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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Nice addition to the Binoculars, they will compliment each other well. As for the clouds, well they are far to frequent anyway. Enjoy a telescopic view.
  2. So sorry that you have had a similar fate. I truly feel your pain Stu, it really makes you feel sick.
  3. Lunar is a Love for me. It was my first target, like with many others before and after me. I confess I am a full on Lunar tic, and wax lyrical at my Monthly club talk on observing about it.
  4. and also a first light report as well, that's always a pleasure to read.
  5. NIce to see its working well and that the fettling is ongoing. You have produced a very fine observatory.
  6. Fitted straight away to all Vixen rails.
  7. Sounds like many of us had short Lunar sessions for various reasons last night. I got about 75 minutes, but having pulled my back was strugling. Whisping cloud came and went in that time. Lunar and more, but Lunar in my case was Cyclops mode as I could not be bothered to get the bino kit out. Enjoyed myself all the same as did all of you above, which is great.
  8. OK, Final post. The scope was out in use tonight, super Star Test and then an hour of pleasure cruising the highlights and a short Lunar session. All is well after much heart ache and effort by more thanjust myself. This has only been possible with help and the generosity of others, so thanks folks. The best thing is the scope with no name now has name firmly given, Lazarus. Very happy tonight and what a way to start the new year as well.
  9. Nice project FRancis, very nice indeed. What donor scope did you go for? I fancy trying the same for my OOUK 10" in the near future, It amazes me that Celestron have not relesed a kit of bits for this as of yet.
  10. That's interesting to see, A notable artistic step up from pencil sketches for this particular topic, I just wish I was capable with artistic things.
  11. Shredding, now that’s a job in the to do list. Having just moved office location at home and we finally sanity checked whet we held, we have a large pile to shred. Funny how the p60 and bank statement from 2010 feels no longer needed! Hope all with the lurgy feel better soon.
  12. Thank you all at FLO for just being who you are and what you do. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Continuing Suceess for 2023. Take care.
  13. Oh how I feel and share your pain and terror, sounds all to familiar to my experience this year. You have been very lucky in the outcome of this misfortune. I still stand with the vixen or other rail principal being awful, the scopes should not be made to slide on a frail, its a rceipe for disaster.| Vixen when they came up with the rail idea, had it fixed in one place, that idea was then diluted by other over the years. New clamping design needed? Nope. What we need is going back to the old ways I think. Good luck with the scope repairs, it can be done with patience and help, thats how I now have Lazarus my ED103 again.
  14. Welcome to SGL< An utter pleasure to see another UK Manufacturer working away.
  15. Just in from sitting out with some of my Astro Club CPAC and meteor watched. A first in ice and snow for me, but at -2 and having seen 30 I came in for a warm up, fun but a tad chilly
  16. The latest and probably last update on Lazarus. The donor focuser arrived and I have now assembled a franken focuser, in fact it looks just like a perfect dual speed Vixen focuser, because that is what it now is, thanks to the donor parts that allowed this. In fact the focuser is now smoother than it ever was, the optics are now Es tested and the whole scope is now improved from how it was before. So the only mystrey that remains, is does anyone have a paint code for the 'White' that Vixen uses?
  17. At least you can claim to own a cool product 🤣 I will get my coat...
  18. Lucky you Nigella, all we have had is cloud and mist as well.
  19. Clear and raining, I thought that only happened to me, clearly it’s a shared experience. Is this with the 12”?
  20. Seeing this thread made me realise how much of a hole Ginas passing has been on SGL. I do hope some of her kit and constructions find new life elsewhere. It is always so sad watching someone else's life and treasures discarded after they pass, but as I myself have noted when clearing relatives homes, one persons treasure is someone elses bin filler. Good on you Chaz for trying with this.
  21. I own the 18mm in other clothes and it quickly made my mind up to buy the 30mm and 24 later on. The 24 had very long eyerelief at 29mm, and my scope has a 2" focuser, so the 30 stayed. My ones have other branding, but in my view, and I am picky on eyepieces, these are all superb. Very pleased that FLO have brought some in Stella Lyra branding. I can see a few lower down gaps filled with these after Christmas.
  22. Welcome to SGL. Being retired may allow you to observe later or earlier than those still working. I bet your most used observing tools are your eyeballs and binoculars over and above the scopes. It certainly is in my case.
  23. Alan White

    Hi Fellas

    Welcome to SGL. Feel free to ask questions, however silly they feel, we all start out and have to learn. The answers we hope will assist and fill in the gaps.
  24. Nice to see folks got out in the chilly and damp last night, good on you. I had more emergency DIY rescue last night for my daughter. Where she lives it was clear and had a very quick eyeball of planets and moon, wondered if I would get out when home. As I drove home, only 16 miles away, it clouded up, typical. Fingers crossed for tonight / morning and Mars though.
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