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Alien 13

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Everything posted by Alien 13

  1. If anything I think this experiment shows that modding a camera might not be necessary depending on the particular model, I cant speak from experience on Nikon cameras but certain Canon models have plenty of Ha without introducing the negative effects modding brings. Alan
  2. I think Olly touched on the point that we are detecting lots of large gas giants orbiting close to their star because thats all we can do, Jupiter orbits once every 12 years so would be missed if our system was viewed from afar and the inner planets might not be detected at all.. Alan
  3. I dont object to any processed "image" and its great to see them its just the term photograph used in that context that bugs me, I see "photograph" as a unprocessed image straight out of the camera ideally onto photographic paper but the digital equivalent is OK. Alan
  4. I have no problem with that as an image but it aint a photo, to me anything that includes narroband or any other part of the spectrum that is invisible is "fake". Alan
  5. Thanks Ruud, mine was turned off too. Alan
  6. Thanks, my lappy has both Nvdia and Intel graphics so have not noticed this issue yet but will have a look. Alan
  7. The 1903 update did disconnect my WiFi also and had to enter my password again and changed a few icons but mostly painless. Alan
  8. I had it a couple of weeks ago, its more of a new OS rather than an update but all is fine with my lappy. Alan
  9. The Newt idea is not for the inexperienced but works in a similar way to the Herchel wedge, as mentioned before the projection methods are the safest form of Solar observing. Alan
  10. Its the way of the world I am afraid but does have benefits, Albert Eisenstein was the biggest celebrity in the world of science and am sure he inspired those that followed... and most importantly the general public. Alan
  11. I like the padding, the staring into the distance and most of all the soundtrack although that seemed a bit toned down this week, its called engaging with the masses who dont yet realize they have an interest in science... Alan
  12. I agree, he would certainly be near the top of my list of people I would love to have a drink and chat with down the local pub (bar). Alan
  13. Nice, think the 90 Mak will win oops mean the 130p. Alan
  14. Thanks, gradients are a pain with widefield lenses especially if you have localized light pollution..... Alan
  15. I am confused as to the scale of those images, did you do massive crops? and why would you crop so heavily with such a lovely widefield lens... Alan
  16. No one has mentioned it but you can make a very safe dedicated solarscope by removing the silvering/aluminium from the primary and secondary mirrors of a "small" Newtonian scope, you would need an ND filter and perhaps a IR cut filter too for observing but should be fine without for imaging. Alan
  17. Well that was enjoyable, gave me a real feel of what Mars has gone through in its life. Alan
  18. Watching, I do like Brian Cox as a presenter.... Alan
  19. As above just general fresh air and daylight will do the job even if its cloudy, make sure the path of the Sun doesn't go down the tube... Alan
  20. Plenty of daylight will normally stop the growth but in bad cases its worth stripping down and cleaning with a "lens cleaning" solution as the fungus will etch the glass if it takes hold. Alan
  21. I would second all the advice given but would add that reflectors are not suitable for solar projection as too much heat will hit the secondary, most reflectors also have the option to use a filter over the whole aperture or just by covering the additional small hole in the endcap.... Alan
  22. Lots of them here...... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hello-Darkness-Friend-T-Shirt-Black/dp/B01KZPBNMI Alan
  23. The site seems faster once you are in but takes much longer than before to load up.... Alan
  24. I like this, would suggest Moon with clouds too.... Alan
  25. Sorry Olly I misread your post, exciting times ahead.... Alan
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