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Everything posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. Coldest I've been out was -11C. I can't feel my feet (Spina Bifida). I guess that's a silver lining.
  2. I see Equilibrium was mentioned. Good movie. I had been dying to see it. Then the TV premiere came along. Stunning visual effects or cinematography (not sure which).
  3. Haha. I have a Kiwi friend and he calls fish&chips...fush&chups.
  4. What, you mean you researched it?. Must be cloudy where you are.
  5. I completely forgot about The Dish. I do believe that I have it on dvd. Must give it another watch.
  6. Sci-Fi to budgie smuggling in 3 moves. We have a new record.
  7. Its actually an Australian saying.
  8. It wouldn't be my favourite genre. I'm more into thrillers and movies based on real events.
  9. In no particular order: Star Wars (the original trilogy) District 9 The Martain Close Encounter (OTTK) Rogue One Deadpool (as in X-men) Stargate I'm stuck now. I'd have to consult my dvd/br collection. Can we include tv shows?: "V" Mandalorian Star Trek: Discovey
  10. Myself and Lorna have decided that Japan is our honeymoon destination (either 2022 or 2023). Looking at these pics, I might just leave her there and bring back a nice Vixen refrac and a few EPs.
  11. Its a very sturdy pice of kit. It will last a good few years.
  12. I used to use a Horizon 8115 for my 20x90 bins. The quick release plate and pan and tilt handle developed a bit of slack/slip. I then bought a Ravelli pistol grip/ball mount and tripod. Its brilliant. It was a steal at the time. I couldn't resist.
  13. We still have our tree up. All the local towns around us also have lights and trees up. Its kind of a "movement" over here to help everyone get through January and lockdown.
  14. Excuse my ignorance, but if Astroboot UK are based in the UK, why are they not shipping to UK addresses?.
  15. You should have used the 24 hr clock in your opening line. So 9.21pm would become 21.21
  16. Its top of my list. I only have 3 yrs to wait. Lorna is taking me for my 50th.
  17. I showed Lorna the iron months ago. I'm too polite to tell you her response.
  18. A sprinkle of snow on Tues/Wed turned into a sheet of ice over the next few days/nights because of -4C, -8C. Today is the first time it thawed. Its a balmy 4C today. Lornas car was frozen solid. Couldn't get the doors open for ages. Bins frozen shut too.
  19. Concrete does store heat and release it at night. The was the weather has been since NYE, I don't think there's much to worry about. We hit -8C the last couple of nights.
  20. Artificial grass is another option. Its not cheap though. My back garden is covered with it. No mud, no puddles. The mats are a great idea. I'm a wheelchair user and thought about laying them on the lawn in my last house. I decided to move house instead.
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