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Everything posted by Jkulin

  1. I'll also add Steve that on BYA I never mentioned you by name or any indication as to who you were, you did that yourself.
  2. I'm not getting into a slagging match Steve, I believe you were economical with the truth, Indeed I acknowledged there were problems with the shutter and accepted that I needed to work on that, but I was never told of the totally rotten rubber dampers which had a major contribution to the banging noises which you did acknowledge after I pointed it out, The arduino board was hanging by a bit of velcro and the banging vibration caused frequent disconnections. The faded peeling treatment you applied would not come off indicating some other treatment other than just polytrol. I replaced the cambelt in order to try and resolve the banging. I acknowledged that I bought a second-hand pulsar dome and I had no further recourse to you, but I was very disappointed concerning the faults with the dome.
  3. And Image of the day on Astrobin Peter https://www.astrobin.com/a77z7d/😎
  4. Hi @tomato, it has taken me ages to find you post about the dehumidifier exit, I'm not plumber so can you advise what bits I need to create a similar exit from the dehumidifier, also where did you get the flexible clear tubing from? Many Thanks.
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  6. I have a number of CEM60 Firmwares as below: - CEM60_RA_20170505.bin CEM60_DEC_20161101.bin CEM60_Mainboard_20161101.bin Let me know which one you want and I'll send it to you
  7. Brilliant thanks Steve, yes I know where the Mac address is, did you need to enable wakeup in LAN in the Bias?
  8. Now funny how that was exactly what I was looking for Steve, I've downloaded it and will have a play as I am hoping once the new dome is up, to rarely have to visit inside, did you just have to set up the Bias to wake up LAN? I've been using Tight VNC on all my workstations in the office and around the home, no restrictions and it works on my PC, Laptop iPad and iPhone, connects via our DNS names or IP addresses farmed out by the server, and its free https://www.tightvnc.com/licensing.php?f=vc
  9. Hi Dave, I have never tried it without an internet connection. I can't check now as my Obsy has been dismantled, but I will check when I have it all back up and running.
  10. I use Tight VNC on my workstation and I use the app on my iPhone, it has worked perfectly for years now. I’m hoping that with new dome that I won’t need to go in the dome at all once I have worked out how to switch the pc on remotely. Similar to Kinch I have a Foscam, but switch off the IR during imaging
  11. Thanks Nigella, I could build it fine, but it worked out better on my back to let them do it. Don’t want to go fighting any more tigers🙄🥴😁
  12. Well today, I am absolutely shattered, I have had to remove everything that was bolted, screwed, soldered, channelled and glued etc. inside the dome so that it is bare, then thinking it would only take a couple of mins to get the matting up....how wrong was I? I started to get it up at 15:00 and have only just finished, it was very much akin to fighting a whacking great big tiger who's rear end had been superglued to the floor and you spotted a sixpence under it that you wanted!!!! My God what a fight to get it up!🤬 The original matting being previously used didn't stick that well, so when I changed it for new stuff, I really did give the spray can a really good dose of contact adhesive! So I have my lads coming round tomorrow to lift the dome off and help me separate everything, ready for Bob collecting on Tuesday. Pulsar say that they are aiming for the 21st September to deliver my replacement, so I have plenty of time to get the isolation sorted on the pier and rebuild all the electrics so that I can just screw them in. I plan to use NoNails to fix the battening up for the panel, hopefully that will hold things fine.
  13. Hmm, I own 2" Unmounted 3nm Chromas which are certified at 3nm so not sure where you heard that?
  14. Yep James, I've not tried in PI apart from pulling a Lum.
  15. Indeed that would be a time saving option, just one thing though, with OSC how would you compensate for G2V which I have found very useful. The only way I can see is to split the channels in PI then weight them accordingly in PixelMath?
  16. Hi Vlaiv, I've attached the pier drawings of my pier, the top part was designed to accept a Altair Astro Pier adapter, but it could be any adapter as long as it is drilled correctly. HTH JK-Model.pdf JK Pier Drawing.pdf
  17. Hi Adam, I only say it as my mate did it and I remember how much Ha he pulled out of it: - https://www.astrobin.com/370427/D/ But yours is truly a wonderful image
  18. Lovely image Adam, superbly processed, just a small comment...where's the Ha as there is usually loads in M33?
  19. I agree Carole, but not for now, I won’t say never, but I’m still exploring with mono CCD maybe on a travel rig it may have benefits, but I feel a long way to go yet.
  20. When I saw that I thought...chilliscope or deepskywest, I was delighted to see that you captured this from your own backyard. It is an absolute pleasure to see the perseverance that you have poured into this image. Well done.
  21. Indeed I was surprised that they had discontinued the Starmask, yet when I have just checked Starmask is still available as is DBE, which I would be lost without. I suppose that will be yet another update and reinstall 🤬, so as a precaution I have copied the entire script directory and if anything goes missing in future at least I can still install them. It really surprises me that although Juan has seen my post he will not reply and get into discussions as to why he takes this stance!
  22. I have yet to have a play properly Lee, I had Starnet already installed and use it, so including it was a good move, I understand people with Macs and Linus may have had a problem.
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