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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Hi. I am considering one of these scopes,but the focuser is putting me off.I would never have another crayford focuser ever,not a patch on a well R/P. I,m sure the esprit focuser is a lot better but it is still a linear focuser. Can someone help to put my mind at rest with this thought pattern. Cheers. Mick.
  2. Very nice indeed.Well done. Mick.
  3. Thanks for the comments guys,and the likes. Mick.
  4. Hi. I took this image last week on a clearish night here on the Yorkshire East Coast.We have had a lot of cloud here,and clear skies are few and far between. I used a modded 1000D canon fitted with both 12nm Ha and O3 clip filters.I took about 30 2minute subs,as the chips sensor was reading +18c.This was for both filters.The scope was an ED 80. Unfortunately i had to bin a third of the images as their was too much noise.The ones i used soon proved that too much stretching to reveal the Nebulosity was hopeless. The O3 Filter resulted in absolutely nothing,just a tad if i really stretched it hard,and it looked awful. So basically just Ha. I did calibrate with the normal calibration frames. Maybe better with darker skies and colder temps. Cheers.
  5. Well done Harvey,truly exerllent. Mick.
  6. Thanks guys,some really use info here,i will endeavor to carry it out. Much appreciated. Mick.
  7. Hi. I have thought for a while i would to try one of these,but i,m not familar with the procedure of how to overlap the images. Do you just position the scope hoping you have got things covered,or is there a programme out there,where you can input your FOV over the target ,and then manipulate to get what you need. Any advice welcome. Mick.
  8. Yes well done indeed.i hope this will inspire you. Mick.
  9. Another well captured image.The detail is all there. Well done. Mick.
  10. That is a very good image,and very well framed.I would be happy with that too. Mick.
  11. Not heard of this one Rodger,a nice image indeed.It is a faint one. Mick.
  12. Well captured.Two for the price of one. Mick.
  13. So you should be.This is a good image,with delicate processing. Well done. Mick.
  14. Hi. Yes thanks for the comment.I used the Astronomik Ha and O3 clip filters which are both 12nm. I was,nt sure how to process these images,as they just download as red and green images. I found the easiest method was to convert them to greyscale,process and then using the RGB channels in Photo-shop restore back into colour. Their maybe better ways,i,m not sure. Anyway thanks again. Mick.
  15. The Western Veil.I only have an old canon 1000D to image in widefield,so this is the result of 3hrs of 480 second subs with this camera.The noise was quite poor with these warm nights,so it did.nt help matters. However I,m quite satisfied with the result of this old astro modded camera.It looks like I,ve just caught the edge of Pickerings Triangle,shame I did,nt frame it better. I did calibrate with the usual. Cheers all. Mick.
  16. Thanks for the comment,have taken your advive and toned it down a bit. Mick.
  17. Hi. I took this image of the Eastern Veil Nebulae with my ED 80 and Astro Modded 1000D canon camera. I took 16 480 second subs at ISO 800.The temperature of the sensor read 25C,so a set of calibration frames was essential. I just about got away with 480 secs,and did,nt want to try for longer. I stacked the better ones in DSS and processed in Photoshop. I also used the Astronomik Ha and O111 clip in filters,to which this Nebulae responded well. It was done over two nights. Thanks for looking. Mick.
  18. Extremely well done Rodd,that looks a toughie. Mick.
  19. Sorted. Thanks to all,i could,nt have done it without all your help. What a great response. Mick.
  20. Thanks again all. I am trying the stand alone,but I think my anti-virus/windows defender is not allowing the programme to run,as it just flashes and closes down. May have to look at disabling it. Mick.
  21. Thanks guys. Unfortunately I don't use Pixinsight. Strange software indeed. Mick.
  22. Hi Guys. Whats the secret to loading this software.It just will not load for me. Cheers. Mick.
  23. I wanted to post a positive comment about a supplier,after a recent transaction,but found the thread closed to further replies. Why is this.
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