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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Not if you buy the correct raspberry PI version... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  2. Any chance of an INdI driver for it... πŸ‘
  3. Hitecastro is now run by FLO, so maybe ask them... πŸ‘
  4. I’m a bit disappointed that IOptron only saw fit to put USB 3.0 on the more expensive G model, it’s a lot of extra cash to pay for the G model if you only wanted USB 3.0, extra, I think they may have messed up here big time.... ☹️
  5. Hi, im sure if you removed the old shaft, and find the exact diameter, you can source a new one, I did for a moonlite one a few years back, I just had to cut it to length... As for the damage to the collar....I’m not sure on that, other than replace it with a new one... πŸ˜€
  6. Hmmm, I have an mint EQ8 to sell, so I too will be watching with interest.... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  7. Hello all, I am looking for some information on the Altair Astro 80mm maxiguider, I have acquired one of these and want to start using, but first I would like to know a couple of things, like the backfocus length, and also what this thread is that’s use on the back, as I have a good quality helical focuser that I want to use, but his has M42 thread on, so if anyone can help, it would be much appreciated... πŸ‘
  8. Hmmm, don’t think they are a stacking defect, looks like flattener spacing, or sensor tilt issue, I get same on my scope, and it’s sensor tilt... Great image all the same.... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  9. Yes, also Grey, which is what I used.....and maybe good for your application....
  10. A rubberised roofing paint may work, I have used it on a felted garage roof, when the felt started to wear, it works very well, and stays very flexible, but provides a good waterproof finish... In fact it would be ideal for your application...it’s about Β£30 a tin and you would probably need two...
  11. Will that paint expand and contrast with the wood...? If so then all good... πŸ‘ as plywood does move a lot, with varying temps...
  12. Yes, in my experience no matter how good the paint, if there is movement in the painted surface, then it will eventually crack, then water will get under the edges, and then it will peel....πŸ™
  13. Paint on plywood will always peel due to the movement in plywood material....the temperature plays havoc with the expansion and contraction of the outer surface of the wood, unfortunately this is pretty much unavoidable, I would bite the bullet and get it fibreglass befor you waste any more time and money, and then still need to do it anyway.... πŸ˜€
  14. Actually the rpi will run 64 bit OS now the beta one is out....it’s not limited to 32 bit....and is not β€œslow” as you say... at all... πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  15. Hi, In a word no....not without altering the priorities...
  16. Hello, I have the Pegasus UPB V2 and it’s just superb, I have used the hitecastro offerings and TBH they are not a patch on the Pegasus products, especially the software, it’s very clunky... I also use the Pegasus motor focuser too, and I had the V1 UPB before this one...all excellent...as is customer support πŸ‘πŸ˜€
  17. Why not use the EQ8 autohome function, I use it with EQMOD and works a treat...
  18. No, don’t worry about it, the 4gb is perfect, I use RPI4 for all my imaging, and no need for the 8gb version, you would not notice any difference as all the software is 32bit, and so can’t really use anymore than. 4gb....I’m not upgrading... πŸ‘
  19. Why does it show EQ5/6 in the EQMOD driver when you have an EQ8...? Also have you got the encoders turned off on the EQ8.....?
  20. Already in stock at the PI hut... no need for back order.... https://thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b?variant=31994565689406
  21. Yes, that’s what I meant to say above.... πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  22. Hmmmm, Astroberry and Stellarmate are both 32 bit so can’t use more than 4gb anyway....unless some major changes are made to both OS’s.... πŸ€”πŸ€”
  23. Hmmm, No Limit... πŸ€” not sure that is correct, Especially on a single 2.5mm cable
  24. There is a filter, you can show whichever ads you want to see, for sale or wanted, or all... πŸ‘
  25. Well I dont think 5 sockets of each single wire is too bad, but for ten sockets....Personally I would use a ring πŸ‘
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