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Dave Lloyd

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Everything posted by Dave Lloyd

  1. Dave Lloyd


    Hi Emanuel, welcome.
  2. Hi John, welcome. While far from an expert I can confidently state that an eq6 will comfortably carry your camera, a hefty lens plus a guidescope/guidecamera setup. People on here far more knowlegeable than me will be able to give you details on how to set it all up.
  3. You again? 😁 Welcome back Jason.
  4. Hi Sebastian, welcome.
  5. Dave Lloyd


    Hello there and welcome.
  6. Dave Lloyd


    Hi there, what scope have you got?
  7. Dave Lloyd


    Hi Karen, welcome.
  8. Dave Lloyd

    Hi there

    Hi Harvey, welcome.
  9. Dave Lloyd


    Hi Nick, welcome.
  10. Dave Lloyd


    Hi there, welcome.
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