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Everything posted by Jkulin

  1. Please sign this petition, 50,000 Satellites is going to ruin your views: - https://secure.avaaz.org/en/community_petitions/SpaceEx_Starlink_Fifty_thousand_telecom_satellites_will_make_astronomy_impossible/?aVIigpb&newuser=1 Dear amateurs of astronomy. We are several million around our planet. If your observations suffer from light pollution, just wait what is coming. Are you, like our friends the professional astronomers, worried about the deployments of more than 50 000 satellites in low orbit? This deployment have already started by companies like SpaceEx Starlink, Amazon Kuipid, OneWeb, Globalstar etc. Isn't it already irritating having our observations and photos of the sky deteriorated by light pollution? With these >50 000 (!) satellites for fast Internet communications our observations will be severely compromised, perhaps even impossible. Please sign this petition and share it. Our cousins in the The International Astronomical Union (for professional astronomers) have already protested against these projects (albeit very humbly ) https://www.iau.org/news/announcements/detail/ann19035/ And now it's our time to stop this folly.
  2. Have you looked at the Moravian G4-1600, phenomenal reviews https://www.gxccd.com/cat?id=2&lang=409 Full format and would work perfectly with your Tak 106
  3. Hi Adam, I went for the motor focus kit for £95 (just checked my receipts) as I already had the Pegasus UPB or I could have used a number of controllers that I have that I don't use as the UPB dispenses with that anyway: - https://pegasusastro.com/motor-focus-kit/ I thought the Primalucelab-Sesto-Senso Auto Focuser was similar in that you still needed a controller for it or does it do away with that completely and just uses a USB connection direct to the computer?
  4. If you haven't already bought them, have a look at the Chroma, originally they made the filters for Astrodon, they are much cheaper and the quality is every bit as good as Astrodons, they are heavy filters 3mm thick so like Astrodons you'll need to allow 1.0mm for your back focus. I bought my NB Chroma 3nm direct from Chroma and saved about 50%
  5. Can I ask how you transported all your kit to Namibia, surely that would have presented problems on the aeroplanes?
  6. Thanks Adam, it would be good to see how it performs with the 383
  7. HI Adam, I have always loved the images from the epsilon 180,but many say that they operate at their best with a DSLR, but you seem to prove that it works with anything. Have you tried it with your 383 yet? How have you found the collimation?
  8. I make master darks and supebias's each year at -20c but personally will always take flats at the beginning of each session as dust bunnies can move, I only have a permanent pier and no observatory yet, but rarely change my OTA, but have found major improvements with fresh flats.
  9. I looked at this but chose the Pegasus focuser for just £100 from AA, as it plugs direct into the UPB and works very similarly.
  10. I would stack them separately and then use the dynamic crop in PI to align
  11. Nothing wrong with that Adam, anyone can look for faults in any image including the Mona Lisa. The details is great and you have tamed Alnitak. Now just get the colour combined.
  12. Hi Ian, I use SharpCap Pro with my Polemaster and it works superbly, When my new CEM40EC arrives I will see if that works with SharpCap as well.
  13. There's an old saying: - "There is nothing there in the dark that isn't there in the day" I used to fish a very dark spooky lake in Petersfield in the early 80's all on my own in the middle of a wood, I rolled up and set up in the dark for a two night stay under my bivouac. About 01:30 my buzzer sounded but nothing was there, I could see nothing it was pitch black and no moon, every time I tried to recast I heard a pingggggg followed by a sliding noise, scared the living daylights out of me as there had been a nutter in the area the past few weeks. It turned out the lake had frozen and the ping was the line passing through my frozen rod rings and the sliding noise was my lead sliding along the ice, so you see the old saying was right: - "There is nothing there in the dark that isn't there in the day"
  14. Fleabays ignorance sometimes shines in the wrong direction🙄
  15. OK I have got to ask, what people think of this 2019 Prusa i3 3D Printer DIY Kit MK3 Heatbed MK8 Extruder,Large Structure Size For £73.19 would it be a waste of time or worth trying? I thought maybe they were just selling the bed but they have confirmed "Our printers just need to be assembled to be a complete printable."
  16. I've had the 60EC and now have the 120EC and have just ordered a 40EC, I think that shows how much I like the iOptron brand, I was going to buy the 25EC which has a 12.3Kg payload and weighs 4.7Kg, but reckoned that for a mount weighing just 2.5Kg more I could increase the payload to 18Kgs which would cover most of my requirements apart from my 10" Truss and 10" Newt. For the money iOptron is a leader in its price bracket, the only thing you need to make sure of is that you keep up to date with the firmware as iOptron are constantly evolving. I've been using my SA for widefield but wanted a goto facility, so that's why I am changing to use the 40EC for widefield as well.
  17. Hi Steve, I thought there was a load more data there for 21hours of Ha and a quick stretch in PI and sure enough you have some lovely detail in there. I wasn't aware we could get this up in the Midlands, I'm going to have to research as I would love to do this, probably because I was getting confused with the Fighting Dragons. Lovely capture BTW.
  18. Ooops my apologies for the confusion, but the display driver issue could still apply.
  19. I've been on the latest for a while and have had no problem with it, I have black writing on a grey background as normal. Just wondering whether your laptop has had a display driver update as that could cause something like that, here's mine, I'm on version -
  20. Don, can I ask how you are getting the colour images in CdC, if I choose to download I just get the B&W, so I am just wondering if you have a different catalogue? Can you advise please? This really is a lovely image.
  21. What is the recommended back focus? For CCD's it is usually 55mm from the CCD to the flattener shoulder.
  22. Ahmed, you need to make sure that SGP processes a meridian flip before the commander software wants to, I have SGP to flip at 12 minutes past the Meridian and to auto centre after a flip, I can't check the settings in Commander as it needs to be connected, but as long as you set commander to flip after SGP then all will be fine.
  23. Excellent Steve, I have only just bookmarked this myself to do as a mosaic. This is really lovely and with such short exposures?
  24. Apart from my good looks and being charming and debonair 😎🤣😂 (And if you believe that they you'll believe the earth is flat)
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