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Everything posted by fozzybear

  1. James, You are the Man. One virtual beer on the way it compiles......🥂 Andy
  2. James I tried that do you type is as stated <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2" > or with ptr +="<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2" > "; for example my code is as below screen copy from within Arduino IDE as would not compile or am I doing something wrong? cheers Andy String SendHTML(float temperature,float humidity,float pressure,float altitude){ String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html>"; ptr +="<html>"; ptr +="<head>"; ptr +="<title>ESP32 Weather Station</title>"; ptr +="<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>"; ptr +="<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600' rel='stylesheet'>"; ptr +="<style>"; ptr +="html { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;color: #444444;}"; ptr +="body{margin: 0px;} "; ptr +="h1 {margin: 50px auto 30px;} "; ptr +=".side-by-side{display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;position: relative;}"; ptr +=".text{font-weight: 600;font-size: 19px;width: 200px;}"; ptr +=".reading{font-weight: 300;font-size: 50px;padding-right: 25px;}"; ptr +=".temperature .reading{color: #F29C1F;}"; ptr +=".humidity .reading{color: #3B97D3;}"; ptr +=".pressure .reading{color: #26B99A;}"; ptr +=".altitude .reading{color: #955BA5;}"; ptr +=".superscript{font-size: 17px;font-weight: 600;position: absolute;top: 10px;}"; ptr +=".data{padding: 10px;}"; ptr +=".container{display: table;margin: 0 auto;}"; ptr +=".icon{width:65px}"; ptr +="</style>"; ptr +="</head>";
  3. Gina I got mine working today but could not figure out where to put the following command which line do i put it in <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2" > so the webpage refreshed automatically greatly appreciated Andy One of the improvements you can do with our code is refreshing the page automatically in order to update the sensor value. With the addition of a single meta tag into your HTML document, you can instruct the browser to automatically reload the page at a provided interval. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2" > Place this code in the the <head> tag of your document, this meta tag will instruct the browser to refresh every two seconds. Pretty nifty!
  4. Speedy recovery Vlaiv to you and your wife. Take care and get well soon.
  5. Ian I think the owner of that item on thingiverse is also on here @Bobby1970 try sending him a message? Andy
  6. those little hearts a thankyou if you care to like?
  7. So we need to buy all the ex theodolite gov equipment tripods as they are 100% ? Maybe had at a good price? kidding love the berlebach products
  8. now if this was on "South Park cartoon " a probe of some nature . blast from the past...….made me laugh...
  9. omg a levelling adaptor for the tripod at 85 euros's Levelling Unit With Lock Screw (Diameter 75 mm)
  10. Kevin, Welcome aboard SGL enjoy and ask away any questions Regards Andy
  11. Welcome Laurent to SGL enjoy Andy
  12. John, Took the dog out for her last outing and looked up and rushed home (sorry dog) gotta give the new scope a test drive albeit left it outside for half an hour for a quick glimpse before bedtime lets see if can duplicate tonight so far so good clear skies... no cloud cover here Andy
  13. Managed first light with my SW ED72 last night first clear night and same here great view yet could not make out GRS yet could manage the banding, and the moons using a Vixen LV7mm mind you a lot of air turbulence then got a good glimpse of Saturn as well
  14. excellent service from Flo item ordered and lead time shipped 40-60 working days. Lo and behold received in 7 days door to door excellent service. 💗
  15. Have a look at these telrad chart's RASC Messier Checklist and Telrad Chart.pdf
  16. well man with digger cut's thru a Fibre optic cable on a backbone link shutsdown a complete region.That's going to cost someone a few $$$
  17. no internet is like having your hands cut off..... and for 11 hours albeit for 8 of them I was at work so nada for me yet the other half going crazy....
  18. it was the wife's day off work and no access to Netflix "so it was my fault" in the bad books. and no spends...… So you better own up
  19. So who made a major purchase last night and brought down the internet here in the Normandie region of France from 7am till 10pm they managed to sever a section of the internet 2km of cable had to be changed. Come on own up....
  20. I see on your photo off the focuser on the wheels they are missing the rubber covering. if needed have a look at https://www.astroboot.co.uk/AstroBoot/telescope-and-astronomy-stuff.html they are only £2-90 plus shipping plus you can get a host of bit's n pieces from them
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