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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. SQM 21.97 mag./arc sec2 Brightness 0.176 mcd/m2 Artif. bright. 5.24 μcd/m2 Ratio 0.0306 Bortle class 2 Elevation 345 meters So far I've measured only 21.8 repeatedly and as very few 21.9's.
  2. Hey UK why did you send all these clouds?

    1. Maxrayne


      Because we like to share :) 

    2. Pig


      What’s ours is yours Gerry ?

    3. jetstream


      Thanks guys...?️?

  3. Finally! a chance for me and the bottle of DEET to observe :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jetstream


      Thanks Iain, I'll see if I can cobble up a report of the next session, what are your thoughts on objects, characteristics to compare?

    3. scarp15


      Anything really Gerry, it would be good to learn a little more in terms of observation attempts concerning the faint super nova remnant nebulae filament region in Cygnus, consisting of SH2-91 and just perhaps SH2-94 and SH2-96. Over the past couple of seasons, The Little Veil has become a recurring favourite threshold challenge, spurred on not least by  your former accounts. This season I expect when you get the larger dob in operation, more of this challenging region may be determined.  Another aspect that I had been looking forward to are the dark nebulae regions in the Milky Way, consisting of Barnard's E and any further, as you consider, attainable features, perhaps to explore with your TSA120, within the Milky Way cloud. I am slow to get going this season, lots of agendas currently, cannot blame the weather for a change, cant wait to get out there though, eventually.

    4. jetstream


      Funny you mention dark nebula Iain :grin: the other night the TSA120 did a fine job up near Tarazed in Aquila on those great dark ones there. This scope is excellent on them, right there with my best dark neb grabber. I need to fine tune the eyepiece selection for them with this scope as these things are fussy.

      Dark nebs it is!

      The Little Veil... what a good challenge and when the 24" is here I'm sure I'll map some more. Great job for seeing this one recurrently Iain.

      Have you spent much time on M24? What a beautiful sight and with some dark surprises about. This is one of my favorite objects.

  4. Running on the generator today, glad this Honda works with the circuit boards :thumbsup:

  5. The AZEQ6-GT looks, shall we say, rather "robust"!:shocked::laugh:

    1. Stu


      It certainly won’t let you down Gerry!! :) ?️‍♂️?️‍♂️

  6. 17mm HW Nikon + 3.4mm HR Vixen ordered...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Pig


      Hey what happened to you thumb ?

    3. jetstream
    4. jetstream


      Eyepieces shipped!

  7. The AZEQ6 should be here next week, with the Tak clamshell dovetail.

    I'm on a first light countdown lol!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      I was talking about some former threads(not yours) about using tube rings as well as the Tak clamp just for added security ?

    3. jetstream



      I wonder if primaluce can help me out!!

      You are sharp as ever my friend!

    4. Pig


      You got it ?

  8. I have a clamshell for the 120mm Tak and it looks robust. The Losmandy dovetail by Farpoint has a recess for the boss on the bottom of the holder providing good security. I'm not so sure I would use a bar without this recess, just me.
  9. TSA120 is within 25miles now...:icon_biggrin:

    1. Stu


      How long for the last little bit though Gerry? You can almost touch it now!!

    2. jetstream



      I'm going to go get it in an hour....

    3. Stu


      Crikey, now that IS exciting :)

  10. TSA120 in Ontario now...:icon_biggrin:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      When are you expecting delivery Gerry?


    3. jetstream


      Who knows... the way shipping is here it could be a while. The tracking goes "blind" in many places, including right now. Apparently it left Toronto, thats all I know lol!

    4. dweller25


      I am looking forward to hearing about your first light - I have never owned a Tak 120 triplet but I expect it to be very very good.......

  11. TSA120 is being prepared for shipping...

    1. Pig


      Nice one Gerry..... second time lucky ? 

    2. jetstream


      Must be my Irish blood!:icon_biggrin:

  12. AZ EQ6 ordered...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pig


      Nice one Gerry, you are going to need more land to keep all your scopes on ?

    3. Pig


      This is the closest I could get to CERN whilst in Geneva, no image of the Shiva sculpture I am afraid


    4. jetstream


      extension ordered (in stock) and a new spreader/tray/gps module is in the works.

  13. -20c tonight with the wind

    1. scarp15


      Clearly still very much in the grip of winter Gerry. Mixed picture here, been on a day trip to Kielder, the distant hills are white otherwise, cold, some sunshine but with more snow or sleet forecast. Look forward to hearing when you get the big mirror dob.

    2. Pig


      Nothing as exciting here Gerry, just wall to wall grey cloud being replaced with the same for a couple of weeks now ?

  14. So many top imagers ie Astroavani, Kokathaman , Peach etc use those pesky SCT's to great effect! I guess refractors can't compete in this realm...
  15. The article does have some valid points ie benefits of aperture, cost vs aperture. Mind you I think I want a magic Tak that doesn't need dark skies to perform well !
  16. -41c wind chill, -32c without...the sky is as clear as it gets.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jetstream


      I use wool long johns and my snowmobile suit. These suits are meant to keep you warm @ 80mph on a sled :icon_biggrin: The suit uses high bibs that keep the core warmth in and the jacket seals the deal. Except for the hands, I'm not cold out there really. Mind you if I'm too lazy to put the suit on it gets interesting....

      Don't you just love it when your ears are so cold they feel like "busting off"?!:grin:

    3. Pig


      Here you go Gerry, these should help keep your ears warm.


    4. jetstream
  17. TSA120 ordered...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jetstream


      Thanks every one, I stayed with the Tak focuser and it should be in Ottawa in 5 days- from there who knows lol! 2 more weeks to the land of ice and snow?!

    3. Stu


      Fab! Under your skies I'm sure it will be amazing 

    4. Pig


      I have added it to the list in my Tak thread ?

  18. -30c atm, todays high was -22c.

    Merry Christmas SGL!


    1. Stu


      Happy Christmas Gerry! That sounds chilly :) 

    2. faulksy


      barmy weather Gerry. :headbang: happy Christmas mate

    3. Pig


      Talk about brass monkeys ? Merry Xmas Gerry ?

  19. Paracor II ordered...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scarp15


      Great look forward to your thoughts on this Gerry

    3. Tim


      I can never remember the letter settings for each EP so I just set it somewhere in the middle, except for big EP's with filters which will touch the glass if not extended a bit. That's on an f4 dob, never noticed any coma with it even in 100° EP's

    4. Pig


      Nice one Gerry ? it would be good to hear about the differences it makes when used in different scope types.

  20. Awesome findings! You might find that, like me the Tak LE series is not in the same league as your better eyepieces...
  21. Well its -20c at 7:40 pm here I wonder how low it will go tonight.

    1. faulksy


      wow gerry thats cold matey

    2. jetstream


      lol! well it went -22c without the wind but the cold gets "cold" when it goes -30c or below. I love my woodstove Mike! that heat gets right in your bones.

    3. faulksy


      sounds lovely, the stove that is :icon_biggrin:

  22. Great eyepieces The 42mm LVW is a favorite of mine as is the HR2 2.4mm.
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