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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. I dont use the RPI built in wifi, I bought a USB 3 wifi dongle which is much more powerful and no issues with USB...
  2. Very useful video for many people....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ I bet you wish you could have ยฃ1 for every time you say the word collimator....๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. Agreed, this is what I use....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  4. There is a Stellarmate Pro Plus on the way, with power ports and dew control....still in the manufacture stage due to being delayed by COVID...
  5. I have been imaging for around ten years, and I already have a solid steel astroengineering pier on a concrete base with a 10 foot by 7 foot deck all around... I am not in the process of sorting out an shed build around that with either a roll off, or an open up in two halves roof...not sure which yet, the shed I am using is a 20mm T&G solid wood log cabin style, which was on offer at B&Q for just ยฃ300 as they are discontinuing them...it has a really solid well built door too with good lock, and 16mm T&G roof. It is only a 6โ€™ square shed as itโ€™s just to house the mount, no warm room as itโ€™s not needed...my conservatory is only 6 feet away and I have desk in there with full PC set up. More to come when it arrives and I start the build.... Existing pier and deck
  6. No, not at all, I donโ€™t think you are getting it...so please donโ€™t change anything, stick with what you have already, and ignore what I suggested above...it will mess up your system that you took so long to get working....I should not have said anything...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  7. Yes, but did you also connect with a network cable and find your 5ghz home wifi network and connect to that...??
  8. So you connected to the 5ghz wifi on your router instead of the 2.4ghz one..??
  9. Well Stellarmate will do all that and you can use the SM app on tablet or phone...SM is really just a paid for version of Astroberry, with more features and the APP...itโ€™s $49 for the OS
  10. Well you can use Stellarmate or the superb free Astroberry with an RPI on the mount and use the APP on a tablet or a phone...and much like the ASIair but will work with any camera and the Pegasus hub...
  11. You change them in the Astroberry Wifi settings, select your connection and then open the settings for it and you will see under one of the tabs the option of 2.4ghz 5ghz or Auto...I assume your home router has a 5ghz connection, most have these days...so you just connect to that...my router has both 2.4ghz and 5ghz, with slightly different SSID, so I can pick which one to connect too....
  12. Some powered hubs have been problematic, but most are ok, also you should try setting the wifi on 5ghz and channel 44 this work when having interference issues....as the USB 3 ports can have issues with the 2.4ghz wifi signal...
  13. And your point..?? That is still true, but I am now using affinity and itโ€™s even easier...and more Importantly is ยฃ24 one off fee, instead of ยฃ65 a year...so what is your point...?? You seem to really enjoy trying to wind me up and I would really like to know why this is...?? You always seem to hunt my posts out and try and trash them...you really need to get a life....
  14. I am just in the process of moving from APP, after a few years of use, and moving to Affinity Photo, after a week of testing, I find it superb and is a real all in one solution just like APP, The stacking tool seems so much more simple and easy to use and gives superb results...donโ€™t get me wrong APP is superb, but the difference in price is not to be ignored....ยฃ24 one off fee V ยฃ65 a year for APP....๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
  15. I have Just bought this AFFINITY PHOTO software and is it just me, but I find the new Astro tools with full stacking and calibration features superb, after trying a few stacks in it and watching a few videos... and also thinking of stopping my yearly fee to APP and moving to this, as it is a real all in one solution...am I on my own with this thinking...? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜€
  16. I have just bought one of these from B&Q in the sale for ยฃ300, solid 20mm wood, and more importantly a really solid door with solid lock...so will then convert the roof, but not sure which design I am going to use yet, roll off, or open out in two halves...
  17. Pegasus all the way, they are different beasts altogether....one is a complete control set up with software to control just ZWO cameras, bit also has a few power outputs, , the other is a dedicated power supply set up to just power all your kit, with dew control too...
  18. Certainly seems to be the OSC camera to beat, I have the SXVR M25c with same size sensor but CCD, I reckon this new CMOS will give that a run for its money....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  19. Yes they will work with windows 10 but will need the SPC900 firmware upgrade, and this can only,y be done on a windows XP machine, I have done many of them for people, so if you want to cover the postage I can sort for you...PM me if of interest...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  20. ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
  21. NO, just click on the wifi icon in the corner of your RPI screen and see your available wifi networks, and choose the one you want to use....same as you would on a windows PC, then put password in and thatโ€™s it...reboot the RPI with network cable disconnected.... Why would you need to create a new wifi network, you have a router in your house with WiFI so just choose your own network...I really donโ€™t know how much easier I can explain this....Iโ€™m struggling....๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  22. First of all itโ€™s Astroberry.local and NOT Astroberry/local secondly you should not need to put your SSID in, you just pick your home network from the list of available ones, same as you would on a windows PC....
  23. Super, thatโ€™s exactly as it should work...no messing...exactly as I do, but without the pinging....never needed to do that....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜€
  24. No, and all mine, I have flashed it over 20 times over the last two years, and itโ€™s always been as simple as..... thatโ€™s what had confused me, but I think he has had conflicting information, and maybe broken something ..โ˜น๏ธ
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