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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. The 'Scientist' is Mary McIntyre, she of S@N and other such places.
  2. Wooo hooo, thats such a great moment for us. Watch out Moon, here we come. I actually have tears in my eyes, The Moon missions is where my late Dad spent his time, showing and interesting me in The Solar System, especially The Moon and beyond. So reflecting on good times past as well. Here is to you Dad X
  3. Even if you hollowed it out and turned up end plate inserts it would support quite a serious weight. I will keep my eyes peeled for the end result
  4. I too love watching folks creating items, shows great imagination and skill. Somehow I think it will be 'solid enough' to support far more than a telescope and mount. That is a solid lump of a riser.
  5. If you can stretch the budget just a little (189), these are super and smaller than many 10x50. I have a pair, my daughter has a pair ready for Christmas. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/classic-binoculars/opticron-imagic-tga-wp-50mm-binoculars.html
  6. Well I had to act as the postman, but another old friend returns. But minus some bits... OOUK 250 f4.8 1/8 wave and dual speed focuser. Hence the dobson mount in wanted section, but I have just set the ball rolling with John at OOUK to buy a new mount. A nice portable 10 sits so well along with a 3 or 4" refractor, you all know the story on the 4" to date of course 😪 Apart from some scratches from the rings on the tube all is looking good and very tidy, better sorted than my previous 10” so quite excited for the wonders to be revealed. Lets face it, very few can afford or want to consider a 10” refractor.
  7. That’s an interesting post Luke, nice that the sky presented a mystery to be solved.
  8. My initial reaction to this quote was yes, but then to be honest as a total non-football fan, I have been known to utter the words 'what final'! On the OP question.... I feel your pain, but I too would choose family first and miss the astro clear night. But we all have different priorities and that my friend is a very personal call to make. I have to say, whenever one of my daughters visits, it is always suddenly clear, she is like a cloud charm, but when she visits, no astronomy at all or only if she asks to do so, she is keen.
  9. As someone who uses XW 70 in 10, 7 and 5 for astigmatism reasons and rather like the presentation of this range. I am hopeful that the new 85 might work somehow, but to be honest a wider field is more useful in an undriven mount at higher magnifications. Be interesting to see what this works out like in the real world use. Hat off to Pentax to bring out a new line though and I hope it is highly sucessful for them even if it does not work for me. Let's face it far more folks have non astigmatic eyes than those of us who do.
  10. Are these made in Japan like the rest of the XW series are?
  11. In honesty, why would you with that fine AA102ED?
  12. Great capture, indeed a smaller target than the ISS. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  13. Exciting indeed, good timing too for me on the 23mm I wonder when we will see them in the UK?
  14. There is no backwards in returning to Visual Astronomy and keeping it very simple. Simple works, has very few foibles and just works. Good luck with the changes and hope it now works in a better way for you.
  15. I feel your pain, was the cover not strapped down? Hope all dries OK and no lasting damage occurs, I know how painful that is.
  16. @Stu what you suggest is exactly my path of thought. @NGC 1502 indeed exceedingly fine mirrors, you initial suggestion of keep it classic is indeed the path I now intend. As usual I have to take a journey to reach my destination. Recoating next then, and a 4 vane spider?or do I make a 2 vane curved one hmmm.
  17. Postie has just been and another old friend returns, missed it so replaced it. Used but new as first owner had from FLO in October and decided liked his Morpheus more.. well I also have a Morpheus and wanted a simple smaller option at times.
  18. Indeed, the builder must have been 'flushed' with sucess after it was completed 😉
  19. That is quite a location and a very interesting story. Just to think we worry about our Observatories standing out, that Tower was hardly hidden. Thank you for sharing your visit with us.
  20. Thanks @JTEC, that’s really helpful. The glue is spot on; my one was bonded this way and released with a White Spirit soak. I think I am convinced to recoat mirrors and rebond them, I may change the secondary holder to thinner material. I was so impressed with my mirrors even with old coatings, amazingly good. Your one should be snapped up pronto by someone for this very reason. Again thank you for the images and information, very helpful indeed.
  21. Thank you, that is helpful @JTEC My one is across of both scopes I take it the primary is glued to the rear of the tube?
  22. Having looked at the pictures a few differences between it and my one. The main thing being the Baader upgrade on the focuser and the single sided secondary support. Hmm it does look truly classic, perhaps I should stick with the classic build and look with my one after all??
  23. Ian you dont have to, look at the link I just supplied, its the fix.
  24. This one: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-star-adventurer/astro-essentials-3-8-photo-adapter-for-heq5-az5-tripod.html
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