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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. So how long until another pedigree joins the stable? Andromeda and Arcturus being opposite sides of the sky and all??
  2. Indeed an as well as rather than an instead of option.
  3. Nice to read and confirms what many of us with ED100mm scopes think, A great prtable sized and very capable scope size. Tempted to try a 120-130 ED now?
  4. If you get on witholut them and your present eyepieces you have done well. Longer eyerelief is needed for glasses and caused me a serious churn in my eyepieces. I find I cannot wear my varifocals at the scope due to the reading bit getting in the way, so have distance only when at the EP. That then causes grief reading star charts etc. My reason was astigmatism only and liking double stars, i could not see the closer ones over my astigmatism.
  5. Poor old Brecon, a week of cloud now predicted 😉
  6. You may or may not have seen this website article Steve, could be of interest to others as well. http://geoastro.co.uk/ae_refractor.htm
  7. Looking good Francis, in fact rather better than good.
  8. Thanks Steve, how does the Pentax compare to the Nikon in this price bracket?
  9. Steve, Interest now piqued more than you wanted advert for tube rings. My unasked question is now answered. When will we have to refer to you as f14+ rules one wonders? That auction site certainly can turn up a gem or two from time to time. I am now watching with interest and ask to join the queue for a look through it one day.
  10. It was the DeLites that unhinged me with my 1.25” TV diagonal. The undercut is probably no deeper than older TV eyepieces, it’s the angled bit that was snagging, ironic as it’s designed or marketed to reduce snagging..... snagging that does not happen as I was told.
  11. Nothing quite like sharing what we enjoy with others, The WOW moments are wonderful to watch. Nice report and glad you got to show another person some of the skies wonders.
  12. AR2860 is now quite a notable active area and well worth a look today if you can
  13. I think it depends upon several things, What your local infection rates are like, who's double jabbed, who's follwoing guidance such as hand, face and space etc. and how many youngsters who are not jabbed liley to be involved with this event you are thinking of. The bigger one is the behaviour local to you in general, anyone being cautious or has caution gone to the wind as in many places? Being outside is a winner, ventilation is king, but you will have common touch points and using the same eyepieces, the eye is a quick way in for infection after all. My cautious side wins and based on what I am seeing in behaviour, your idea is a good idea, but listen to your cation this time and don't do it.
  14. You are not prepared to take one for the team, tsk, tsk Jeremy 🤣 The resulting thread of 'Where do these lenses go?' would keep so many of us interested in any misfortune you might befall. I must point out I am not encouraging you to pull apart fine kit in anyway, i jest.
  15. That's great news Paul, sorry but no idea why you became Tony in my head
  16. In your case, do I need so many 60mm Taks? Obvious answer is no, but I can have one less by posting it to me, I try to help 🤪
  17. My trusty Olympus 10x50 DPS-1 have now been outgrown and I want better optics after 7 years of use. What is the next sesnible price point to step up to in Porro Prism Binoculars? £150 - £200 or higher to get a notable improvement? The Penta S Series WP look like a sesnible step, but step far enough? My heart fancies what were the LUnt 10x50 now APM but its a lot of money that the wallet does not hold presently. But I have a birthday next month and can hint and be hopeful after all. Your thoughts please if you will, not on my optimism on birthday presents.
  18. @wookie1965 Any news on your bins Tony?
  19. It’s good the Pan 24 and APM UFF 24 are so hard to make a call between Jeremy as I have on on its way to me. I replaced the Pan 27 with the APM 30 and I thinks it’s as good if not better and works well with glasses.
  20. I knew mentioning undercuts would keep folks busy for a while. Yes you have to adapt some items, but when spending good money, why should you? I still have undercuts on most of my eyepieces by the way, just not a fan, but I olny use alt az mounts, if I were a equatorial user, then my liking might be proportionaly higher.
  21. Very nice Jeremy, so how large is the herd now? And glad you have found a way to make the TV undercuts work for you.
  22. I think the newer, higher raked and deeper undercut is worse than the older one to be honest. I found they snagged in my Televue Diagonals more than anything else. As you say its a pesraonal thing, but something that grates and makes your observing less enjoyable had to be addressed.
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