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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Thanks for the kind words Altocumulus, Piero and Wouter 😃. I'm considering getting this one printed at around 1mx0.5m but I'll wait to see if I've still got a job after lockdown to see if I can splurge on it!
  2. Captured this back in Feb but only just got around to processing it... it's a 27 pane mosaic captured at 1620mm FL. Altair GPCAM3 290m and red filter. Each pane 3000 frames captured and 250 stacked. As3, imppg, msice. Resolution is 0.37" per pixel (650 metres per pixel) 8.75" f7.5 Fullerscope Newt on eq6. Clickety click for full res. Will take a moment to load as it's 25mb
  3. Pretty nice for a first go Wouter... nicely processed
  4. Have a look into drizzle... works well on harpening up undersampled images. Plenty image at F9 or longer... galaxy imagers with SCTs for example. Just have to be a little more patient!
  5. Yes as Stu says the blue/red fringing you're seeing sounds like atmospheric dispersion. Nothing wrong with the scope there.
  6. Sounds like internal reflections in the eyepiece or barlow if you're using one
  7. Some nice conditions here this evening. Had a 30 minute session capturing UV and IR. I hoped that the ZWO 850nm filter might reveal some cloud detail (over the 685nm baader) but no such luck so far. UV 50k frames collected at 65fps and 6k stacked IR 30k frames collected at 125fps and 3k stacked Combined with a 50/50 mix for green.
  8. Yes I like the second one too. You can also tweak the red and green sliders as well to tune the colour cast... It can be quite a fine balancing act though.
  9. Nice image! For the blue, go to adjustments>levels and select blue channel. Grab the middle slider under the histogram and slide it right to reduce the blue
  10. Nice work. Some good detail visible in the UV
  11. This thread is turning into pure scope porn!
  12. If you use AS3! It can handle much larger files (no need to use pipp to shorten captures) and you shoot in Raw mode It should automatically detect the bayer pattern and debayer the frames correctly.
  13. Do you mean RGB24? I didn't think there was a RAW24? If I remember correctly RGB24 means that the camera itself is doing the debayering. You really want to capture in RAW and debayer during the post processing.
  14. Yes I reckon that's atmospheric dispersion. The tell tale for AD is blue at the top edge and red at the bottom edge (the atmosphere spreads the spectrum with blue upwards and red downwards)
  15. That's a really nice capture I dont think conditions were the best last night, well at least not here in bristol. I'd point it at a star and see how it looks
  16. Amazing scope! Are you planning on doing any imaging with it or just visual?
  17. Better conditions tonight for the Fullerscope than on the 12th. Much less wind and cloud! Some decent detail in the UV this time round. Baader IR685nm 50k frames captured and 5k stacked. Baader UV 100k frames captured and 20k stacked. Green made from 50% of each. Think I need a more aggressive IR filter so have ordered the ZWO 850nm which is pretty cheap. Will see if that shows up any detail detail in IR IR UV IR(G)UV
  18. I also used 'hobby' felt for my heritage 130p, self adhesive I think it was. If you give the sheets a good vacuum first it doesn't shed much fibres once fitted to the scope where it remains essentially undisturbed.
  19. The criticism you hear leveled at moonlight is that the drawtube slips under weight. Is it possible that when used with refractors which are pointed up with the focuser pointing down, this problem is worse. However with newts where the focuser is pointed out to the side the full weight of the imaging train isn't trying to pull the drawtube out? Not sure 🤷‍♂️
  20. Yes I can definitely see some features in the UV there, nice one. Focusing in UV is really rough so to do it and capture in just a few minutes so no mean feat!
  21. You could buy a cheap case for your phone and glue that to an old dovetail bar or even a piece of wood. Put the phone in the case and clamp in, then align, then switch over to the scope (trying not to knock anything in the process!)
  22. Nice shots Steve, lovely and crisp. Is that 2000 frames stacked or collected?
  23. According to that diagram the minimum tube diameter for the versabase is 200mm. Will need some bodging to get it to fit the 130pds tube
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