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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Hi Stash. I went a bit drastic really.I totally wiped the PC clean,and one by one carefully re-installed all the programs. On opening APT i went into the Tools tab,and carefully entered my camera,and Focal Length,in the object calculator.Becareful here if you are using a focal reducer.When the camera connects it recognises the camera and auto inputs the rest. I decided to go down the ASTAP route,and downloaded the correct files,including the star database.Extracted to the C:/ drive.I also installed Plate solver 2.8 at the same time. With ASTAP ticked in the point craft settings,i slew to an object my chosen target,took a 10sec image,and asked it to Blind solve,which it did very quickly.I then hit Sync,re-enterd the co-ordinates next to the Goto++,and then hit Goto ++. It slew to target and centred. I,m hoping i have cracked it. Mick. Of course you dont have to wipe you PC clean,but as i only use mind for the obsey it was,nt a big deal.
  2. Lovely image of the Pacman. Saturation is spot on. Mick.
  3. Thanks again Guys. At least i have a start.Will report back on my progress. Mick.
  4. Hi Stash. I belief they do,but will check again.Will also try your suggestion regarding the simulator,which i have never done,but sounds interesting. Cheers. Mick.
  5. Hi David. Sorry for the late reply.Yes indeed,it was this exerllent Tutorial that got me started,and as i say my DSLR worked straight away. I will try your suggestion about the star detection settings. Many thanks. Mick.
  6. Hi. Thanks for the response.Yes astrometry does indeed solve the image,so setting should be ok. I will have a look at ASPS. Cheers. Mick.
  7. Hi. I have been using APTs pointcraft with no problem with my DSLR.Solved absolutely fine.However i have just switched over to my Atik 314L+ ccd.I am using a Altair Astro 102mm triplet with a focal length of 715mm.However i am using a x0.8 Rducer,theifore giving a focal length of 572mm. My pixel size is 6.46,and my Resolution is 1392x1040.Chip dimensions are 10.2x8.3mm. I have enterd this info into APTs object calculator and saved under a new profile. I enter the GEAR tap and choose an object,it slews to near target and then enters RA/DEC co-ordinates. I take a 10-15 sec image. Entre Pointcraft,again enter the target,and confirms RA/DEC. Then hit Solve. The problem is it does,nt solve,just times out at 180 secs(default) Dont understand why its not solving as it did with the DSLR. If you have any idea as to whats wrong please get back to me. Wasted a whole night on this.😬😬 Cheers. Mick.
  8. I have just tried this Graham,not easy at all,and Gamma Cass is a nightmare. Well done with this image. Mick.
  9. Thanks Guys. Alan go for it,just watch out for Gamma. Mick.
  10. Thats really lovely Trevor,always nice to see a star cluster appear here,and makes a welcome change from all the same Nebulae that appear here. Mick.
  11. Considering your skies,thats a great result,well done. Mick.
  12. Regardless of your problems,its a very nice image. The wizard is well captured,and well framed. Nice one. Mick.
  13. Thanks Markar. Yes not often imaged,but its nice to have ago. Mick.
  14. Hi. I found these two small Nebulae in Cassiopia quite difficult to image using my 1100D canon camera.They are very small and faint.They consist of a small emission Nebulae,and a small reflection Nebulae lit up by the bright star Gamma Cassiopia,which in itself i found very hard to control. I took sixteen images in Ha with a clip Filter at ISO 400,and a duration of 240secs each. The RGB was about thirty 120sec images at ISO400. Telescope was a ED 102mm. Gamma Cass was really intrusive,and i was,nt sure as the best way to deal with it. Anyway it is what it is. Mick.
  15. Nearly there Chris.Your doing a grand job. I take it the naming will be as in the title. Pity PM has passed,he would have come and officially opened it for you.😂 Mick. Mind you,would be over 100 now,so maybe not.🤔
  16. Hi. IC5070,known as the above. I took this image the other night with my 102mm ED and Canon 1100D. Equipped with 12nm Ha and 12nm O111 Filters,i took 300 sec subs at ISO 400.Total time per filter was around 2hrs,stopping for clouds to pass,gave up in the end as the clouds beat me. Am fairly pleased with the result as i had not imaged this before. Calibration frames were applied. Cheers. Mick.
  17. Your right to be pleased with this Peter.Never seen M45 quite like this ever. Mick.
  18. Another nice one Adam,nice balance as well. Mick.
  19. Withdrawn. Thankyou Markar.
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