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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. No worries, was just curious in case it was different. I find SGPro and APT both work perfectly, so when I switch to NINA, it's nice to know that it also delivers.
  2. Very nice, the banding has been removed very successfully.
  3. I cant view with one eye, tried it and the image just seems to become washed out / white after 10-20 seconds. It's weird but it's like when my single eye is focused on the image, then it starts to become invisible. I find with binoviewing I dont have this issue.
  4. I really enjoy bino viewing the sun in Ha. It’s the only observing I would do and i find it much more comfortable. The only downside was having to buy an extra set of EPs
  5. I've used similar on APT and SGPro, where it works out the correct exposure based on the camera/scope/light panel combination. Is this different? How does it turn off the panel for the darkflats?
  6. Good strong colours and detail here. Thanks for this. But it shows you how good the RASA is on its own. A very competent system.
  7. Cheers Richard. The colours for me here would definitely be at my limit of saturation.
  8. It a lot better but I'm not totally happy yet to be honest. I think it's still down to collimation. I'm getting 2 sets of parallel spikes on my stars, and although that can be a focus issue, I'm running autofocus routines and the HFR is as small as possible, so it's either collimation (or perhaps tilt). It's a bit of a bitch because the collimation mark on the secondary isnt round or small, rather it's an oval shape, and there is some room for interpretation of it's centre point. I'm going to adjust it today, and see how it's looks. If I could get a measurement of the secondary centre spot, I would remark it myself. I'll not derail this thread though
  9. Thanks John, did read that, was wondering if anyone on here has taken the plunge.
  10. Thank you Mick, appreciate the comments. Hope the new 1600 is working out well for you.
  11. Came across this as a replacement for my ED80. Anyone used it? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sharpstar-telescopes/sharpstar-94edph-f5-5-triplet-ed-apo-telescope.html
  12. https://www-nationalgeographic-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/photography/2020/12/longest-known-exposure-taken-by-makeshift-camera-forgotten-inside-uk-telescope/amp?usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D&amp_js_v=0.1#csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalgeographic.co.uk%2Fphotography%2F2020%2F12%2Flongest-known-exposure-taken-by-makeshift-camera-forgotten-inside-uk-telescope
  13. Just spotted this on NG too. Totally amazing. .
  14. Glad to hear it worked! Yes they were just to help screw it in and out.
  15. This is my first go at the data collected over a few nights recently, in 20 minute subs. It is a 2 panel image so in reality the data is a bit scant, with an average of 3 hours per filter per panel. It's drifted a little too far to the 'watercolour' look but I was too far down the rabbit hole to reverse out without starting again when I noticed it getting out of control. This was processed in APP, Starnet+ and PS, I did briefly try it in PI, but I'm just not ready yet lol. 5 hours 20 minutes Ha with Tak Epsilon 180 500mm F2.8 6 hours and 40 minutes Oiii with SW ED80 522mm F6.5 Thanks Adam.
  16. Thats a good diagram and article Fozzybear 👍 I tightened the middle screw on mine, that did the trick when it was loose.
  17. Epic, I'm very jealous clearly a very good investment that new scope.
  18. That impressive Rodd, I'm liking it so far. And agreed that it looks very detailed when you click into the larger image. I've a similar project underway, but my six panels havent got much more than these two panels. I think the join shows a little, but this should be easily rectified in the integration. APP does a nice job with it's multiband blending and local normalisation.
  19. Very nice. I bought an LPro myself for my FF Nikon a couple of weeks ago. First results look promising, this is from an unmodded DSLR, it’s noisy as only 40 minutes integration:
  20. Sorry I can’t help. My imaging scale is over 2.2”/px so the improvements haven’t been noticeable.
  21. There are quite a few on eBay, but mostly at around £45 from commercial sellers. However there were two from private sellers and they accepted my offers. Although I paid more than £16 😂
  22. Just bought both lenses myself abs am awaiting delivery. Yours look über professional indeed. Really nice job there.
  23. Ive only just got my mesu behaving itself after a MF a few weeks ago, as the dec was going out of control post-flip. I since have installed this new version, and the mount is still doing MFs properly, so from my perspective, this hasnt changed. But cheers for the heads-up.
  24. Thanks Richard - that will be useful for me as I'm just starting out with PI. I got my download book today, so am reading through it now.
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