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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. If you have pulled two mains cables into the dome from your consumer unit, then best to create a ring main with them, rather than split into two... 👍
  2. That’s my point, it was released a week ago... 👍 https://www.tomshardware.com/uk/how-to/boot-raspberry-pi-4-usb
  3. It sounds like you had the clutch either too tight or not tight enough, the way I understand with the clutches on these mounts is that you turn the black clutch knob to tighten, then when just snug, back it off a small amount, the magnetic gear will keep it in place and prevent any backlash, the grinding you heard sounds like it was probably too tight...if used correctly the clutch system on these mounts is very good... HTH 😀 don’t give up....
  4. The RPi4 doesn't boot off USB3 yet but there is quite a simple mod that's available that allows the system to run completely off the SSD. I think you need to reword your post, as you have contradicted yourself by saying the rpi4 DOES NOT boot from USB 3 yet, and then saying that the rpi4 can run completly off an SSD drive, which is connected to USB 3.... 🤔🤔 The rpi4 CAN now boot from USB 3 with the firmware update in the link you sent....
  5. The thing is with any software, it will assume that when you first power up the scope is in the home position, weights down scope pointing at NCP, unless you have predefined a different position in the software... So your mount is an EC version, so it has encoders, this may well be the issue, I have them on my EQ8 but have them turned off all the time... So when you start Kstars and power on the mount, where is the red mount crosshair on the skymap, it should start on the NCP...? And how have yo got the mount set up at this point, with weights down and pointing at the NCP...?
  6. When you use the park command, and the scope parks with CW bar horizontal, switch off and move the mount with RA clutch released to correct position, then start up again and try it all again, and should then be good every time, for some reason park data has got skewed, also purge the “write data” before you save it... This only needs to be done once, not every session HTH 👍
  7. So what is extra on the G model...? As getting very close the CEM120 prices...
  8. Have you got the prices for the new CEM70...? 👍
  9. I guess the difference in steps is due to the lakeside being fitted to the coarse side of the focuser, and the Sesto on the 1:10 fine focus side, if the Sesto was on the same side as the lakeside it would be approx 18000 steps.... so still 7000 more.....
  10. Dont skimp on a cheap cover, I did that and it ended up costing me more.... go with Telegizmo 365 you will never need another one.... 👍 I do leave my mount head under mine all the time though..
  11. It will be more sensitive, and they are good cameras, I owned one years ago and it was excellent....I have since moved on and up in sensor size... sorry I have you the wrong info, I got the two camera mixed up... 👍
  12. Is this of any use to you, it’s not mine and I dont know the seller at all, but seemed it may be a good deal to be had... 👍 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Starlight-Xpress-SXV-M9-Mono-Astronomical-CCD-Camera-and-Guider-Head/153930727095?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055359.m2763.l2649
  13. If you google the Atik 314L mono, it’s the same sensor and there will be loads of info on that one.... 👍
  14. 😮😮 My OCD would not allow a mass of wires like that....
  15. Well, I put velcro on the bottom of my case and fitted it that way... 👍
  16. Hi Steve, the flirc RPI4 case it superb I use one with mine.... As for power supply the rpi4 needs around 4amps, I use a Pegasus UPB V2, this powers all my kit....so just one 12v power cable to the mount...Which comes from a 15amp 13.8v supply...Then I run Kstars on my PC indoors, and the rpi is just the indi server, so no need to use any Remote Desktop software...Astroberry works also exactly like this... 👍😮
  17. Hi Steve, No you don’t loose anything in fact you gain a load, as it’s an all in one solution, Skymap, complete imaging software, and platesolve Very easy, I use VNC viewer on my PC, but I only run the indi server in the rpi, and then Kstars runs from my PC in the house, and connects to the INdI server on the rpi wirelessly, so no need to use any RDP or Teamviewer unless you actually want to run Kstars off the rpi, which is also possible... Yes, ones you have flashed an SD card with the Raspbian image for the rpi, it’s quite simple with minimal Linux skills, I had none and found it easy..or you can buy the ready made Stellarmate OS which has it all done for you, it’s $49, this is what I use.... The best rpi is the latest rpi4b which is a much higher spec than the 3b+ And comes with USB 3 ports and 4 GB RAM HTH 👍😀
  18. Hmmmm, that only works with one brand of camera plus DSLR, all the others runs all brands.. 🤔
  19. I started with APT many years ago when I had my first DSLR, and found it superb and still like it, but then I wanted to be able to have the PC on the mount and just the one wire from mount to power, and control it all wirelessly, this could have been done with APT but I was really getting fed up with windows after the change to win 10, too many Ascom, COM port and USB issues with my kit. So then I discovered the raspberry PI with Kstars / Ekos, and have never looked back, a little raspberry PI on the mount controlling everything and Kstars / Ekos running from a Linux desktop 4k PC in the house..... absolutely superb....it just works and it’s all free open source software... 👍😀
  20. I use a 64 and you could use 128, also download a little programme that is free called “SD card formatter” it’s perfect as it can be a painful trying to format when there are two partitions on rpi SM SD cards and sometimes it will only format the Boot partition...I use FAT32 on all mine...then they will show on windows PC too, if you need to edit any files directly...like config.txt..
  21. Yes, I don’t have anything plugged directly into the rpi, and all into my Pegasus UPB, I find the less plugged into the rpi direct, works better when all working under imaging conditions.... 👍
  22. I think that’s only needed for the cooler and fan...the camera alone should work from a powered USB hub...👍
  23. It looks like the camera is listed there the three ASmedia entries...
  24. Hello, can you share a picture of your ekos profile, so I can see what that is all set at...?
  25. Do you know the actual locking nut we are discussing, and how thin the threads are...? Yes I agree on a normal bolt or grub screw....but on this occasion I have to respectfully disagree... 👍
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