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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Six panel completed, now to process it, it's a bit tight even at 2x3 but will have to do. Just a simple inverted test alignment attached below, reduced to 1000px wide.
  2. Lovely Dave, beautiful processing on both the widefield and closeup.
  3. Just to add to this, I also now realise I was trying to combine calibrated 2x2 Oiii data with uncalibrated 1x1 Oiii data, and for some reason APP disagreed. Incidentally, it did stack the same Oiii data when I turned off MBB and LNC - so it must be a memory issue.
  4. Thanks for the replies Ciaran. I did a bit of a step back and discovered two problems. The first was the working directory. I've sorted that and the Ha stacked 100% in a reasonable period of time. I had it at 14% overlap. I then had issues with my Oiii stacking. It kept failing to integrate - guess what - stupidly I captured the 2nd and 3rd night at 1x1 instead of 2x2 binning, so I have about 9+ hours of data binned wrongly. I took some more 1x1 calibration data last night so will try again. Pretty disappointed with myself for this error.
  5. Seems the problem was trying to process it with all the data on a memory stock 😂 Itll probably be pants also though lol
  6. No bother. Working now that I changed the working directory
  7. Cheers Stuart. It’s set to max RAM. I have 16GB which was all my budget could stretch to when building the PC. Might add more in the future
  8. I closed it down and restarted APP and when choosing the working directory realised I had been stacking from my 128gb memory stick not the pc hard drive. It has just stacked the 6 panels no problem.
  9. Thanks Lee, yes it looked not bad, could do with more data. I have Oiii and some RGB for stars as well, so plan to do a full image process when I get a chance. But APP is struggling with the 6 panel Spaghetti Nebula. The HH is only the bottom two panels.
  10. Cheers It integrated 5 panels no issues last week, the 6th must have pushed it over the edge.
  11. Has anyone ran into trouble with the mosaic function is APP? I'm trying to process a fairly straightforward 6 panel mosaic, each panel is from an 8 megapixel camera. This is the message I'm getting at the integration stage:
  12. The new focuser is working really well, thank goodness, and autofocus is fantastic. Collimation is still a little off, but reasonable. I've started a four panel mosaic of the HH, a quick test of the first two panels below, and I have just finished a quick two panel mosaic of the Soul Nebula, again just a test. 1200s subs, 6+2 on the HH, and 8+8 on Soul. Resized and attached below.
  13. It might be an 880 which were sold in abundance a while ago from an electrical shop. Identical to the 900 minus the microphone. Good in it’s time, very much outdated now though.
  14. Very nice Mick, all the best with the new camera, an excellent choice.
  15. I've watched this a few times now, and have just realised that the ejected plasma comes back down at the very top left corner of the video from 14 seconds onwards.
  16. There was some sun yesterday, and I left the camera recording 300-frame videos every 15s. After two hours I stacked approx 420 videos, and was really excited to see some sort of eruption around AR 12790. solar-activity-061220.mp4
  17. Thanks @Jonk hadn’t realised this update was available. I tried it night before and last night and it recorded an RMS about 20% better than my usual. It was sitting at 0.50” total, 0.35” per axis. Normally it’s 0.6”. I never really bother too much because I image at 2.2”/px so anything 1”/px or under is good for me. It will however prove useful though for my longer scope which images at 0.95”/px. 👍🏻
  18. I've started learning how to design simple astro parts and print them, but unfortunately I've hit a stumbling block. The smallest thread in Fusion 360 is M48 x 1.5mm. Has anyone successfully modelled their own finer pitched thread ie M48 x 0.75? If this is possible could you explain how to do it? I'm making a 72mm OD threaded part for a camera lens, to attached an M48 filter housing. Many thanks Adam
  19. Yes you can. I’ve done and I think at least 2 other members on here. It’s just right on the limit though and the slightest wind can knock it off.
  20. Amazing Richard. Collimated out of the box 😂🥰 don’t jiggle it around too much. Weather has been good the last couple of days.
  21. Agree with Michael. This is a more suitable OAG, and on I used myself with a 1000d. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/language/en/info/p2722_TS-Optics-Off-Axis-Guider-for-Canon-EOS-cameras---replaces-the-T-ring.html
  22. Fantastic collection of photos. I like the one with your daughter doing the classic ‘thumbs up’ pose 👍🏻
  23. After a lot of trouble, when does it ever end with AP, I got 3 x 20mins on panel 3, 6 x 20 mins of panel 4, and 3 x 20mins on panel 5. I'll get panel 6 done, then rejig the positioning of the panels to get a slightly bigger border at the top (and possibly bottom). The moon hurt the SNR last night, but beggars cant be choosers. Once I've enough data I'll do as Ciaran suggests as use the Tak to do a four panel background OSC RGB image. This is a quick stack of the panels so far just to make alignment is ok.
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