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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. If an adapter is out of the budget, i would search for a vixen dovetail bar, instead of the losmandy bar.
  2. Sorry Andrew. The “you” in the “ its a shame when you dont soak up” was not you as in Andrew. More like in a general sense.
  3. Would you have reacted differently if the headline of this thread was changed? Because it didn’t. My post was never to push some theories. It was actually a post because of his welcome line “Hello wonderful people”. That same welcome was used by a sgl member in another post. I asked that sgl member about Antons channel. He didn’t know him and therefore i posted this link. The link is never changed nor was the headline. I added a second link, only to show this guy is not a clickbait fool. the bitter reaction was on the present and never changed headline on this topic. Therefore my only conclusion was: or R-astro is very religious or he has his own channel. Sorry. I meant: No you are correct indeed. I could also not find any sensationalism in this guys videos. So i think you’re right. Thx for accentuating the video is a non-panspermia-theory-pushing video. lol no apologies needed. Its not that i take all reactions so serious😉 Thank you for that! So to make an end to this post, a post that was born after a sgl-er (by coincidence) used the same welcoming as the guy from the linked videos. I can only conclude that the panspermia theory triggers a lot of emotions. And although the chance is very small that the panspermia theory is correct, for me it equals all other theories about our origins, and therefore its just a matter of choice. I can understand that for some groups, this theory is impossible. I can only laugh when i hear why its impossible. Robin-astro, if can help me remembering the initial headline, please let me know. I might suffer from dementia. But as far as i know, an edited post shows its edited?
  4. No correct. Its not that i’ve lived under a rock, and suffer from some sort of lack of filtering the “clickbaits” from informative and objective info. I think the subject was a wrong chosen one. The achilles’ heel for some groups on this globe. But its a shame if you don’t soak up parts of his other info, just because you have an aversion to panspermia.
  5. Was wondering if any of you watched this or other clips from Anton? Forget the clickbait reactions, just watch an episode and judge
  6. Well, it should be possible if you calculate a bit more then just the movement on one night. Over a longer period, and with some very very delicate equipment, you have to be able to make a sort of estimation. But you’ll need some comparable objects incl their data. Its also late here, and english is not my main language, so sorry if it all sounds a bit off
  7. While searching for a keeper planetary eyepiece, i also saw this Tak being reviewed good. Although, i remember the reviewer mentioning some differences when used with prims vs dielectric mirror diagonals. Possible he also mentioned differences using different scopes. I hope to get a Toe soon. The overall satisfaction should be good, and give the best and easy to use experience.
  8. Having worked for almost 25 years now in all sorts of wood production, with different brands stationary and mobile machines, i think it safe to safe to say that each brand has some good and some bad products. I think it works a bit the same in all other categories. Best is to read experienced-user experiences for a partical scopetype. There are failed engineered products among almost all brands i guess.
  9. Maybe the plywood curves deform a bit under the weight?
  10. Last year i also found some astro related stuff on amazon. It was definitely a scam. A skywatcher eq6r for €395,-, new from a german store. It was visible on amazon for a couple of days. Never buy these offers please. I used google to find out Amazon is not 100% safe. They’ll delete it in the end but they cannot guarantee these sort of cowboys keep popping up with to good to be true items. In Holland we have had some of these cases recently. Items wrong priced by accident, and according to a law, the seller has the option to cancel, even if you already paid for it. If its paid and delivered, then you can keep it (grey area). Internet is a copy of the real world. Always be careful and avoid being tricked.
  11. Maybe this mount dates back to the time they used cubits. I guess its 1,1 cubit.
  12. Phytagorean theorem🤓 No neighbour, its from 70 to 110cm
  13. I had a deja vu when it was offered to me today. I am very sure i saw these ep’s last month. The green m.c. caught my eye but never paid attention to it anymore. Now i just cant find the website where i saw these. Hours of googeling “15 mm plossl mc” brought me nothing yet😕. Thanks for helping a bit out.
  14. Ok this is a very boring quiz, one question and you cant win a thing. Fill in the correct brand and press the send button. (i cant find it myself but i think its an Orion)??
  15. Good luck. Gloves? Tomorrow is Sunday😬
  16. I just received this very lightweight bar. It has 2 “camera” screws, so it attaches quite easily to the tuberings. And best of all, the adm mini dovetail systems fits. The bar is 300 mm long and around £8,- A very nice alternative for the much heavier adm mds bars. I suppose its strong enough for almost everything, i attached a handle to it that has to carry the whole telescope.
  17. Tonight was one to remember. First time i had the feeling my 3.5 mm ep wasn’t enough. Such a nice couple of hours. Sore wrist from my manual control cables🙂
  18. I went from 80ed to 70ed to 100ed to 120ed (in 6 months😬) to sell all previous ones and keep the 120. The 80mm was an easy to handle telescope. A Zenithstar, very short tube. The SW 100ed is around 900mm long. Same as SW 120ed. The step from 80 to 100 was a big one in tube and weight. Thinking back, i would skip the 100, and searched for a nice 120/130.
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