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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I've just ordered the 2600M myself, and have ordered the NBX filter. It's optomised for a fast scope, im not sure what scope you are using this with?
  2. No problem, all credit goes to Monsieur Fozzybear @fozzybear for the link
  3. 100% tighten then enough so that it moves with the knob but not too easily. Good info here:
  4. I think this scope uses a crayford, in which I wouldnt expect any grease
  5. I’m a big advocate of the standard focusers on my SW scopes. I wouldn’t recommend removing the focuser, rather just remove the drawtube and check for even wear along the flat part. Then tighten up the screws to minimise movement of the drawtube. I do mine up really quite tight. I have 1.8kg of kit on mine, so a DSLR shouldn’t be an issue. As wulfrun suggests, you might not need to lock it, provided the tension is good.
  6. I find as you say Oiii > Sii > Ha. Ha for me is acceptable with the baader. Not that it matters now as I could never pay over £1400 for single filter.
  7. Is it the oiii that’s the big difference with regards to haloes?
  8. I really like this, great FOV, detail and contrast between the nebula and the background.
  9. Just looked them up - £1429 for a chroma 2" 3nm filter. Wow
  10. Just for information, there are three tablets in the camera.
  11. 1. The size of the filter does impact the image but not in the sense that the 2" is better than the 1.25" version. It is related to the size of your sensor and the speed of your telescope. If your sensor is small and the telescope is say F5 or slower, then you can likely just use 1.25" filter - cheaper and no impact on quality. If the sensor is larger or you have a fast telescope then you will need the 2" filters, as the smaller ones will cause excessive vignetting. 2. 35nm would not be suitable for good deep sky imaging, 7nm will give nice contrast and is what I use. 3. You often get what you pay for with filters, Baader would be decent. I have some Optolong Ha Oiii Sii filters that I like also, and seem very comparable to Baader.
  12. I’m a long term user of a 383L and this is something that I need to address 1-2 times per year. For me it is resolved by baking the tablets and then putting them back into the camera warm. I also the. place the camera in a sealed Tupperware container with silica gel overnight immediately after I’ve replaced the tablets.
  13. Cant believe I'm coming back to my list already - only two items now outstanding 😇
  14. I ended up putting in my order for the 2600MC this afternoon. I plan to use this on the Epsilon. I also ordered the M48 filter drawer, and the NBX filter. This decision was highly influenced by the recent amazing images from this camera and the camera/filter combo. I'll have a nice image scale of 1.55"/px too.
  15. I thought I’d missed a few days somehow and it was Christmas Day 2020 😂
  16. Thanks 🙏 I am feeling a pretty disappointed that the oiii isn’t useable until I get another clear night. I’ve tried stacking it in APP as many ways as I can think of and it’s just rubbish 🙈
  17. Just the Ha for now, unable to utilise the Oiii data due to severe unevenness in the mosaic panels and captured half of it unbinned inadvertently. Still it's only 18 hours of data that isnt being used (on a dual rig that's a bit easier to accept). This is resized version, because it needs another 18 hours at least. I added a bit of red, using NC actions in PS.
  18. At least collimation isn’t an issue (hopefully), spacing i can handle 👍🏻
  19. Thanks Dave. Have you used the TS version?
  20. Thanks for that Miguel. It’s looking like a really nice scope for me, at a reduced FL it’s fast enough at F4.4 and gives a good FOV. Decisions decisions.
  21. Very nice Adrian. I’ve tried it but it’s too large at 500mm to fit in the point, and without the point...well there’s no question about...it just doesn’t look as good.
  22. Very detailed despite the seeing. The 8” scope does a great job.
  23. I have a similar metal pier in a dome, and it's bone dry inside. How is there so much condensating if the dehumidifier is running?
  24. I find this image very interesting, because I have done a similar integration time using a similarly fast scope. In my decision to move to the above camera and same filter, I now have some data to sit down and look at very seriously.
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