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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. I might be wrong but it used to be a paid version, the canon one. Lots of free tools will show the shuttercount. Magic lantarn does it, but also some websites will show the count when they’ve analyzed an uploaded picture from your camera.
  2. Sorry if my link touched your heartstrings and your other view of our origins.
  3. Its maybe more solid to mount the eyepieces, and let the scope hang
  4. There is of course always room for doubt, but read some more about it please. I might found the explanation interesting because of all options, this was always my favorite, most likely etc. And questioning theories is what makes it fun to think about. Otherwise life is so simple.
  5. This channel is really cool. Informative, short but well explained. I noticed some members didn’t recognize his welcome line, so decided to put some links on this forum. Here another recent clip.
  6. This is the shop I ordered from. Of course through Ali. Im not sure but I remember i first put them all in my shopping cart. When you select the right cap, dont do a “buy and pay”, but put them first all in your cart, and order all selected sizes at once from your cart. That way you pay just once for shipping, instead of shippingcosts with each separate capsize. For example: these 14 caps were £16,- incl shipping. Amoyca Microscope Camera and adapter https://a.aliexpress.com/_B1azRR
  7. And do have any idea about differences between normal barlows and ES barlows? Like the op opened this thread, will an ES fit in the binos nocepiece?
  8. MY MISSING TOPCAPS! Thx to China post registered air mail
  9. Nice to see this thread is a bit quite. Sky is open again🙏🏼
  10. You should have recognized this line!!! Great informative channel, maybe even the best https://www.youtube.com/c/whatdamath
  11. I thought your next line would be; welcome to what the math! 🙂 Cant tell whats the best eyepiece for a mak, but im planning to shop for a nice zoom ep. I hope to finally get rid of most of my plössl’s.
  12. My only paired ep’s are the ones that came with the bv. 20mm. I indeed screwed that barlow element directly in the bv nose piece. According to what you estimated, i would have barlowed 3.5x? Going further would make no sense probably. And im too inexperienced to tell how much it effect the view quality with such high “barlowed” magnifications. If the quality is affected, i might be better of buying a second of on of my 4 or 5 mm eyepieces to make a pair. But im stealing op’s question😬. Sorry.
  13. Hm ok. So you mean a normal x2 barlow element will possible not magnify x2 in a binoviewer? Thats interesting, because i used that x2 element tonight, in a binoviewer with the standard 20 mm ep’s. Switched to monoview using a 4 and 5 mm, and was actually asking myself if the bino wasn’t showing the objects the same or larger? Those 20mm’s were possibly not barlowed to 10 mm’s when you are right. But could they really bring those to 20mm’s to almost 5mm’s? And thinking of what you just said, is that longer gso 3x barlow maybe the same element as the 2x? With only the eyepiece further away from the barlow element? I was considering buying one of those, more to not having to buy all sorts of elements designed for that binoviewer. But it wouldn’t possibly have worked.
  14. Also was attracted by its housing and design. Their device can act as a nice mounting bar for guidecams etc. But all went very quickly away when the interior and capabilities were compared to asiair pro. Im not a salesman at all but if you have quite a good looking device, and read all these disappointing reviews, you have to step up your game and meet the required options the majority is looking for. Offer more functionality that users can decide to use, instead of less functions. Otherwise you will become the blackberry of astrogear. I think
  15. If you set up and the skies are not clear you won’t be very happy 😃
  16. I think we are lucky with the thread on these wo binoviewers. Thread seems to be a slightly bigger one of all available threads, and accept all items i tried. Barlows/filters etc.
  17. It might be me or the circumstances than. The last weeks i saw the slightly orange climbing dot through the trees, next to the the white lights of distant soccerfield. Last night they looked to be both white. Around 4 it was again recognizable and colors seemed to have returned. Although still definitely a lot more pale. maybe i have some sleep to catch up
  18. I ordered these caps last week, straight from the source, i have connections with the company. I mean i have the ali express app on my phone. Anyway, they arrived yesterday. 14 pieces for £16,- All the right sizes i hope, used a caliper on all my cap-less ep’s, and the seller offered all sizes in steps of a mm, but havent been able to open the package and check them. I had these caps already, and i guess they are also the standard cap for SW and Cel finderscopes. I’m not sure if i find these really flexible btw. The pictured caps, those i already had, are actually more sturdy than some of the original caps from various eyepiece brands. But maybe the molds are used with various grades of plastics/rubber, thát i dont know.
  19. Maybe its me but i was wondering why, in this case Mars, suddenly lost its color? Is it related to the conditions of the area from where you look to an object? Or do i need to go to Pearle tomorrow? sorry. Should have been posting in beginners section
  20. The second 100ED in a month. These microorganisms should have never reached earth😣. Do you have a picture of the condition of the glass?
  21. Kind of sad that this has to be done to two same branded items. If i were you i would send some pics to Skywatcher. The paint and resell value is totally ruined
  22. From that shop that better cant be mentioned again?
  23. Robindonne


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