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Dave Lloyd

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Everything posted by Dave Lloyd

  1. Lovely looking instruments. I prefer the black tube rings personally with the red as a tasteful accent.
  2. Thats the stuff I liked, standardised bricks, windows and doors.
  3. I like the skywatcher Crayford. I put one on my Evo120 which was a big improvement. That left the original focuser available to put on my ST102 which was also a big improvement.
  4. That's a gorgeous, almost ethereal image but how do you sleep whilst listening for rain.
  5. Hi Mick welcome. Judging by those pix I'll be asking you for advice.
  6. Hi Dean and Mrs Dean, welcome.
  7. Back in the 60s my first little 30x30 table top refractor was able to give me better views of the Moon than I could see unaided. This was in the days when spectacular deep sky photos were mainly from large observatory scopes. We kids knew we would never have access to Mount Palomar so we were happy with what we could see. Nowadays with so many superb astro images from back garden sites I think expectations are higher.
  8. Dave Lloyd


    Hi there and welcome.
  9. Yes, you'll have to set the camera and auto focus to manual.
  10. Wall to wall cloud here since the course went live on Monday. Orion's being shy. 😁
  11. Ahh, to lose the long term pleasure of a symmetrical Orion for the fleeting thrill of a supernova blast.
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