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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Signed as 273 and has my fullest support I fully understand the suffering of others light spill to others property Also shared to my Astro Club
  2. Posti came yesterday and went away with my parcel ☹️ So I paid a visit to the Sorting Office and I have a parcel, very pleased with its content as finishes my short set 😁 OH and I cannot wait to share images after I go collect my other purchase tomorrow That will be good. 😀
  3. Hi John @HollyHound has the 16.5 at least a very early adopter and has posted on the forum. As has @Don Pensack in an initial review. I believe they have shorter eyerelief if you wear glasses than the 70 degree XW line. A reason I have bypassed them myself sadly.
  4. Ahh a Vixen Triplet, lovelly. Nice to see the comparison, they all look very well made and finished scopes.
  5. Very nice, very nice indeed. I fully understand the desire for such a fine scope, enjoy.
  6. Ceres got a section in my clubs monthly talk, what with it being locatable with M100 soon. Interesting little place is our Ceres. Thanks for your share Ags 👍
  7. Thank you @FLO for keeping this alive 👍 I salute you
  8. That is such a nice thing to do @Ratlet, you clearly must be in the Good Books, enjoy it while you can. I have a Nadira seat, but I relly on my own well padded posterior over padding, but I can see the apeal of padding to be honest.
  9. I think OOUK concentrate on mirror wave as a sales line to be honest, Mirrors vary across all makers and I cannot say my OOUK stand out. What does stand out is its supporting UK jobs and also the lighweight construction is a big plus. As to that HG8, I was curious on that one too.
  10. I too saw this listing and just thought, wow that's a beast and passed on by. But having read the above can see it was clearly more than a wow moment in reality. If someone anyone of us know was the buyer, please let us know and share some pictures.
  11. I had wondered if it had been quietly put away as a show. Clearly we are a very small niche hobby and to have a monthly televison programme is quite a luxury. Perhaps a luxury the BBC can no longer afford. Perhaps one of the pay to view channels might pick it up if it were cancelled. I do agree with @Macavity on too many channels, my dear old Dad said when channel 4 arrived it was 1 too many, well he would have been shocked by the never ending deluge of channels and repeats we can can while our lives away watching. Perhaps the S@N has become too broad with all the trips to Oz etc. and should focus back onngrass roots UK Astronomy?
  12. Nice to see you starting a new observatory Michael. Firstly the following is based on your images and the view provided. I do tend to agree with the side access for fence maintenance, is that a turning circle or hammer head behind the fence? If it is the rear fence could be lifted out on that side so allow the observatory to sit back. I look foward to watching the observatory develop from plan to use, good luck with it. Oh and I trust you get decent Lunar views from this spot.
  13. Just goes to show how personal kit choice truly is.....
  14. Ah bless, a proper party with the birthday girl smothered in cake. Made me chuckle as it reminds me of my two oh so many years ago smothered in chocolate cake on a Dad day. 1 year old already, wow how time flies.
  15. As a fellow Lunatic, that looks a great publication. I love publications from abroad, always differ from those I have, Sadly as an average Brit, I only speak and write my own language badly.
  16. Funny old world and shows how eyepieces are so individual. For me the 70 degrees does just work well, the 82 and above are too much, My eye needs a field stop to be just visible. That 12mm Delos to me would be just perfect. The Naglers are super and so much smaller in stature (makes no sense) so why not try one. An alternate would be to try a Morpheus 12, wider than the Delos. If only you were much closer you could try my Morpheus 12 and see how it worked for you. The difference in Delos and Nagler is probably size, weight and possibly balance with other eyepieces, Intry to match my line for balance as I like to swap about ep as I observe. Not my image and not exactly what I am talking about, but this image shows my train of thought.
  17. Well you live and learn don’t you, I had no idea Vixen even made a scope with a retractable dew shield. Nice scope Linton. If you search the scope and go to the Vixen Japan website you can download the instruction manual. Oddly it reads that tightening and loosening is both clockwise….depends upon extended or not. Makes no sense, but hey ho.
  18. Last night when I got up for a nocturnal visit to the bathroom about 2am, I looked out and it was fairly clear. For a moment I thought let’s go observe…. Then the warm bed called and I went back to the land of zzzzzz Now regretting my call as it’s cloudy again this morning, typical
  19. Does the overall height also have an issue for you? Clearly thats as important to stowed size in many instances.
  20. Nice one, great to see folks being recognised for fine images.
  21. Aha, so that is the F15 scope Dave, looks great. 👍👍 Something about classic scopes. I look forward to the first light report. Bet you are loving be able to say 'F15 Rules' once again...
  22. I knew you had the Maxbrights gents as I witnessed the purchsing, but wow they look nice. Dave @F15Rules was kind enough for me to look at his set during the ourchase frenzy 😉 and they are a well made item. Another temptation for future purchases as and when funding allows, which may be a while off for me. I will be most interested how Steve @Saganite finds the comparison between the Denks and Maxbrights. It was a pleasure watching others spend some money as always.
  23. I used to love my HR 3.4 and only passed it on in sympathy for a desperate soul, truly wish I had not done so, but story of my life.
  24. The unwritten rule of this hobby, 'Admire your kit more often than Use it'. That has worked for me over the past 30+ years so I think its a reasonable rule.
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