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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I am doing the same John, but mainly Binocular or Eyeball views as the gaps have not been enough for a scope recently. I know I will only see this the once, so aim to grab it with enthusiasm, even if it is cloudy.
  2. I so look forward to this and the obviously clear night that will accompany the event 😉 This was one of my upcoming events that I included in my clubs Observing Highlights session, but accompanied it with the best by eye or binoculars as its so low down and may be a difficult one due to obstructions. I will take a drive out for a clearer horizon, following the rules in place at that time. Good luck to everyone catching a glimpse. I would add, its work a look now, they are notably closing and a thumbs width apart last night naked eye.
  3. I have the opinion that you are no comparing eggs for eggs here Keith, different technologies, different spots on the dial. The Hyabusa2 is a very big deal in its own right and not comparable.
  4. I have been following the mission with great interest, all exciting and a great achievement.
  5. Super images Nigella, great to see what a DS scope can do. Just looked them up and nearly fell off my chair, blimey that DS adds a bit to the price! I will enjoy looking at your images all the more.
  6. WL set up from earlier this year. As I was building the observing area changes up. My Vixen Ed103s and Lunt 1.25" Wedge with a Baader Continuum filter in use.
  7. Great thread Nigella, love what’s been posted so far. Of course it’s added to my desire for more Solar kit, enjoy my WL observing, but somehow feel I need more, the controlling factor here is money of course, so unless I win the lottery. Will dig out an image of scope in WL use.
  8. Managed to do it without a router, I got a decent rubber trim and its now done.
  9. Nice shot Paul, so thank you. I didn't get to get a look through the broken cloud today as too busy on jobs on my Van.
  10. Marvin, fully agree on both and I knew you did too. As you say we all have a favoured spoke and show enthusiasm for it, which is great. I am the present Observing Director at my club, I spend my club time encouraging everyone to get out and look up, be it DSO, Planets, Lunar or whatever floats your boat, I even encourage them to take images when they can and to sketch too. Not all of those are my spokes, but I encourage all the same as for some it is the spoke they follow or like. This hobby is great and very diverse, wonderful. Clear skies to you and happy January DSO hunting, enjoy.
  11. @Marvin Jenkins you shall be known as Naughty Marv from now on, Tut, Tut, Trolling your fellow Astronomers with these blasphemies. It sounds like you need a non Messier avenue to go down, perhaps you need to take up Cloud Observation as a penance 😉
  12. Glad it has arrived. On the packaging front, re-use is always my mantra, has been for years, Exporting of the clouds is a secondary but advantageous situation, however the clouds escaped the box before posting!
  13. Postie Pete has been with my recent Classifieds purchase.... My smile gave me away, he noted the grin and commented, More Astronomy Kit then.
  14. Aha, so the newbie may be AR2790, thanks Paul. I was out having a look today myself and could find no numbering.
  15. Thanks for the share, I was observing this in WL today from the UK. Looks like Sol is giving us some action at last.
  16. Aha, that's what your up to Dave, I await more news. Sorry @Stu, sideways direction on your thread, very nice to see the Telmentor on Lunar. Are these longer f ratio scopes with smaller aperture comparable or better than a shorter f ratio larger aperture, such as a 4" f8 or similar??
  17. Seated is good for me. I use an old MFI stool, I was bought it as a Teenager with a desk long gone by my Grandad. The stool has lived on and is 'The Observing Stool' for the Dob and the Refractor, its adjustable. I observe when seated, I grab a look when standing. (picture been posted before). This was during Lockdown 1, I like other may have expanded a little since! Even with 10-12,000 steps everyday!!!!
  18. Wow, what a small watch! Makes the 17mm look big 😉
  19. Now that truly is a Man and Woman on the moon! No missing that detail, but hang on I have missed it.... I will look more closely for you both next Lunar session.
  20. Sounds like quite the Lifetime purchase and all stonking kit, enjoy. The AZ100 is very much in my targets for future purchase as is the Planet Tripod. I do own a Nexus DSC and use it with my Dobson, what a nice easy to use bit of kit it is, transforms observing for me in my light polluted garden. The AZ100 and all whistles will be wonderful, enjoy it.
  21. I really like this image. An enjoyable part of the sky for observers as well as clearly imagers.
  22. As this older post was just liked after some years, I thought an update was due. The 10XW noted in this post was sold in a reshuffle and regretted after, but it sits with a fellow SGLer. I bought another this year and it impresses again, but so does the Morpheus 12.5 and my other EP. I now wear glasses to observe, so the longer Eye-relief is key as well as fine optics. All those in my present Signature meet that double requirement. In all honesty, the Morpheus is the XW's equal.
  23. Thanks John for the share, wonderful stuff from NASA. Orion our dear friend every winter. A favourite for me too and a long held Winter Favourite as well.
  24. Nice image and pleased you have obtained such a good feature set. I have observed Mars quite a bit this time round, but visually and seen similar in glimpses, we have been most lucky with Mars in 2020, something good about the year at least. I understand it was clear last night from local observers, of course I missed it while beavering away writing the bi- monthly Observing Highlights for my club next week, typical timing on my part.
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