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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Thanks Bryan. Have now rotated the camera,and on the next clear night I will revisit this supernova.
  2. Thanks Dave. Yes I should have rotated the camera to include NGC6993 but was all focussed and working,so just left alone.
  3. Thanks very much Alan. I know what you mean,if it aint broke don't fix it.Time is too precious with this lark. Mick.
  4. Really stuggled with this object. Taken with a WO 73 and an Atik 314l+ ccd camera. I took 12x600 secs in Ha and 6x600 secs in R/B.It clouded up so I created a false green channel. I did,nt frame this right as I have,nt included NGC6993. It does seen to have a red tint as well. I did calibrate with Bias and Flat frames. Further processing seems to create a blotchy image. Mick. .
  5. I don't see why not Alan. It is located in Cygnus. RA = 20.16.08 Dec= +43.40.42 I don't know wether you use plate solve,but these co-ordinates will put you bang on. Mick.
  6. Exactly. Their are some gems of star clusters at the mo. Mick.
  7. Go on, you know you want to. Mick.
  8. Nice image. always good to see something different. Mick.
  9. Thanks again Steve. Coming from you that's praise indeed. Mick.
  10. Tried unsuccessfully to emulate Steve on this target. Using a WO Zenithstar 73 with An Atik 314L+ and a Astronomik Ha Filter 12nm to capture 16x600 sec images. Then switched to a ED80 with and Atik 320E to capture 6x600 RGB. Located fairly easily with platesolving the prop did show with short exposure with the Ha filter. Calibrated with Flats and Bias frames. Certainly a nice target for dark skies.(If only). It was imaged over two nights. Mick.
  11. From a very recent experience with this company i give them an A++ Very pleased and quick to respond. Mick.
  12. Yes i agree with all the above. That is one lovely image. Mick.
  13. You are proberbly right Peter,but the description does.nt really make this clear, which if designed for daytime viewing it should say so. Mines going back. Mick. Thanks for the comments guys. Mick.
  14. Hi. If anyone uses the above William Optics Diagonal with a refractor scope,do you find you get a bright spike either side of a bright Star. I am finding this on a new diagonal,and wondered if it was the norm. Cheers. Mick.
  15. Narrowband colours are subjective, and there is no right or wrong way to interpret them, or indeed create them.Even Hubbles are false. No with this image you have to look at the construction and the stunning amount of Nebulae and detail that Sara has achieved with this. The 3D effect is really present. 11/10 Sara. Mick.
  16. Hi Red Drawf. Follow my thread, i,m struggling too. astromick.
  17. Hi.

    If the control cables are still available,i will take them.

    I can do paypal if you wish.



  18. Hi. Just like to say a few words about Bernard at Modern Astronomy.Bernard is an ace guy,really helpful,and goes that extra mile.Contacted Bernard recently enquiring about aquiring an imaging scope.Bernard pointed me in the direction of a scope he thought might be suitable,not only that but because it was a triplet lens,he even worked out the spacing to the sensor,and built the correct adaptors,and they came fitted to the flattener. Great service,and packing has to be believed.(Loads of packing material,and the box extremely well taped up). Highly recommend Modern Astronomy. Mick.
  19. Cant praise Bernard at Modern Astronomy high enough.Exceptional service. Contacted Modern Astronomy a little while ago,as I was chasing a particular adaptor.I was told by Bernie,that he could,nt supply that particular one,but no probs,he would have one made for me. I supplied him with a drawing and some details,he contacted his engineer,and a couple of weeks later it was ready for me. This really is great service,as nothing seems to be too much trouble. A++++++++++++++ Bernard and Modern Astronomy. Mick.
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