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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Great scope! My OOUK VX10 has the same extension adapter but I replaced it with a Baader Quicklock, it works very well.
  2. I'm going for the Blue Racquet ball NGC 6572 tonight, conditions look vg. I'll try the 12.5mm and zoom.
  3. A good test for the eyes on the brighter larger DSO is seeing if you lose dark adaptation- I do on M57 and M42. Also eye illumination is important ie I see pink in M42 with the 200mm f3.8 with 20mm Lunt even at a low X38 mag... We can definitely see color in a few DSO, espc green.
  4. Green is the predominant color I see, but in M42 the very rich mottled green is accompanied by a pinkish red color under the wings. Friends say the 24" under VG skies will begin to show blue as well. Planetary nebula are amazing including the Catseye NGC 6543 and the Magic Carpet NGC 7027. The Eskimo nebula NGC 2392 is superb and your scope will show a 2 toned green (stunning) and very fine radial filaments. Of course M57 is just so bright..... You might be amazed at the views with no filter... If you get well over 21mag skies objects take on a different nature and every bit over 21 matters...really matters, along with transparency.
  5. Great first light Mark and I await your reports!
  6. Awesome Piero! Great first light, this scope will give many fine obs sessions for years to come!
  7. I'm at 19% with the 24" and if I remember 21% with the 15". My playing around tells me 37% I don't like, 30% is better but 25% and less is where its at , for me anyway.
  8. Piero, here is the 24"- opticians including Mel tell me that as long as bit of the field is fully illuminated and the edge is above 70% all is good espc if it allows low central obstruction- the trade off is worth it. In my experience this is very true. I'm not a fan of central obstructions over 30% for sure, less than 25% is better and yet some highly obstructed SCT's give super views... thoughts? " Remember that illumination may drop to 70 % for visual use. Off-Axis Illum. Light Loss 0.00 in 100.0% 0.00 mag 0.10 in 100.0% 0.00 mag 0.20 in 100.0% 0.00 mag 0.30 in 99.93% 0.00 mag 0.40 in 98.42% 0.01 mag 0.50 in 96.29% 0.04 mag 0.60 in 93.93% 0.06 mag 0.70 in 91.44% 0.09 mag 0.80 in 88.89% 0.12 mag 0.90 in 86.30% 0.15 mag 1.00 in 83.69% 0.19 mag"
  9. Excellent! These true numbers give a fantastic illumination: " Remember that illumination may drop to 70 % for visual use. Off-Axis Illum. Light Loss 0.00 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 2.00 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 4.00 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 6.00 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 8.00 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 10.0 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 12.0 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 14.0 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 16.0 mm 100.0% 0.00 mag 18.0 mm 99.88% 0.00 mag 20.0 mm 96.18% 0.04 mag 22.0 mm 90.50% 0.10 mag 24.0 mm 83.85% 0.19 mag 26.0 mm 76.64% 0.28 mag" What a great set of numbers Piero!
  10. Sounds good- and it might be informative for others to banter here a bit- such as... Can you tell me the measurement from the center of the sec to the focal plane (roughly)? or to the top of focuser? I'm always curious as to where makers set the fully illuminated field vs central obstruction %. I'll run Mels calculator, both my 15" and 24" have nicely illuminated fields and run 20% and 19% roughly.
  11. No not yet, for some reason I'm reluctant, but I probably will try a Paracorr 2. I'm not sure I want that extra glass in the way on those nebs/galaxies... Taking the CO into account the effective f ratio is about f5 so with narrower planetary EP's the coma is less concerning and with any scope I obs in the center of the field. In theory however, controlling the coma should increase contrast across the FOV-that is unless the extra glass diminishes or eliminates the benefit ie Suiters wobbly stack. Thoughts?
  12. Thanks Piero, I might try the 30 UFF someday. Your new telescope will be so similar to my 15" in performance...this is a great focal length and your f ratio allows for some great exit pupils and mags for DSO, and with VG EP's. Your 24 Pan will be good, along with your others but I really wish there was a 25mm EP with performance above Nagler/ES. A 25mm Lunt HDC would be the ticket! (IMHO). ps- forgot to say-( and you know this lol!) this scope will be more forgiving for lunar/planetary than my f4.8- very nice choice Piero!
  13. Excellent specs and from a maker that I believe his numbers. This scope will punch way above its weight Piero and be good on everything-its at f6 correct? Is the 30 UFF substantially better than the ES 30 82?
  14. Sounds all good members! I eagerly wait the reports reflecting these dark skies!
  15. the propane gelled up last night, no furnace. thermometer read -43c at 3am, no wind.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      Alls well!

      I gave the regulator and supply line a light go with my heat gun and 10 min later it went. The house was warm with the woodstove but I have to take care of the waterlines.

    3. Pig


      I would imagine frostbite takes hold pretty quickly in those temperatures  Gerry, we don’t want you losing any of your digits ❄️

    4. jetstream


      It is a concern!

      There are a few things IMHO- I believe we cold adapt and once winter sets in it is a lot easier on us than when it first starts- I was very hot working outside in my sled suit and if you keep your head, feet and core warm it helps the hands. Not to say that you can't get frostbite...

      Shaun, thanks for the concern ! :hippy2::grin:

      ps I hope I didn't just unleash a torrent of one liners I can't keep with lol!


  16. its -44c with the wind right now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jetstream


      Yes I was installing the sauna chimney earlier out there, the hands take a beating. The wind will cut you in half unless dressed properly lol!

      12 deg huh Shaun?! ok thats not fair! :) actually I love winter, cold and all.

    3. Pig


      I used to love  the cold Gerry but age has changed my mind for me ..... I must admit a cold and frosty landscape looks awesome, but it looks more awesome from behind double glazing ? The sauna sounds ideal.

    4. jetstream


      Well tonight will be -50c with the wind- I just got done obs before it picked up at -35c, not bad really and the views were excellent.

      I can't wait to try the sauna! just waiting on the door now.

  17. I heard that most TV eyeguards will work -ie Ethos, 31 Nag, maybe more...
  18. We are now bundled up and going sliding on the hill I made lol! Just fired up the sled and it feels like my ears are gonna bust off...
  19. I like the 17mm Nikon HW better than my 17mm Ethos- I feel it offers a step up in contrast and it appears to be "sharper". The contrast using the 14mm EIC is giving the Docter a rival and on the core of M42 in the 15" f4.8 the views are jaw dropping. I need to test the 17 Nikon for pincushion distortion, something that bothers me a bit. The Nikon HW needs a better eyeguard, which the 17E grudgingly supplied (fits perfect). My testing is on hold with the TSA120 as it is -36c this morning.
  20. Congrats! I sure like mine- but my 17mm Ethos does not...lol! This eyepiece is VG.
  21. lol! I agree Iain, while the maps can be accurate it is not necessarily so. One map indicates my current place as quite a bit brighter than my remote dark sites-yeah right... the SQM-L dispelled this (&NELM) and saved me many miles of driving. I have mapped a huge area in my travels and its all the same, including my home. A very useful thing the SQM-L does is find the edges of darker places, even near towns and cities. A truly good test of skies is the ability to see M33 IMHO.
  22. Whenever I'm out.. I checked many times over the past few years and typically the highest readings are after the snow and ice are out. SQM-L readings vary in my experience. I have recorded at least .25mag difference between the MW and the rest of the sky, sometimes .3-.4 mag. I always warm up the meter and take many readings. NELM with my eyes have gone 6.6-6.8 at best so far. These days I use the MW as a guide- how chiseled the features look. I see we have similar skies.
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