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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Autofocuser can be fitted to fine focuser I have my auto focuser fitted to my Newtonian on fine focus they work fine never had any problems.
  2. This I’m sure is what Ivo is currently working on pencilled in for the next update I believe v3.90
  3. What does the framing mode do in sgp ? Apt has framing masks that you can create from your images .
  4. Excellent cheap solution Ivo I’m assuming you could add a couple of these together on a system to create a cheap powerful Astro processing dedicated machine space allowing.
  5. I think they will find a lot of customers jumping ship at $59 yearly when there is very good other free software available such as NINA , personally I use APT which has a very reasonable fee of about £6 which gives you any updates for the next year which is a fair fee .
  6. Platesolve on park position yes , I have never used solve ever, blind solve every time I use the Astap option in Apt solves in 4 sec
  7. All I do is platesolve from home and sync ,check it’s synced coordinates then choose target and go to++
  8. In Eqmod there is two boxes with Red Cross , press these to clear alignment and sync data now and again mount throws a wobbly clearing these and replatesoving usually solves problem I always use go to++ , I usually platesolve off home position too never had a problem
  9. Clear sync points in Eqmod and replatesolve
  10. Great for using as a guide cam no issues using my why guide scope , not got around to using for planetary yet , used via a USB 3port on pc , had an issue using latest sharp cap polar align not playing ball but had used previously with no issues eventually got it to work to PA and solve.
  11. M31 approx 12hrs after stacking 80% in Dss processed in Startools data from 2 nights 2min subs dithered , flats and bias , bias as darks .Nikon D5300 ,Tecnosky 70Q Quadruplet
  12. I find 6 second subs and iso 1600 work well for Astap solving in 4 seconds ,.
  13. Have you tried clearing sync data in Eqmod assuming your using Eqmod.
  14. I’d probably just use a repeater cable for now , usb 2 hub then when funds allow upgrade if required , if it works and does what you need it to do then stick with it .
  15. I used cheap Astrophotography, as said above both have good reputation.
  16. Stick to a powered usb3 hub as your future proofing , use a single cable usb3 from pc to hub , mind I run mine from shed to pier it’s only about 3m away and I have 12v power at mount for hub you don’t really want 240v at mount if you can help it .
  17. Startools using compose mode lets you load different colour channels maybe @jager945 can elaborate further.
  18. Is your cable fdti type ? Has power to mount got an iffy connection , is red light flickering at all .
  19. I was only checking the 130pds for collimating before putting up for sale , I have now put my tecnosky 70q 350mm fl back on the mount so hopefully capture some data on that better fov for m31 👍
  20. M31 Andromeda Galaxy approx 5 hrs data 130pds , Nikon D5300, flats and bias dithered , stacked in siril processed in Startools , focus went out a bit due to temp variation came out not too bad considering
  21. No idea but worth giving Siril a go see how that compares .
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