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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. And I don't think I'm alone in saying that the reason I'm perpetually overdrawn is all thanks to SGL and FLO 😂
  2. Very nice, I'd be well pleased with that! Sorry dont own a UV filter so can't comment on that. Did you have the gain cranked up?
  3. You can use this online Field of View calculator to see hwat the planet will look like with your scope/camera... https://astronomy.tools/calculators/field_of_view/ For example, this is roughly the size of Jupiter with a Skymax 180 (no barlow) and a ASI120 with the ROI set to 640x480...
  4. I'd just add to this, if using a colour camera, especially from northern latitudes like Norway, I'd heartily recommend an atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC). ADCs counteract the smearing caused by the light from the planet travelling through Earth's atmosphere. The lower down in the sky the planet is the worse this smearing is. ADCs can be had for about £130 new or around £100 used.
  5. Really nice! Excellent at full res like you say👌. What kind of frame rates do you get with the 183 at full size? I've got the demo version of astra image but haven't really figured it out yet, I need to find a tutorial and make some effort to learn how to use it.
  6. And to finish... Clavius & Moretus. My personal favourite from this session.
  7. Next up.. Fan favourite Tycho. Same capture details as previous image
  8. Agree. All professional astronomy is now done at the computer, possibly thousands of miles away from the telescope. If today's youngsters want to be forge a career in astronomy they don't need to know how to physically observe using a scope, they need to know how to code!
  9. Had a nice lunar session tonight, bit windy but overall conditions weren't too bad. Churning through the processing at the min... first one off the line is our old favourite the Alpine Valley. 500/5000 frames. Fullerscope 8.75" F7.5 and APM 2.7x Barlow. Red baader filter, Altair GPCAM3 290m.
  10. Really nice images, just downloaded the full disk one at full size from flikr and spent a good while panning around absorbing the tiny details! ~Out of interest how many panes did it take to cover the full disk?
  11. That full disk image is a cracker! The 120ed really showing it's mettle there. I'd have been tempted to bring down the iso a notch or two for that one
  12. Probably the best starter scope! Many of us on here use them. It was my first scope in 2011 and it's the only one that's stayed with me since then, and not for sentimental reasons... It's seen off scopes that cost 3-4 times as much.
  13. ...And whilst you're at it, a high quality 8" mak would be lovely ta 😉
  14. Wowsers! 😍 Nice work! Looks like the kind of scope ming the merciless would use 😂 StellaMira = StarSight??
  15. Now that is a modded dob! Looks a bit steampunk... love it! Have you got another thread somewhere outlining how you've done the mods?
  16. Sounds like a peach of a scope!...Hard to beat a long focus newt. Tbh if you're splitting 1.0" doubles there cant be much wrong with the mirror! I wouldn't read to much into the star test
  17. I've just been reading about this new solar scope in Hawaii on the Guardian website, remarkable images!
  18. You've even got an integrated candle holder!
  19. That's a great deal,assuming all in good condition. I'd snatch their hand off whether or not I actually needed any of the items!
  20. Wow John you've pretty much had them all! I've had the Skytee 2, and SW AZ goto previously. Current inventory includes the obligitory AZ4 and the WO EZ-Touch, oh and a fullerscopes mkiii
  21. Good news! I've always overlooked Schmidt-Newts when I've seen them for sale so glad to hear they are potentially actually quite good I notice ENS have a couple of the 8" F4 versions for sale! 🤔🤔🤔
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