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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I should think from the picture that the OOUK ones are just cut from an alloy tube.
  2. I saw that f6 on ENS Stu, what you have done is super. Know someone else on here who has similar and sings its praises.
  3. Looking even more finished each posting Francis, Not looking better as it's been fantastic from the get go. How I wish my Wood Butchery could be to even 25% of your skill level!
  4. Wow, that is a great sketch. Some drawing and observing skills being exhibited here.
  5. Interesting and clearly shows how things improve with processing. Is this shot on a webcam or derivative type set up?
  6. Can you send hime round to me as well please 😂
  7. Looking good Ahmed. That neighbour, what a kind fella, superman for 1 1/2 hours to get that all done.
  8. Well the nice Post Person has delivered while I was out at the Doctors (yet again) and a new bundle of joy has arrived. Please say welcome to my (new to me) Pre-Loved 5mm Nagler t6, it is joining my 11mm t6 and 7mm t6, which I enjoy using very much. I just need the 9mm and a few others to join it one day when funds allow.
  9. Very sorry to read this Gina. Having had some fungus on old camera kit that had gotten damp, it does have a slight fungal look to it to me. I would split the scope open and have a careful clean. Gentle wash over with soapy clean and warm water, followed by Baader Wonder Fluid perhaps. I would not fret too much until you have had a closer look and tried a careful clean. Good luck with this Gina, fingers crossed for you 🤞
  10. Do you have access to a fabricator at mates rates or is this a get quotes job? Asking as I have a desire for a pier as well, so interested in your plan.
  11. What diameter is the pier tube you are working up?
  12. Yes, hire a mixer, even a mixer for a lump of concrete is hard work.
  13. A nice neat hole, you should be applauded digging in today's heat 👏
  14. I wouldn't worry too much, te ground looks so dry it would soak away quickly anyway. Nice job you are doing, but what a day to go for it on, hottest day so far this summer.
  15. Welcome to SGL. The forum has a number of members who are from the Netherlands.
  16. Just seen this image and I like others have said spent a lot longer looking around it than many images I have seen before. Like observing on the very best night ever.
  17. You have been drawn to the dark side........... Good luck and enjoy Ags
  18. My mount choice is a Giro type alt az for my refractors and SCT. Easy quick set up, no power needed, no alignment needed, all nice and simple. Manual Alt Az same as Alt Az on the Dob, all simple like me. The only power needed is for the dew heaters at certain times of the year and if a long session at a dark site takes place. Don't let the mounts scare you MSAmmon, they can be your friend. My Alt Az sets up almost as fast for the Refractor than the Dob does. At present I use a Altair Astro Sabre, but I did have a Skytee 2 and a Giro Ercole before this. Favourite was the Ercole, but gear itchy feet got the better of me and it was sold on, miss that one a lot.
  19. Only one that 'Boris' approves of I should think, cats do rule the roost 😀 Francis, this is an amazing quality build (to be expected from you as a skilled woodworker of course). I look forward to the final completion and the scope install.
  20. As an owner of a good ED Vixen 103s and a 250mm Orion Optics UK Dobsonian, I think I should offer my view on this one as well. My Dobsonian is my favoured winter tool for longer deep sky sessions and dark sites, My 103s ED is my favoured winter and summer tool for all other observing. The reason, poor seeing and LP at home, the 103s copes better with this. As others have said no or minimal cool down, unlike the Dob. The Vixen somehow at the magnifications I use at mainly 200x or far less, provides a better contrast image. My answer is you need two scopes for differing things. If I had to cull my scope further than I already have the Dob and my 8" Celestron would go, the Vixen ED103s would stay or be replaced with a 100mm Tak.
  21. This is a common point of discussion between myself and Ed above. What hope do we all have when the weather says it is clear now, you then look outside and its thick cloud and raining! As Ed says and I fully agree >
  22. Nice to see kit that encourages new entrants on a budget. Even nicer to see SW using white on more scopes.
  23. Ratchet Straps, Carole. The ones used to hold down loads on lorries and trailers etc.
  24. I have the same thoughts often myself Mark. Sold both and bought a used Nagler T6 7mm, which is rather nice, but left no cash for the 5mm range. Should have kept the ES 82's as they are not far off the Nagler if not the same in performance.
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