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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Dave. It was working before I fitted the JTD saddle, so most likely it's that. It's hand tightened, so I'll try what worked for you, and tighten them up just a little bit more.
  2. Lucky escape! I can see a few 1600 coming up for sale when people move to the 2600. If you can wait a few months perhaps. The 533MC is on sale now though so good value at just over £800
  3. It’s expensive, just sharing the link for you to look at 👍🏻 Though that 1600 isn’t cooled so IMO not worth buying for deepsky.
  4. Great start. I get NRs with my solar scope. The T2 tilt adapter sorted these with my 290MM but I still can’t get rid of them with the 120MM.
  5. https://www.modernastronomy.com/shop/cameras/cooled-ccd/qhy-cooled-ccd-cameras/qhy294m-pro-mono-cmos-camera/
  6. Bern at modern astronomy is UK retailer
  7. I've attached a gif of Oiii and Ha. It's odd how the Oiii frames are not correctly aligned with the Ha, as the night before I spend time meticulously aligning both imaging trains. I think the JTD saddle must have moved on the left to right axis.
  8. I've processed hashed what data I have so far and have overdone it considerably - lack of exposure time and total lack of Oiii 😇 - but I am very much looking forward to continuing with this one - more data and more control. 4 hours 40 minutes of Oiii (2x2) with the ED80 @ F6.37 4 hours 40 minutes of Ha (1x1) with the Epsilon @ F2.8 Data is split over 3 panels (2 hours + 2 hours + 40 minutes) All captured between 23:05 on the 25th and 04:08 on the 26th November 2020 There is missing overlap (the JTW saddle moved) between the Oiii and Ha. Another 2 nights would make a good dent in this. It is nice to have something specific to work towards for a change. I accidentally inverted the image and was amazed at how much detail could be seen in the billowing structure. Reduced size images attached below. Thanks! Adam.
  9. Maybe Amazon pays for a annual delivery contract and not 'per item', so it doesnt matter to them what size the box is? But I agree, I dont think I've had an Amazon item delivered in a correctly sized packet.
  10. It would be essential for autofocus to continue to work with mine, and of course focusing with a camera lens at infinity! Thats bad about manchester, I didnt realise you were getting it so rough over there. Although these businesses arestill open so would only be a matter of posting the items off.
  11. From reading both sites, it seems that JTW will move the sensor to retain autofocus, whereas Protech Repairs uses an additional piece of clear glass to do the same. From JTW: "We do not fit clear glass as standard to correct the autofocus, we instead correct the position of the sensor. This retains auto-focus without the need for clear glass, the reason for this is that it totally eliminates reflections near the sensor, which even with coated glass will still be present around bright objects"
  12. Thanks for the feedback, do you mind saying how long it took?
  13. A small improvement on the standard SW focuser —> a dual speed version
  14. Yes I remember seeing it now. A beauty 👍🏻
  15. Very nice image, I wouldn’t have guessed it was your second ever photo! What was your first camera and (therefore) first photo!
  16. Going through same quandary Mick. I was decided on a QHY mono CMOS but there is a ZWO sale at FLO and it has me tempted for a colour 2600. There are lots of members on here that know about CMOS so you will get plenty of advice. I like my mono CCD but have a few I finished images due to missing colour channels.
  17. Software - hats off to the smart IT people that develop and then make it available. Within software it’s got to platesolving, hands down still the most exciting part of imaging, it never fails to impress me, and I couldn’t image consistently without it.
  18. I would be quite certain it's a light leak. Have you considered not using darks, but doing a process called dithering during your light image capture?
  19. Thanks. I was comparing this to a panel in my own image of this region which has 3 x 20mins subs (in ha) at F2.8 but with a slightly smaller aperture.
  20. Amazing for a colour camera. What sort of subs lengths are you using?
  21. On the contrary Mick I really like it. There is detail in the PN and the processing is great! Plus I’ve never seen it before so that’s a bonus.
  22. Very nice Carole. To me that’s an excellent version and processed very nicely.
  23. Lovely textures, and looks fine in Ha David, cant wait to see the finished article.
  24. A reallly fascinating target that must be on every APs todo list. I missed it last year so trying it this year. I stayed up late waiting for the clouds to clear, and eventually got running around midnight. I've misjudged how imaging a 'sphere' translates to a flat image, and even with the 12% overlap, it is tight, and I may have to do another two panels or crop it. I did image Oiii at the same time, binned 2x2,with the ED80, but for some reason my JTW saddle has moved (left-right) since the night before (as I spent quite a while aligning it very precisely on Tuesday night). This means my Oiii panels are out about 300 pixels. I'll need to see what has happened here. Any input welcomed. I did notice it after the third sub, but it was 1am and I needed to sleep. On the plus side my Meridian flips and PHD2 seem to be working better, but I still feel the need to get up to check. Here are the three Ha panels, panel 1 + 2 are 6 x 20 mins, panel 3 is 3 x 20 minutes. No calibration data, just a quick stitch while getting ready for work.
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