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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Nice shot... its always difficult to get the contrast up in the daylight images. Must be nice to be doing it in the warmth of the sunshine!
  2. Have been playing around on the LROC site and made this... The lander is first visible at a scale of 4 metres per pixel!
  3. Is that the eq6? It is a heavy beast. There is another thread on here about a 3D printed cassegrain but it contains an image of a very simple home made scope trolley which may be worth copying! About 4 posts down on 2nd page
  4. Thanks Michael, yes I will definitely need to purchase in an external ssd drive! I was gobsmacked when I looked at the size of the first video I captured... shooting full size certainly eats up the bytes
  5. Well the kit I have didn't cost much to put together.... the scope and mount are ancient and tatty and bought of UKABS, the camera was bought refurbished from facebook and the laptop I rescued from the IT department at work! Altogether I think I've spent about £750 on this setup. The expense doesn't have to be never ending! Getting out there and practicing is much more important
  6. I have both the 2x and 3x ES focal extenders.... really pleased with them both though the 2x gets much more usage. Heard good things about the Baader VIP too which is more versatile and cam offer different powers in different configurations. Cant really comment on FC correction as my 1620mm FL newt doesn't have much. Is your camera chip that big it picks up the edges of the field?
  7. Nice image... some definite banding on the globe and even a greenish splodge at the north pole!
  8. I second that! Wonderful drawing, I keep coming back to the thread to look at it some more
  9. Beautiful! Really captures the visual 'feel' of the region in the EP. Really nice work... I'm quite jealous!
  10. Thanks all... I very nearly didn't get out of bed but I'm glad I did now. Just need to purchase a external hard drive so I can get the whole moon!
  11. Lovely scope, must be a Rumak design is it? Dont see many non-Gregorian maks around.
  12. Beautiful! The mountain range looks so different under waning illumination
  13. Nope definitely not just you...
  14. 6 pane mosaic captured yesterday before dawn, used up over 150gig of disk space! Fullerscope with 290m and baader red filter. Each pane was 5k frames collected and best 500 stacked and sharpened in imppg before stitching in MSice Thanks for looking
  15. Yes I know exactly what they're talking about, the lines of craterlets that look just like animal trails!
  16. Do you know what? I couldn't put my finger on why it looked different and you've just made me realise I've never actually been up early enough to catch the waning illumination before.... always been the waxing!
  17. Got up at 4am this morning to shoot a mosaic, intending to get the full moon but aborted after 6 panes as ran of of storage! Had enough left to capture this single frame of Montes Apenninus. Fullerscope with 290m and baader 685nm filter, ES 2x focal extender.
  18. Beautiful! Dont often see the Encke gap like that. Looks like a string of small storms just inside the darker zone on the right (lower image). D
  19. Incredible image at full size, more tiny craters than it's possible to count! I'm inspired to set my alarm early tomorrow and have a go
  20. Noce work, got some clear banding on the globe 👍
  21. Thanks both. The blue channel really let's down the RGB image, I'm going to try synthesising the blue form red and green and see how that works.
  22. Nice work! some crisp details there on the globe and rings. Is this at native FL to fit the moons on the chip?
  23. RGB captured last night and some IR captured tonight. Only got one sequence of RGB as dont have a filter wheel so have got the filters on the nose of the camera and need to swap them in and out. Major faff! Not much in the way of details visible but reasonably sharp. *Ye Old Fullerscope. GPCam3 290m, baader RGB and 685nm IR.
  24. Nice... You're more tinternet savvy than me!
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