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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. The Philips W7 driver...from the Philips website.. πŸ‘ only works in sharpcap up to V3 I think, but I also use on Stellarmate / INdI with no issues....
  2. You need the scope further forward than shown in first image, to balance in Dec, as ATM its all rear heavy, and to get RA balanced move the weight up the counter weight shaft to effectively lighten it...it may all work then... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  3. The counterweight should be nearer to the mount, then it may balance, it’s also better for the mount if you have more weight and have it closer to the mount head.. rather than less weight further away... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  4. Yes, about right with nine panel mosaic for full moon, but that would be through an 8” SCT at F10... πŸ‘ never tried through a frac or smaller f ratio scope though...πŸ€”
  5. These were done with the toucam pro II, through an 8” LX90, it’s a 1/4” sensor...not the best I know, but ok.. πŸ‘
  6. Yes, still works... and I have latest 2004 update... πŸ‘
  7. Yes I have one, but mine is the older SPC880 and I had to flash it with the SPC900 firmwear to work on win 10, as only the SPC900 will work natively without the firmwear flash....I also have an old Toucam pro II also flashed to work on win 10, they are great for lunar shots.. πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  8. They were asked online last night about landing in the water, during the live transmission and whether they would be landing on solid ground in the future, and the reply was that the margin for error was too great and as far as they were concerned crew dragons will always land in the water, just like the Apollo’s did....It’s just easier and safer all round....
  9. That looks like a heater ring for the sensor glass, to stop frosting....ASI made them for there early ASI1600 and other cameras....the thing you have ringed in red, it the power connector....the heater sits flat on the front of the camera, it’s very thin... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  10. There is normally a threaded hole in the end of Losmandy dovetails, usually in the centre, for a stop bolt to be fitted, all mine have these, and then a bolt should be screwed in to the front end, to stop it sliding out backwards... πŸ‘
  11. I think it should be measured from the back of the flattener...not the back of the small spacer, so you may have too much back focus there... unless the small spacer is part of the recommended 56mm, you will need to check that...
  12. Hi, and welcome, lovely part of the country, Cornwall.... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  13. Actually I don’t know at all....never had any dealings with ASI cameras, as have always been a CCD guy.... πŸ‘ I knew the 120 was 1/3” purely because my mate uses one..and heard him say...but will look it up...
  14. So what size is the 290 sensor, as the lodestar is 1/2” square, and the ASI120 is only 1/3”..?
  15. Yes, it is mono.... But I am not 100% sure yet, as I don’t want to end up buying twice....I have the scopes I wanted, and imaging cameras, which are both SX, one mono SXVR H18 and colour SXVR M25c...so want to make the right choice, but it does seem that the pixels may be a tad too big.... πŸ€”πŸ€”
  16. I have the chance to buy an x2 for a very good price, (Β£200) a bargain really, hence banging on about it... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  17. You said exactly that here.... β€œASI290 has 2.9um pixel size, while X2 lodestar has 8.2um pixel size. One is too large and does not provide enough resolution to be able guide mount like HEQ5/EQ6” so would a 1.5x barlow on the guide scope help..? I have to say your replys are far to advanced for me to understand....sorry but true....but thanks for taking the time to try and explain....but I need lamens terms... πŸ˜©πŸ‘
  18. So you are saying that the lodestar x2 has too larger pixels to guide an HEQ6 and EQ6 with a 60mm guide scope, yet many people do, and very well..so I am confused... If it helps I have the EQ8...
  19. Why do I need a pixel size of 6 micron to guide with my guide scope, which is 60mm 355mm, as the x2 lodestar with 8.2 still gives me a good sampling compared to my imaging scope, 1.33x.. see the example I posed above of my set up... and why Bin the ASI290 as that doubles the pixel size, so why not just use a camera like the X2 lodestar to start with unbinned..?
  20. Ok, you missed my point about the individual discussion with the other person on the thread....no worries....πŸ‘
  21. Yes I get that, but we were talking about imaging pixel scale not guiding....what is the point in imaging at less than 2 arcsec / pixel if the seeing will not allow, that was my point...? @michael8554 said I should be....
  22. Yes, but he was saying I need to image at 1 arcsec / pixel when seeing only allows 2 max... not guiding...
  23. This does not make sense, why do you need a resolution that is more than the seeing will allow, thats pointless... πŸ€” if your seeing will only allow a max of 2 arcsec/pixel why should you try and image at 1 . it’s the other way round
  24. Well I have no choice with that, as I have my imaging scope and imaging camera already....And seeing In the U.K. does not allow much below 2.0 arcsec/pixel anyway... My question was about the guiding part of it.... but thanks anyway...πŸ‘
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