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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. Here is an image of M2, not the one near Chatham, it was taken with the Moon about and me wanting sleep so not as long as I normally like for Globs, which is generally around 90-120mins. This is just 40mins and I guess not too bad. Normal scope, 805mm apo and Canon 40D but iso800 this time. Was rather surprised in this short run I had Biggles fly through frame twice and two satellites pass through which are include in the stack. I have to say it looks a bit lost in the middle, probably with extra data would crop fairly well, must see if I can get some before the 071 new toy arrives, which no doubt is being packed by FLO with cloud, storms and lightning. Hope you like it.
  2. I think that is a nice image, with this narrowband which I do not understand, I never know what colour things are meant to be anyway. Alan
  3. A very fine capture or should I say lots of captures, really looks like its name too. I imaging to improve on that just another million or so. Never seen this before, seem to be saying that rather a lot. Alan
  4. Great shot, one I haven't seen, not even sure where it is. Alan
  5. Many thanks for that, I just hope they get the e-mail in time about the IR/UV filter as there isn't a chance of getting one here. Alan
  6. I have ordered my new Zwo 071 from FLO and a transformer to power the cooling. Are there any tips a newish and not very bright (IT wise) guy can learn from you more experienced people. The question of the Gain, which I believe can be varied is one that I am bit worried about. I have also order a ADM duel mount bar so I can put my 70mmED on the mount too. How do you stop the mount returning to the home position 90 degrees from where it normally would? Alan
  7. I can't remember now if it was this or M57 as my first image, great start, do you intend to carry on. Alan
  8. A really wonderful capture, 57 hours hells bells, that dedication for you, 3 hours for me is just about enough then I get fed of seeing the same thing on screen. I don't think I have seen this before and you can see where the name comes from. Alan
  9. A beautiful image and one I can't recall seeing before, not as good anyway. Thanks for posting. Alan
  10. I have posted a good few myself as I have been learning this AP lark. There are some that are even a bit too far south for me that are actually Messier objects, I feel this M55 is about the limit as to what's doable or maybe a tad more on a really good night, this is about 17 degrees at max though most of this was nearer 14-15degrees. Alan
  11. This seems to come out different to my screen in Windows 7. With my amazing powers of observation I have never seen this section before. Similar to back in the 70's when I knew my cousin was a top record producer finding and recording some of the biggest names in music, I had 12 of his albums and never noticed once. That's a great help thanks. Alan
  12. It vignettes on the longer 35mm plus eyepieces. I know it does on my 41mm Pan and probably on the 35mm Pan, I don't recall the 31mm Nagler causing a problem. I remember also using the 21mm Ethos and others down to maybe 8mm, of which I would have used at some point. I feel anything under the 21mm will not be a problem, in truth the field of view is so large on these, you barely notice a slight vignette anyway. Alan
  13. I guess with it being rather small I have missed it, maybe my scope is a bit too short at 805mm to do any good but I may just have a try. Thanks all of you. Alan
  14. Must track that one down , don't seem to have IC numbers on my C du C program. Very nice capture you have taken. Alan
  15. I would lay money on it being top draw, proablby better than those offered by others, they have to be for people to pay the premium prices, they may even be better like reports that the DeLite range are super sharp, more so than Delos even. Alan
  16. Always feel I see a bit of bluey green in M42 Olly, which must be wrong judging by photo's even I have taken. Can't say I ever pick up the veil without filter, must try again with a lower magnification though on 1980mm X48 is about my lowest. Alan
  17. Beautiful shots, we had about 60storms in May and June, very much like this, now it's 40c Alan
  18. That's come out nice, imaged it the other night myself, still can't see the duck connection though. Alan
  19. Well you can by virtue of the Olll filter, about the only thing you can see real colour in is M42, I have never actually seen the Vail without a filter but understand it can be done. Alan
  20. Tend to agree with John, will I buy one absolutely not, still feel Ethos knocks the socks off the Nagler range. Alan
  21. Exactly the same as I was getting James, following the instruction. Ran it, settled and adjust, then it was twice as bad as before. I moved it in PHD 2 a little at a time along the line towards the circle and got it to 1 arc min fairly quickly. As said in another thread, checked it on 3 different stars last night and got the same result 1 arc min, I am sure that's good enough. Alan
  22. Almost died last night, as the moon was out and too bright for my liking I thought I would play with Polar Drift Alignment, almost died when I got the same result from 3 different stars, 1 arc minute, guess that is good enough. Alan.
  23. That's a rather nice take on the subject, is it me or is something not lining up in the data, for me is doesn't matter because I love the way the nebula is depicted with an ink on wet paper type of softness . I like it alot as a capture, must try this, seems everyone is doing it. Alan
  24. Very nice image there, always one of my favourite visual targets in the 18 inch. I keep thinking about this auto capture but feel I enjoy being outside, at least I can't hear my wife shouting at my son to go to bed. Alan
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