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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. The same as I have. Now more tempting than ever to have a try one day soon.
  2. Interesting to see a Lunt 40 being imaged with, which blocking filter size is it? I bought one last year for visual use, but I am tempted to try an image or two, we will see. The Lunt 40 is a sweet scope price wise and image wise.
  3. Looking good Mike, Mark ii may be 'The One' or I certainly hope it is for your sake. I await the paint, wood and first loading. Oh and just checking, Small Garage in American = Big space in UK terms?
  4. Magnus, so pleased on First LIght and such a pleasant test in not perfect conditions. Wonderful and I look forward to reading your future exploits.
  5. I am most sorry to read of this mishap to your property and indeed your neighbours carport, I am sure everyone is upset. Insurance wise, I am sure your neighbour will have a liability as it was the debris from the mishap they befell that caused your damage. Have you spoken with them on this as of yet, just so they have informed the insurer of the incident and damage to your property. Wishing you well with this.
  6. Nothing quite like a Vixen refractor in my slightly biased view. Those Vixens have something special and what a view they provide. Love my ED103 Lazarus, who has after a mishap risen to see another day or many days and nights to come…..but that’s another story.
  7. I have these as does my daughter now as well, very good image quality and lighter for a 10x50 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/opticron-binoculars/opticron-imagic-tga-wp-50mm-binoculars.html
  8. In answer to that question, I just cannot get a handle on that one just yet 😉
  9. Looks great Magnus, mind you just looking at it cradled in your arms made me quiver a bit. Mount it solidly and don’t miss off any stop screws l! Enjoy my surprise scope 🤣
  10. Is that a Uni 28 @Stu? Looks super with the mount on.
  11. I have always been tempted by the SG, but as I have astigmatism, I am not sure how this would work with glasses if at all? Enjoy your Japan exploits Joe, somewhere I would love to go, but as it involves a plane ride, would be doing it alone.
  12. Mark 2 looks interesting and love that it’s repurposed material. Look forward to the next instalment.
  13. That is a significant discount. I owned one of these a few years back, but sadly it would focus in my Vixen 103, something of a surprise with a Vixen EP and scope combination.
  14. In my diary already and look forwards to it and catching up with others from here too.
  15. This has set me pondering a double stack for my LS40 that I recently purchased, hmmm tempting but getting expensive.
  16. When I was playing, oops testing this yes it was South and level to start. And indeed you link to the mount not using an app as @Stu describes.
  17. Magnus, sorry that the Suprise is spoiled, oh well. Looks like you will have to make do with having to use it all yourself.
  18. I presume the reply you sent @Captain Scarlet was no, don't worry about it, please send it to Alan White in England instead.... 🤣 You know that is the right thing to do after all. Seriously, nice news and always uplifting to receive. I await the arrival with anticipation.
  19. Impressive imaged, thanks Nigella. By luck I had aquick look see at the right time, and its still impressive now. I love the Suns dynamic nature and being able to work from home and see it sometimes.
  20. Paul, thanks for this post, made me go for comet C/2022/ E3 ZTF with my 4" tonight, was abit tough with the Moon and also directly overhead, but contortions done, my knees will charge me tomorrow, but so nice in the scope over Binoculars.| Then had a good old play with my Baader diagnal and Binoviewer trying for focus without a barlow, but close, but no cigar. Work in progress I think. Just wish my 10" dobson was up and running as I expect the Comet would have been even better.
  21. Welcome to SGL, the home of UK Cloud Appreciation 😉
  22. Just remeber that the cloud does not read the forecast and cuts its own deal. Sometimes its spot on, most of the time not as the forecast it is based upon is not correct **refer to line above**
  23. My helical out of the box didnt work, it was broken on arrival, so I was unlucky. I have experienced far finer engineered helical focusers and they are superb. As you say, you get what you pay for.
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