 threads. very often with a filter wheel....so is this the method that you all recommend, a fixed connection, or is using a Baader clicklock acceptable for imaging or are there any disadvantages I should know about.... I don't use a filter wheel, I am OSC, and the clicklock came with the scope... thanks in advance Stuart
  21. There looks to be some sort of strange pattern over the whole image....which again points to calibration issues...which TBH, is the best outcome, as it means the scope is good....and you can sort it.... 👍🏼
  22. Sounds to me like it’s a Calibration artifact......👍🏼
  23. Or it could be a calibration issue...what are the individual subs like...?
  24. Hi, I Have this same scope, and the flattener is only for full frame sensor cameras, it was included in the package as now sensors have got much bigger, and the scope was designed when DSLR sensors were the largest used, it saved a complete re design for Takahashi.... it’s not needed with the size sensors you are using, I have used DSLR, SXVR M25c and KAF8300, sensors with mine and all good, never used the flattener... Are the optics nice and clear, have you shone a torch in the end to check the glass that’s up inside the tube about 2/3s the way, and make sure there are no marks on the glass....?
  25. Used them loads of times, for smaller and more expensive items, I got my polemaster from there brand new with adapter for £160, I have had M42 and M48 spacers, all sorts of adapters, and always been very good.... But you need to make sure you use a dealer that takes PayPal, so you are covered, as not all of them do....it’s basically a Chinese Amazon.... 👍🏼
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