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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. I have wondered about this, some of the big updates are actually a completely new OS so in theory the old version could be deleted and in fact this happened to me once when the update failed to work and the nice man at MS gave me a link to the new patch ( was a brand new OS) which put the original software in an "old file folder" that I deleted after a few weeks. Will watch the thread with interest. Alan
  2. It depends what you mean by good and cheap, a used Sigma 100mm macro lens is very good at astro as it the excellent Canon 70-200 f/4 L but they are not exactly cheap but as good as anything else in the range.......I paid £220 for my L lens and even came with a lens collar for tripod mounting. Alan P.S. the Canon 70-200 can be used wide open throughout its range for astro i.e. f/4
  3. I never understood why everyone is not observing/imaging not only planets but even stars during the daylight, after all they dont suddenly vanish during the day, I learnt that when I took some daylight flats with my camera without the "T shirt" filter, there were hundreds of them.... Alan
  4. Brian and Dara, does it get better than these two, I dont think so Alan
  5. I cant find the post at the moment but a rigid cage type structure (3D printed) was discussed in one of the Samyang 135 topics and also other tips for making the assemble more rigid. I did note that you are using a bat mask on a DSLR with live view, in my opinion this is not good and focusing on the very faintest star in the FOV with perhaps X5 or X10 zoom activated will give better results, the focus action should effectively be on/off with the star invisible or blinking into view. Alan
  6. I cant believe what happened just for the most god awful sport of the rich and privileged, I always thought that any over runs etc would be put on the "red button"...................................... Alan
  7. I have often wondered if there is another way to focus light other than reflection/refraction or if software can make the bottom of a beer glass as sharp as an ED lens... Alan
  8. I do like single shots rather than video myself as the whole disk wont fit when using my Mak, I do however sometimes stack three or four RAW files manually in Photoshop.... Alan
  9. I think some people have used that lens successfully but it might need to be stopped down a little. I doubt that Samyang would know how to even make a bad lens...... Alan
  10. I am a big fan of Amazon, have bought lots of stuff that I didn't need but realy wanted. I view the site as a big boys "exchange and mart" and do like a random browsing session from time to time Alan
  11. I agree with John, beautiful... Alan
  12. The trick with these types of lenses is to focus away from the center at a point a third the distance along an imaginary diagonal... Alan
  13. I didnt think the Samyang had any of those issues even wide open..... Alan
  14. How are all your other scopes Gina? I fear the same environment would have attacked them too. Alan
  15. I moved from PS CS6 to Affinity a while ago as PS could no longer open the latest Canon RAW files and have not looked back, does everything realy and it even feels like PS so no real learning curve either. Alan
  16. I dont think I have a wall that big so I go the micro route....Nice clock though. Alan
  17. I like gold and diamonds because they represent what the universe is all about, supernova and the main building block for all known life... Alan
  18. A quick look on the interweb seems to suggest that safeguard hold might be due to windows update detecting incompatible software or hardware, this might just be out of date drivers etc and might self correct at some point. Alan
  19. I have not checked my NVIDIA graphics yet as my laptop runs the Intel most of the time (dual graphics cards) and then only runs the NVIDIA front end if playing games on the laptop screen so need to plug in my TV to test out the full graphics options. Must get this looked into before my next planned gaming session. Alan
  20. Its certainly a big one, still finding little things it changed or disabled but no real problems although I think my boot up speed has increased to over 6 seconds now. Alan
  21. Hi Andy, that is the big advantage of a mono camera and filters, you can focus each band separately. Alan
  22. It should but it would still allow more IR through then the original factory fitted camera filter.. Alan
  23. The red bloat will be the inability to bring the red and IR to the same focus point can be cured with an additional filter but that kind of defeats the object. Alan
  24. It depends on the mod but some destroy the auto sensor clean and the ability to auto focus with camera lenses, other negatives are increased star bloat when using lenses or some refactors that were not designed to correct the infra red end of the spectrum and as you say most mods render the camera useless for daytime photography. Alan
  25. If anything I think this experiment shows that modding a camera might not be necessary depending on the particular model, I cant speak from experience on Nikon cameras but certain Canon models have plenty of Ha without introducing the negative effects modding brings. Alan
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