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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. This is weird.... an out of collimation newt doesn't produce oblong stars. What scope is it?
  2. For planetary and lunar imaging with small sensor cameras... no. The 2" is just extra weight (and the 1.25" ES extender isn't exactly lightweight!) I would only consider the 2" for visual use with 2" eyepieces, or if you wanted to switch to a DSLR to image the moon - in this case you may get some vignetting with a 1.25" barlow and the larger DSLR sensor.
  3. Actually... it does. If you tweak the primary collimation screws whilst looking through the EP the image will move around. If you tweak them sufficiently the image will move enough so that it is no longer in agreement with the image in the finder
  4. That's a really nice image! I personally use the 2x and 3x explore scientific focal extenders and I find them both excellent
  5. Loads of detail there, very sharp too. I'd really like a big mak... would be a damn sight easier to use in the wind than my fullerscope 😆
  6. Indeed... Barbados has great laminar atmospheric air flow, straight off the Atlantic. The air flows undisturbed for thousand of miles before getting to the island which makes for lovely steady seeing.
  7. Very nice pics Stu.. Tycho's rays in all their glory!
  8. Very nice! 5' aperture can really do a lot
  9. Just an FYI you dont have to visit that other site... Trevor also posted his excellent lunar images in the lunar imaging section here!
  10. I've just noticed your signature... you could always ask Peter Drew!
  11. If you cant source any off the shelf OOUK will make tube rings in custom sizes. Not sure on cost though
  12. Nice work. I agree that the plateau surrounding Aristarchus looks surprisingly square ish.
  13. Stacking doesn't give you sharper images per se, but the stacked image has a much greater signal to noise ratio, which them allows you to sharpen it more than the single sub. What are you using to sharpen the stacked image? Have you compared a sharpened stack against a sharpened single sub? In AS, how many alignment pointsare you using. Posting examples of your images is always good!
  14. Really good work! Great detail from the little mak.
  15. I really like that... very nice colouring. I really need to start capturing some colour in the noon instead of mono all the time!
  16. Excellent capturedespite the seeing, really shows the plateau rising above the mare. Really nice work 👍
  17. She's a beauty alright! Very nice image.. hard to get the contrast in the daytime but that looks spot on
  18. Yes sorry should have mentioned in OP. All 500 frames collected and 500 stacked. Some are mosaics of 2 or 3 panes. Cheers
  19. 11 is really good going! Dont think I've ever managed more than 4 visually. I grabbed an image of Plato last night and can just make out 11, possible 12. Might make a good reference image when you go craterlet hunting again!
  20. Another nice lunar session last night, just spent a couple of hours planning around the moon and grabbing videos wherever I felt like it. Ended up quite a productive evening. Nice high moon and not a hint of wind here. Seeing was good but not great. Good enough to whack in the ES 2x extender for some close in work. (First image is using a 224c with red filter, all the rest with 290m) Prinz with Rilles Gassendi Kepler Plato region Sinus Iridum Southern highlands
  21. Lovely! Good to see some results from the big frac
  22. Very nice work... a stunner for a first attempt. There's nothing better than seeing your image come to life when you do that first stretch!
  23. Top notch images! Well done 👍
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