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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Something about being warm, that keeps you inside, well it does me now.
  2. Lucky you Paul, we did not clear until much later and by then a warm dinner and sofa had captured me for the night. Thanks for sharing your images, most enjoyable. Am I turning into a fair weather Astronomer??
  3. Welcome and ask away, no thing is silly to ask, we all have to start our journey. You will find folks helpful and keen to answer, it may take a day for replies to flow. The one thing this hobby brings is an obsession with the weather, you will fall into this soon enough.
  4. Looks very nice, look forward to the first light report on how its performs. Looks very nice on the AZ4 mount.
  5. Its not a cheap China circuit board, Made in UK by DewControl, work superbly and don't drain the batteries.
  6. Postman arrived with something very special today The first DewControl Rigel Quickfinder heater, from Tim built after discussion with him Now available from DewControl
  7. I have to say if you are asking Why Bother, you may have lost the love with the hobby for now. But it is not surprising in present times and with the ongoing terrible weather. Things will improve all-round soon enough and then on a clear night, yes we will get them you will know again Why Bother, or I hope you do. As many others have done before you, we all have a dip with life, hobbies or work etc. but things work through. Good luck and Clear Skies for all of us soon.
  8. SD103s and a DSLR, was that with a reducer or the native scope? Please see my signature as to why I ask.
  9. @Albion What dedication painting your room to match the scope and mount or finding a room that matches the kit. 1 clear night in 3 weeks or so, sounds about right with new kit.
  10. Another vote for the 10", I have the one in my signature line. You in the right condition can really enjoy deep sky with 10" and bigger, but 10" is manageable, especially in two parts. But if you think it will be too heavy or awkward, the 8" is a lifetime scope for many. As to Coma, keep away from very wide field eyepieces and it should be no issue, however if you have astigmatism, then that needs correcting with glasses before you look through a scope, I know as what I blamed on coma was my own Astigmatism. Whatever you buy, get out look up and explore and enjoy the majesty and wonder of the sky above.
  11. Do you need to ask Peter? Obviously 100% cloud 2 minutes before and until 5 minutes after, then Clear Skies....
  12. Forget the Georgian, how about this 'Modest Shed'.... with a view and ventilation stack?
  13. I will diarise that date now. A great way to celebrate my 94th year, best keep healthy until then.
  14. Hmmm, if that's correct in Green Belt, then I have scope 🤣 for many more sheds and scopes
  15. Wow, great result and super fast response on site as well. Which Council are you under? As Dave says, a role model example for many other Authorities to follow.
  16. Indeed, I had missed that train of thought, So when is too many shed applicable then?
  17. Really 🤨? So roughly how many is too many? I think when you cannot find room, too many start to kick in....
  18. Welcome @darkly, the best feeling getting back after a lay off from a hobby.
  19. Its great when you do see them, not for me so far this season, but the best is yet to come.
  20. Lucky you Mike, clear sky, Happy New Year to you. I am still recovering from Covid, so not venturing outside presently, so thanks for sharing makes me feel involved.
  21. Typical that the weather turns for such an event, that’s UK Astronomy though. I and my household are isolating due to Covid, so I don’t feel like going outside if I were allowed to anyway, typical. However I did catch sight of them from my bedroom window yesterday after sunset, so that was good, really close now, so let us hope someone gets a cloud gap or better still a clear sky today and observes this truly once in a lifetime event.
  22. 15 years, that is quite something on any forum, congratulations and here’s to the next 15 + to come.
  23. Nice report John, a scope view sounds great, I did a quick smash and grab view with binoculars this evening.
  24. And I was expecting The Mandalorian with that quote! Nice scope, love the Man Cave.
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