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Everything posted by Chris33benoit

  1. Hi y'all, I was wondering if I would make a wise decision by buying a small refractor for my SkyWatcher Star Adventurer. My budget is 100-200$ (new not used). And I already know that WO Zenith and SW Evostar 72 is one of the best scopes (budget) there is but don't have the cash flow. I do astrophotography as a hobby like 3-4 times a year. My next pictures are from a Nikon DSLR camera with the Sigma 70-300mm F/4-5.6 lens. I did use a barn style tracker (NYX) for these pictures (no SW adventurer). So again I am asking for your opinions. My future scopes are (OTA usage only): - Celestron Powerseeker 80AZS 400mm focal length - Svbony 80mm 400mm fl - Visionking 80mm 400mm fl I know that the factor "tracker" is not fair in a way, I mean I will have better tracking with the SW Adventurer so unfair to say that it will beat the barn door tracker by a landslide. So will it make a big or light difference quality wise (pictures) ? And should I buy? Sigma VS Powerseeker. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. Just wow, nothing is impossible all right. I just saved 200$ I think by not buying some filters. I am stubborn enough to try and try again to shoot the Horsehead with only a simple Nikon D3200 camera. All I have is this (so far): (see pictures). Also a result like yours Nigel G. (Sub Dwarf) would be enough for me! No filter you say? There is hope! Nikon D3200 (70-300mm Sigma F5/6 at 300mm) Matrix, Vivid, Direct Sunlight, Raw, about 50 lights 8 sec each, Deep Sky Stacker, Gimp, NYX tracker used. No guide, no filter.
  3. Hi Proto Star just wondering how many darks and bias (if any) did you take for this marvellous image? I took 65 (30 sec) images last night and I don't have that quality of image, thanks again!
  4. Also it seems by that date and this website (timeanddate.com) the Moon was directly in the path of Capricornus. Would that be helpful?
  5. Thanks Mike JW, I don't remember the time exactly it was taking, sorry. But if you think that it is a star not a planet well that will be good enough for me Thought it might have been Uranus or Neptune. Thanks again!
  6. Hi all, I was wondering if someone migh have an idea if I have actually shot a planet (Neptune or Uranus) or star in this shot. I know it dates from October 28th 2017. I tried the online planetarium but it does not show anything. Also this [removed word] was taking when shooting the Moon in video mode through my Nikon D3200 DSLR camera. Thanks in advance. Meade Lightbridge 12inch no GOTO Nikon D3200 (video mode) ES 14mm
  7. Still amaze me how people comes up with those pictures of Orion. You capture all of it! Good job, like the colors, would be a nice picture to frame. Got the fever for the Hunter.
  8. Wow lot of work, cannot believe 42 min at 1 sec!!! Lot of patience keyboardBlondie. I though I had some work on my hands. I took 400 times 1.6 second for a merly 10 minutes lol. Good work, there is a lot of data in that picture for sure. Submit Comment dsSubmit Comment
  9. Waited all summer to shoot this beauty. Here is mine taken this week just before going to work. Nikon D3200, 50mm, ISO800, F/2.2 20 seconds single shot, NYX tracker. Never saw Betelgeuse yellow. First time trying a 50mm at that F/stop. I like it!
  10. Wow love those images of the Pinwheel. Makes me want to do the same. Good job!
  11. The NYX tracker (the one I bought) the rules of imaging are as follows (see picture/attachment.) There is about 100 arcsecond (113) of error when the tracker rotates. So they consider that we use the 2500 rules. For me with my 70-300 Sigma lens (@ 300mm) I should not go more than 10 seconds of exposure. Believe me I have tried hehehe. There is star trailing after 8 seconds! So I go under therecommended settings. Again that is why (I think) I should use a "fast" f/stop.
  12. I wish you a happy birthday. I heard too about the Takumar lens. My problem is that my tracker (NYX) is a barn door design. I cannot go more than 18 seconds of exposure (2500 divided by 135mm, rule of 500) if longer star trailing begins. That is why I need a fast lens...if that make sense But if at F/3.5 is what I supposed to get I will start my hunt for that as well. F/3.5 at 135mm is better than F/5.6 at 300mm (for my 70-300mm Sigma lens). Ebay here I come!
  13. I am shopping for a 135mm myself these days. I have the 50mm f1.8 prime and a 70-300mm f/5.6. I found that a lower fstop is better (light wise) for images. I wonder if the 135mm f2.8 (any brand) would be a chellenge. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks!
  14. Awesome thanks for the answer! :) This is the one I got so far. D3200 NYX tracker, no filter, darks and lights.
  15. Nice picture of M8, beautiful. Can I ask how many lights/darks/flats did you use for the Nebula? Do we need equal amount of darks and lights ? Thanks !
  16. Thanks alacant, I will tried that!
  17. Question. I have tried to shoot M31 with a DSLR and a barn door tracker. Here are my settings: 600 lights (5 sec exposure), 60 darks, 60 bias. What would you consider for a good ratio for lights/darks/bias. I use Deep Sky Stacker for the image (and finish up with Photoshop). Thanks in advance! Chris
  18. Love my dob! Never had a scope that big before. My wife built me a custom shroud and I thank her for that! Want to see more this summer.
  19. Nice shot indeed.
  20. I took a 6 min video with my D3200 Camera through my Meade Lightbridge 12 inch no tracking and used PIPP for the preparation for Autostakert. Used 14mm ES eyepiece too. 6800 frames later I got this :
  21. Chris33benoit

    2013-08-04 m31

    Wow, I want to buy one (I'm not crafty enough). Great results!
  22. Wow these are great pictures especially the Nebulae! I am far from those images but i am getting there. Would it be fair to say that using a dobsonian (mine is a Meade LB12) is a almost impossible challenge for DSO's? If you are using a dob for those pictures please tell me what I am doign wrong. I have too a D3200 from Nikon.
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