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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Looks very nice indeed, what a location. I presume for imaging? Or a mixture?
  2. Nice guy me 😉 Of course I now have a set of wooden Vixen legs that need a tripod hub, came with a Vixen Alt-Az mount thats not very good, but the legs are fine, funny how things go over time. By the way Ade, most happy I gave you the hub when I did and that you made fine use of it.
  3. A question for the AZ100 owners, I still hanker to be one. Has anyone left one outside on a pier and just covered? If so how is it holding up? I have no doubt it will be fine, but just asking.
  4. I have to say even a tripod can get banged into plenty on the way out of the house, from experience.
  5. Firstly hello Damien, welcome to SGL. Your question is far from silly, in fact its a regular question many ask themselves. The line the best scope you have is the one you use comes to mind and is so true. I have a 10" OOUK Dobson, its a bit lighter than the SW one, but not by much and a 103mm Refractor. The Refractor gets far more use, due to ease of use for the very reasons you ask about and to be honest, it doe not have to move far on my dedicated observing area. See picture. The other issue you mention is finding things, well I struggled with that as well in the past. The books advised are good and you even with many GOTO have to know some stars etc to align the mount. I suggest you wind back to basics for short while, book, binoculars and learn some of te sky, then it will be easier. However if you have bad light polution, then you may still need help, I did. I have a push to system on the dobson from Astro devices, so like goto, but you are the motive power. Hope this somehow.
  6. Welcome to SHL @heater Enjoy the scope when it arrives, ask questions and get friendly help from us lot No such thing as a silly question, when you don’t know, you don’t know. We all had to start from the same place at some point Astronomy is a never ending learning opportunity for most of us
  7. Great to be so active. That's the sun, not me of course. Obviously busy working and not solar observing at all 😉
  8. So after lunch ponder while I set up my afternoons meetings..... How tall can you build a Todmorden pier? and remain solid with a refractor on it for visual use? @Peter Drew?? Can you assist me with this please?
  9. Thanks Jeremy, I like the cunning plan about an ugly pier..... hmmmm.
  10. Firstly I am pleased to report that I live, and have not been bashed over the head. The 'little' issue of remember than pier has been discussed, it was an immediate I thought you made a mistake getting rid of it, which let's face it, was a good initial reaction. So I may be going down a pier route, but taller and go non dob at home. The reason being I just find the smaller scope and local conditions to me work better more often. On a observatory front, it was a lets see and we know what that meant from our Mum don't we! But pier first and then a wouldnt it be nice conversation again sometime later. So the Observing Pad is never done, and my call to loose the new pier shown to be flawed. But as I have said before this observing area is a journey, just like life with ups, downs and twists and turns. So new steel one, cast on a concrete one or a Todmorden? All I do know is it must be a top of peir at 1.3m + for the refractor/s I will use.
  11. Nice one, good to see you are still in the hobby. Look forward to some image when you do.
  12. Nice one, a decent pass wasn't it. Managed to track in my scope and see the shape better than before and then the new module tracking behind as well.
  13. Interesting question John. I can only comment that as per my signature I am a Visual Only astronomer of the most amateur kind possible. The simplicity, hassle free, utter joy of looking out is reward enough for me still. I can see why others like imaging or scientific use of images etc. we are all different after all and thank goodness we are. I bypassed any technology and struggled finding targets from my rubbish local conditions, I have a Nexus on the dob and am desperate for the same on a mount too, But that is technology enough for me. The joy of the look out from Earth upon the Cosmos in the company of the Badgers, Foxes, Norah the Bat and others, and the simplicity of it without too much hassle is the tonic I need. More imagers than visual observers, quite probably these days, but even imagers are known to own an eyepiece or three! Does that matter, not at all, we all enjoy our version of this fine hobby after all.
  14. Wonderful stuff. My Astro Club was discussing tracking the ISS only yesterday. I have shared this thread link with them.
  15. Nice to see Andromeda out and on the pier Steve, looks lovely. I did some blue sky Lunar last night, but wimped out from a late one, seeing was variable here last night. Sounds like a great end to a very pleasant day.
  16. But why? I quite like formation whellbarrowing during the night 😉 Thanks for your thoughts again Rusted,. The real problem of the next step to an observatory, rather than the pad is getting the green light.
  17. Thanks so far all for the input. No one picked up on the sliding roof and walls comment though? Something that crossed my mind is build a sliding roof observatory, but have the scope on tripod inside so I can set the dob up on the spot as needed, no pier here then....... your thoughts please
  18. Fine folks, a penny for your thoughts on my musings if I may. I have been pondering about the Observing Area and the direction it took; I have noted that loosing the pier was dramatic and has reduced my inclination to go out and set up, when I had a fixed spot I went outside and tried my luck with the weather far more than I am doing this year. So three thoughts / questions as much to myself as SGL. A mistake removing said pier or a step too few? If a mistake, how do I resolve this? If a step too few, more walls and a sliding roof? Just my thought process in public really, but appreciate any input folks. Mrs W is going to love this one when I drop it into conversation, I lived to tell the tale of pier build and removal, but... 😉
  19. Great images Michael. I have somehow missed about the Tri-Band scope, another thread or is this new?
  20. I know that routine, one daughter puts on the outside lights to see if I am in the garden GRRRRRR.....
  21. That looks a super set up as a whole, you are most fortunate. The scope in such fine new condition is indeed incredible fortune, enjoy.
  22. If the 30mm and 18mm APM UFF I own are a guide, the 24 will be superb, One day I will add the 24 just for the sake of it.
  23. Sounds a wonderful night and memories for all formed. The”she’s not my girlfriend” made me chuckle, have the opposite chant in my life a few years back. Sharing this hobby with others is such a pleasure.
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