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Dave Lloyd

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Everything posted by Dave Lloyd

  1. Dave Lloyd

    Hello !

    Hi there, welcome.
  2. Never underestimate the ingenuity of people to resolve problems. As regards to imaging it should be possible for software to ignore any object that doesn't follow the expected movement of an object or to ignore anything moving across the field of view - with provision provided for meteors etc. It may be that sensors become sensitive enough to reduce exposure times to levels that satellite transits are less of an intrusion. None of this will help visual of course but I've often been accused of blind optimism and think it will not be as bad as feared.
  3. Hi Paul, welcome. Yet more go to expertise on s.g.l
  4. Really stupid question but is the lens /end cap off? - it does happen.
  5. Dave Lloyd


    Hi there, welcome.
  6. The guy that built it was something else. The mount with it's gate valve taphead and wormgear slow motions was simply amazing.
  7. I'd have to put "make checklist" on a checklist. 😁
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