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Everything posted by laudropb

  1. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL. Have a look at the sketching section and that will give some ideas to work on.
  2. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  3. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  4. Yes. I only have the one Jeremy. Bought it of someone on this site.
  5. Out walking the dog around 10pm on Sunday when I noticed thethe sky was partially clear especially near the zenith.When I got home I got the 200 mm f6 Dob out of the garage and after giving it 20 minutes to cool I had go at the double double. Its always a bit tricky search with the dob at high elevations but I eventually managed to get in centred in the view of a 24 mm Maxivision ep ( 50x ) other eps used were Dlite 18.2 66x resolved notched Delite11 109x split split Pentax XL 7 171x split split and the best views given I then had a quick session looking at Albiero, M57 and M 27. The Delites gave really pleasing views . They always look so " natural "
  6. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  7. Your sketches are certainly enjoyed by all here Mike.
  8. I think it’s all down to the individual John. I have used a WO SPL 3 mm for a number of years and just preferred that. I now have a 3mm delite as well but I have not been able to use it yet.
  9. Two days solar observing in a row here David. Of course there is a downside. The whole of Scotland has a severe weather warning until Wednesday. Still at least you managed to get a job well done.
  10. I better keep hold of my 3.4 then. I bought this to try them out but I just did not get on with the 10 mm eye relief.
  11. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  12. Lovely images David. The Ca-K really shows the other active regions very well.
  13. Yes David it might be or perhaps the lack of clear skies was due to the curse of .purchasing new equipment
  14. Hi John. Yes it is a lovely spot. First clear day for almost a month. At last I have been able to try out my Solar Quest Mount and my new double stack on my Lunt. I will write a report later on my opinion of these.
  15. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  16. Luckily no damage done. Another addition to my green and black tribe thanks to Mike ( Ipeace )
  17. A parcel from Holland that has obviously attracted the attention of the custom officers on arrival in this country.
  18. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  19. I think you have been licking too many telescopes Jeremy .
  20. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  21. Us Scots are obviously more frugal. I only have 6 scopes. Oh and 3 spotting scopes for bird watching. I have a double stacked Lunt. Does that count as 1.5 ??
  22. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  23. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
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