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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. What a night...from spirals to festoons :)

    1. Piero


      Cool stuff Gerry! Also here there were festoons, but above our heads!

    2. jetstream
    3. Pig


      Nothing but puddles here Gerry :hello2:

  2. That is a great mirror cell Damian. Your build is coming along very well!
  3. Squaring off with the Jellyfish again, round 15.....

    1. pipnina


      That thing must be dim! Are you using any filters or does it not respond well?

    2. jetstream


      It likes the OIII Pip, but for some reason I had a hard time with it- I expected a bigger nebula- this only shows as a faint steak in my 15" - give it a try! Keeping Propus out of the FOV helps..... and it wants largish exit pupil...your 24mm is perfect!

  4. Ice fishing :)

    "gone fishin' instead of just a wishin'"

  5. Lumicon 2" Hb on its way...

    1. Pig


      nice one Gerry, I am sure you have the aperture to take advantage of t wonders :-)

  6. The moon is calling...time to get the toys out and play :)

  7. I've been wanting a pair of these for quite a long time, I look forward to your thoughts on these Shaun. Great choice.
  8. Thank you for the honest report. I hope you get a chance to try the scope out under good skies. M31 shows detail, in particular dust lanes but for spirals try M51 under dark skies. Gerry
  9. -33c on the thermometer...

    1. Daniel-K
    2. jetstream


      -25c now and am going out to flail away on the Cone neb again... I should really be galaxy hunting- dam challenges! :)

  10. Suiters Star test book just arrived... should be interesting :)

  11. Blizzard...

    1. Pig




    2. jetstream


      I can see the sun today! Clear skies to you Shaun

    3. Pig


      The daytime was very sunny & pleasant Gerry and I was hoping to catch the planet alignment tonight, but alas, the clouds arrived just as work was over :happy7:

  12. The moon is taking 435x with the Zeiss zoom/VIP and the shroud lifted half up. Excellent seeing and just learning what this scope likes...

    1. Pig


      Nice one Gerry. I love the close ups of the lunar surface as all kinds of detail becomes apparent :-) are you seeing the 3D effect ?

    2. jetstream


      Shaun the detail and 3d around Copernicus is simply amazing, a few hours were spent along the terminator. The seeing has allowed some very sharp high mag viewing and Sirius is easily split at 101x... The orthos/VIP did a great job jousting with the zoom for first place. Trying to stay up for Jupiter.....

    3. Pig


      It all sounds pretty fantastic Gerry :-)

  13. Spectacular lunar tonight, VG seeing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      -32c this morning...

    3. Pig


      That is one heck of a crazy temperature:-)

    4. jetstream


      Almost froze the crawl space....all good now, going to insulate some more today, ducts etc...

  14. Just caught a glimpse of H1 in the Trap...

    1. Pig


      Nice one Gerry....we have snow here so no observing for me :-)

  15. Lets see if the Quark will warm up today..... any wagers? :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jetstream


      Yes, a great clear balmy day... and it works :)

    3. Pig


      That's good to know, did you need to wrap any insulation around it ? ...and the Quark :-)

    4. jetstream


      No, on both accounts :) lol!!

  16. The sun is amazing right now taking 100x in the 90mm/Quark, VG seeing. Very nice prom happening right now...

    1. Pig


      You lucky man, still wall to wall cloud here Gerry :-)

  17. Off to buy a Clam :)

    1. Pig


      That should make you very feel happy indeed :-) Almost as happy as a Clam

    2. jetstream
  18. The sound of the ice forming is amazing and is giving a great observing session :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream
    3. faulksy


      sounds great gerry, any pics as i dont believe you lol

    4. jetstream


      We just drilled a bunch of holes on the way to the fishing spot...check the photo section in a bit :)

  19. Great EP's Mak! and....you have figured things out
  20. Yes, I think you "outed yourself" on this one :grin: Congrats Mike, this mirror will be superb. ps your making me want a bigger dob already lol!
  21. Success! truss poles cut and my 2 widefields now focus easily :)

    1. Pig


      Way to go Gerry :)

    2. jetstream


      I was sweating bullets for a while.... but they all turned out exactly the same length, used a hillbilly jig lol!

    3. faulksy


      nice one gerry, wont be long now then

  22. 42mm LVW on the way... barnards loop?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pipnina


      Happy hunting :)

    3. YKSE


      Looks like a good combo to me, good luck :-)

    4. jetstream


      Thanks Yong,I have one of Vogels maps which shows the brightest part so I can at least point the scope in the right direction....

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