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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thats a good job on the smooth front. The one I used was not smooth inside. I was running some ethernet cable through it and ended up using a cobra to rod it first then pull the cable through.
  2. When did you order the 2600? I've been mulling it over for a couple of weeks now, and plan to place an order tonight along with the NBX filter. The plan is to use this on the Epsilon, then buy the mono version in Jan and put the colour version on the second scope, and use the mono on the Epsilon. I can understand Gorans issue with the colour from the 100. I use an 80mm to collect colour, and with the luminance from the Epsilon it just cant deliver.
  3. @DaveL59 Thanks for the thread! Ended up sourcing 2 x used TC-E2 lens literally over the past 24 hours. Now that I have a 3d printer this will be a nice little project over Xmas.
  4. My problem is that the colour version is on 'sale' now so my hand may be forced
  5. My wishlist: ZWO2600MC 2" NBX Nebula Filter QHY268M New USB3 PC for observatory Possibly a faster triplet scope around 500-550mm FL
  6. It has been very reliable so far which is the main thing. The print came out pretty well. The bottom thread against the glass printed thicker at one point which I suspose was to be expected, so I trimmed this off with a stanley knife, and it has worked well. I'll paint it matt black later. It reduces the opening of the lens from 64mm to 45mm, to go from F2.8 to F4.0, which I've found gives me the best overall stars with the FF camera.
  7. I agree with the above. I pushed cable through similiar ribbed ducting, and it's just about ok when laid flat, but impossible to get through with any bend at all.
  8. Thanks guys. I've ordered RBAs book, as I prefer to have something initially to just read through rather than different resources. Once I know what I'm looking for I'm sure I'll be better placed to look around the net. Thanks, so I would do either LRGB or NB imaging. I do have a OSC (D800E) that I use with a lens, but mono CCD imaging is my main interest. I currently use APP for stacking and mosaic alignment etc, and have no desire to change from this, it's the processing of the stacked data that I want to work on.
  9. Nice comparison. I agree that is quite a result for just over 3 hours with the RASA8 scope, the colour has really been captured. What about using the luminance of the Esprit with the colour of the RASA?
  10. Hi This must be asked a lot, and I've had a look at a few links that have been sent to me, but it's not going in at all. What have the other beginners followed to get onto PI? Thanks Adam.
  11. It’s printing away while I’m at work now. So far so good
  12. Tuesday night was an example. I got just under an hour of data with my OSC. At the same time I had mono cameras recording RGB, but I didnt get all the colours so couldnt make an image. But an hour is not enough to make anything that resembles a decent image from the OSC - so I'll revisit the same area with the OSC again. At the same time I'll have my mono cameras running, so will complete the remaining RGB data. Both OSC and mono will then have enough data to make an image - the mono based RGB will be better resolved. It just depends on your expectations and how much integration time you want to put into the images. I'd like to see images from a mono CMOS such as the 571 chip, from a fast scope to see if they are significantly better than the OSC equivalent. I suspect there wont be a lot in it.
  13. Here is my little 60mm Tasso scope, £10. Got a trip to London and showed friends the planets.
  14. Louise Thanks again, I now have it sorted. My figures were correct, and the amendments I made in purple were incorrect. What I did in the end was edit one of the existing Fusion360 thread files and just add my thread details into the existing ISO Metric profile (it went as far as M72x1.0) so now I have M72x0.75. Now to try printing it tomorrow. All the best Adam.
  15. Still doesnt appear to be working. I've attached a screenshot. Do you know what I would be doing wrong here?
  16. Thanks Louise. I’ll try a print later. I have an Ultimaker 2+ Extended. I’ll set it to 0.1mm layer and see how it fairs.
  17. I will do that too, will be easier to find it in the menus Thanks again for your help Louise. Adam.
  18. -<ThreadSize> <Size>49.0</Size> -<Designation> <ThreadDesignation>M49x0.75</ThreadDesignation> <CTD>M49x0.75</CTD> <Pitch>0.75</Pitch> -<Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>6g</Class> <MajorDia>48.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>49.4349</PitchDia> <MinorDia>48.0415</MinorDia> </Thread> -<Thread> <Gender>internal</Gender> <Class>6H</Class> <MajorDia>49.1291</MajorDia> <PitchDia>48.5879</PitchDia> <MinorDia>48.2831</MinorDia> <TapDrill>49.25</TapDrill> </Thread> -<Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>4g6g</Class> <MajorDia>48.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>48.4554</PitchDia> <MinorDia>48.062</MinorDia> </Thread> </Designation> </ThreadSize> </ThreadType> @Thalestris24 I've copied and pasted your and I think I've spotted the error in mine, I've highlighted it in purple. <ThreadSize> <Size>72</Size> <Designation> <ThreadDesignation>2 inch filter thread</ThreadDesignation> <CTD>2 inch filter thread</CTD> <Pitch>0.75</Pitch> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>6g</Class> <MajorDia>71.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.4409</PitchDia> this should be 72.4409mm i think. <MinorDia>71.0475</MinorDia> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>internal</Gender> <Class>6H</Class> <MajorDia>72.1201</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.5789</PitchDia> <MinorDia>71.2831</MinorDia> <TapDrill>71.25</TapDrill> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>4g6g</Class> <MajorDia>71.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.4594</PitchDia> <MinorDia>71.066</MinorDia> </Thread> </Designation> </ThreadSize>
  19. Thanks Louise. I've copied in the M48 thread details to this post. I thought if I just changed it to 72mm then would work, but from my initial attempt at this, it looks like the thread in inside and not protruding from the OD of my cylinder (if that makes sense). But I am new to Fusion360 having used it for 1 day in total, so I could be doing something wrong. M48 x 0.75 below <ThreadSize> <Size>48</Size> <Designation> <ThreadDesignation>2 inch filter thread</ThreadDesignation> <CTD>2 inch filter thread</CTD> <Pitch>0.75</Pitch> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>6g</Class> <MajorDia>47.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>47.4409</PitchDia> <MinorDia>47.0475</MinorDia> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>internal</Gender> <Class>6H</Class> <MajorDia>48.1201</MajorDia> <PitchDia>47.5789</PitchDia> <MinorDia>47.2831</MinorDia> <TapDrill>47.25</TapDrill> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>4g6g</Class> <MajorDia>47.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>47.4594</PitchDia> <MinorDia>47.066</MinorDia> </Thread> </Designation> </ThreadSize> I then changed the 48 to 72, the thread pitch is the same so I thought that this might work? <ThreadSize> <Size>72</Size> <Designation> <ThreadDesignation>2 inch filter thread</ThreadDesignation> <CTD>2 inch filter thread</CTD> <Pitch>0.75</Pitch> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>6g</Class> <MajorDia>71.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.4409</PitchDia> <MinorDia>71.0475</MinorDia> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>internal</Gender> <Class>6H</Class> <MajorDia>72.1201</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.5789</PitchDia> <MinorDia>71.2831</MinorDia> <TapDrill>71.25</TapDrill> </Thread> <Thread> <Gender>external</Gender> <Class>4g6g</Class> <MajorDia>71.908</MajorDia> <PitchDia>71.4594</PitchDia> <MinorDia>71.066</MinorDia> </Thread> </Designation> </ThreadSize>
  20. @Paul Gerlach Hello Paul, thanks for sharing your work. Can I ask is it possible to adapt the figures to suits a 72mm x 0.75mm thread? I want to create a OD M72x0.75 thread to screw onto my lens, with an ID M48 thread for a 2" filter.
  21. The only solace for me is that these super narrowband filters dont work at F2.8 *phew*
  22. Lidl have a 70mm refractor coming up for sale, it's £79.99. You wouldnt go far wrong if you wanted a new scope that is decent enough for a beginner.
  23. Beautiful. I never tire of looking at Orion. Great job.
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