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Everything posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. That's true. My contribution to SGL fails in comparison. Enough about me. Congrats John on 15 yrs of quality posts.
  2. In 40 yrs, I've never even observed a double, let alone split one. Off with my head.....
  3. In 4 days, it will be my 11th year here. I cant remember a single post of mine that was of any use to anyone. Take this one for example.
  4. 55 yrs old. All that time looking for E.T. I guess we can all delete SETI@home off of our computers.
  5. 55 yrs old. Maybe ET destroyed it to stop us looking.
  6. The huge radio telescope build kind of into the landscape?. Oh, I see now in the top image. It was the top of it collapsed into the dish.
  7. If you squint really hard, you can see the Moon.
  8. Great scope. Aston's book is really well presented and informative. His enthusiasm, takes me back 40ys, when I was about his age.
  9. I would show, but I'm sitting on it. My wheelchair. I dont know what you lot were thinking.
  10. Cloudy here tonight. No chance of observing.
  11. Can Humans possibly live there in the future?. No. Forget it. We need to be exploring habitual planets outside of our solar system.....if we are to survive as a species.
  12. Hands down...seeing Saturn and its rings through my first scope back in 2008. It was a 90mm refractor. I was blown away.
  13. I know. I dont understand it either if the universe is all expanding at the same speed.....how can the Milky Way and Andromeda "collide,merge". I suppose maybe size and gravitational pull play a part.
  14. Back to original Q. I've read a theory that the universe will expand as far as it can before retracting in on itself again. Explosion and implosion. It will be like a YoYo. Who knows.
  15. Combining is a good term. Any word is fine really.
  16. Symantics. You know what I mean. People living on Earth probably wont feel a thing. The night sky will change. I'm not saying overnight. I'd love to be here to see it. Best example of two galaxies colliding and passing through each other are the LMC and SMC.
  17. I thought it was millions. I know the Sun will die in about 4 billion yrs and take out all the planets between itself and Jupiter. Sure none of us will be around either way.
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