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Status Updates posted by tingting44

  1. i need one adapter to be guiding capable!! dam it lol cant afford anything else now till pay day next week, but by the looks of it going to be cloudy tonight any way...

    1. Daniel-K
    2. tingting44


      this one

      http://www.romancart.com/cart.asp?storeid=15307&itemname=SPC900 / SPC880 Adapter for Straight Through Finders &price=29&quantity=1

    3. Daniel-K


      AH i see, paypal do payafter delivery now so doesn't come out your account for 14days. just make sure you have it in your account in 14days

  2. loving all these lunar eclipse shots, cracking images everyone! :)

    1. Alien 13

      Alien 13

      I agree but I hope I have not missed any maybe later the Mods can group them somehow

    2. tingting44


      indeed, we need to get a showcase on the go :)

    3. hobsey


      I was going to post mine but it won't really stand out from the crowed.

  3. off to cue up for asda black friday!!! hope everyone gets some stuff today, ill be happy as long as i get my 40" LED TV :D

    1. hobsey


      Was that you I saw on the news fighting everyone off for a 40" LED TV?

    2. Luke


      Gosh, did you get the 40 inch Tele Vue? :D Hope you got a bargain! I got me some 15 year old rum, wonder if it can give the single malt a run for its money?

    3. tingting44


      loool no was not me hobsey. i was at asda's....very orderly, no pushing, 15 people in at a time, it was bliss, i picked up my 40" LED full HD tv for £139 so im happy :)

  4. new moon = cloud & rain.....you gotta laugh :D

    1. iksose7


      Or cry again... ;)

    2. SnakeyJ


      Looks like a gap coming through tomorrow night - worth a peep anyway :)

    3. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      tonight looks ok and tomorrow i will have to take the pst to work. as for the rest of the week ,no comment!

  5. WOO HOO!! cloudy tonight!!! :D time for some cloud watching, i cant wait :D

    1. ronin


      How do you cloud watch at night? It's dark, well except for the light pollution that would illuminate the underside a bit.

    2. tingting44


      only kidding lol i could not imagine a more boring hobby lol

    3. FunkyKoval35


      Hehe. No clouds for all day in Liverpool. Now, I see plenty of them going to cover entire sky - how sweet :P

  6. Mhhhh thinking of selling the 130-PDs and getting an 80ed.....

    1. jnc71106
    2. ronin


      Is this for imaging, transport, size, weight, clubbing moles, the hell of it?

    3. tingting44


      The choice is purely for imaging

  7. how come everyone has gone ISS crazy all of a sudden? lol

    1. emadmoussa


      for me ISS = I don't care :D

    2. hobsey


      Its just that time when it comes over often. Its just the same with planets, jupiter last month, mars this month. Just had my camera delivered so I will be trying to capture it tomorrow evening.

    3. tingting44


      lol it orbits 15 times per day so its not going any where, well it is......1 big circle, id get dizzy up there,,,,,not that id turn down the chance to go up there :D

  8. BIG changes for my astro setup............. :D

    1. hobsey


      Is it because you have got fed up with the guiding?

    2. tingting44


      Totally the other way round lol..... I AM going to beat this guiding lark!!! Just getting more efficient equipment....HEQ5 & QHY5L-ii :) :)

    3. hobsey


      I keep on putting off buying the qhy5l-ii. I will do soon I think.

  9. time for the HEQ5!!!! muchly excited! :D

    1. emadmoussa



    2. tingting44


      mhhhh you got me thinking about the NEQ6 now you bad bad man lol

    3. emadmoussa


      I'm naughty, aren't I?! :D

  10. i wonder how nights of the year we actually have a cloud free night? must be a VERY low % :(

    1. Pingster


      Very very few, thats why i recommend goto for beginners. Sometimes you have only 30mins of clear sky, and a goto can mean the difference of seeing somthing and seeing nothing at all.

    2. tingting44


      yeah its not as simple as point and click with the goto as i was expecting before i bought one, but once your use to it and the night sky its better :D

    3. Vince1963
  11. Wish the delivery driver would hurry up too lol delivery is stated from 10:58-12.58 but i got to go to dam baby scan at 12:00 grhhhhhh :(

    1. Moox


      That's a different kind of delivery!

    2. tingting44
    3. emadmoussa


      I know the feeling... :)

  12. have we got an APOD here? we should do...

    1. JB80


      There used to be a fairly big pic of the week or month section encompassing all the various imaging sections but this was stopped. It was really good but I gather it was a bit of a faff to organise.

    2. JB80


      I think the other thing is it can create a competition type thing and really some people are more sensitive than others, nobody should be afraid to post a pic because they don't think it is up to standard. All imagers are welcome here and I like that.

    3. tingting44


      yeah a pic of the week or month would be good, i can see it being a bit of a competition too, but that is a good thing sometimes, and your right all pics are welcome here

  13. finally got myself a dew strap and controller coming! not that ill need it now, but will come in very handy next summer :)

    1. Ant


      It'll be useful to keep the frost off too?

    2. tingting44


      good idea! :D for those frosty night when im out doing timelapse or star trail shots :D

    3. astronymonkey


      Id agree, now is a busy time for my dew controller with the damp autumn days and cold nights. I only get about 30mins without dew at the momemt unless I have my secondary heater on. And I agree witht the frost issue, 2 weeks ago at kielder my gloves were sticking to the frost on my scope but I managed all night wih a clear secondary.


  14. Canon's 7D mark ii is out this year, looks interesting...

    1. tingting44


      EOS 70D – March 2013

      EOS 700D – June 2013

      EOS Me – July 2013

      EOS 7D Mark II – August 2013

      EOS 3D – October 2013

      EOS 7D Mark II – New Sensor, 10fps, ISO 25600

      EOS 70D – Same Sensor as 7D Mark II, 3″ flip screen, ISO 25600

      EOS M2 – New Mirrorless

      EOS 1DSx – The big megapixel camera in 2013

    2. emadmoussa


      Ok, you're saying we need to go even more bankrupt?! :)

    3. Guy Wells

      Guy Wells

      I want to play!

  15. i think we should all do the clear sky dance for tonight like they use to do in the caveman times :)

    1. emadmoussa


      You kidding me?!! I already am...

    2. Daniel-K


      its worked clear ATM

    3. andyman


      think dance has worked for now clear skies here fingers crossed

  16. is brian cox a member on here? lool :D

    1. toilandtrouble123


      if he is, he wouldnt admit it, otherwise he'd be inundated with msgs from mental fans!!

    2. tingting44


      yeah i bet! lol i think he is amazing :D

      *waves if your reading this lol*


    3. toilandtrouble123
  17. might try and view/image the GRS for the 1st time tonight. just need to find out what time it will be showing :)

    1. tingting44


      i think ive found a time of the GRS tonight at 8:05pm, can anyone confirm?

    2. David Smith

      David Smith

      Have you had a look at sky and telescope website?

    3. tingting44


      i have indeed sir, i was looking at the GRS just a minute ago now, back inside in the warm while its collecting photon's now :)

  18. just looking on stellarium, kinda sucks saturn is nearly below the horizon :( did not even get much imaging done of her :(

    1. tingting44


      by the looks of it im not going to be able to see her again till FEBRUARY!!!! NOOOOOOOOO :(

    2. Qualia


      Tingting, it may sound silly but it might be fun to wake up early one day this week and take a peek at Venus and Jupiter.

    3. tingting44


      ohh that sounds great! id love to be able to spot my 3rd and 4th plantets :D when is the latest in to the morning you can see these then qualia :D

  19. woo hoo! :D my 12mm Meade illuminated eye piece come today!!! :D mhhhhh lol

    1. tingting44


      no more guessing where the center is for alignment cant be a bad thing loool :D

    2. Qualia


      Expect a few clouds as compensation for your new toy, tingting :-)

    3. tingting44


      haha qualia :) all this sun has taken all my dam energy away, wayyy to tired to get all the scope out, gutted as skies are clear :( i really need a observatory :(

  20. i swear there was a for sale section somewhere? cant find it tho lol

    1. Qualia


      Try classifieds :-)

    2. Ant


      You'll need a few more posts... 50 posts to view and to buy, 250 posts to place a classified ad. When you get to 50 posts, look top right.

    3. tingting44


      that sucks, surely that just promotes spamming? im not a spammer so ill just have to wait a few months to be able to even view, great!

  21. DAM IT!! missed the solar bino;s!! lol

    1. emadmoussa


      How could a sentence start with ''Damn'' and end with ''lol'' ? :D

    2. tingting44
  22. no visible ISS passes for a while now

    1. emadmoussa


      Don't you think you're making astronauts a bit self conscious?! :D

    2. tingting44


      lol, i was looking at the ISS last night, just wondering what the 6 astronauts were doing at that precise time....probably getting ready for the shuttle connection :)

  23. im really hoping my tax overpayment cheque is here next week, cant wait any longer for my HEQ5 :( :( :(

    1. hobsey


      Lucky you. All the years I've been working I have never had a tax rebate.

    2. tingting44


      type in "online tax checker" enter your details and u might be very shocked!!! :) i was with a grand owed to me :D

  24. what a beautiful sunset! :)

    1. tingting44


      DOH! ,,,,,, i mean sunrise lol

    2. emadmoussa


      :D :D :D Do you travel back in time?!

  25. nooooooooooo....1 more day till im back at work :(

    1. jnc71106


      dude i only got 1 day off you should be thankful lol

    2. tingting44


      Ah mate 1 day sucks! :(

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